Andrzej Duda: (Sighs) When i remind myself during winter that we pay for "global warming" and look out the window, it pisses me off...

Donald Trump: (laughs) It happens that in New York we have snow and frost. Some global warming would be useful. It is a pity that Chinese people invented global warming to suppress our economy ... (inhales a cigar)
Donald Trump: (sound of patting on the back) Well said Armani ... We should think about clean and healthy air, and not waste time on some Chinese inventions with emissions.

Anyone wants full leaked conversation? I dont have time to translate from Polish language

Attached: xxxxxxxxx.jpg (1620x1080, 242K)

Other urls found in this thread:,pilne-wyciekla-rozmowa-duda-trump-tylko-u-nas-zapis-prywatnej-rozmowy

Wow so damning. Couple guys that think global warming is an economic scam talking about it.

You prefer another incompetent nigger, huh? Tell me the truth nigger, you want new model of obamaphone

I was being ironic, most people that have any level of critical thinking at all are suspicious of the Climate Change agenda. Especially anyone familiar with geology.

>you want new model of obamaphone
I could use an upgrade .

ale sosik nie, bo po co xD

Źródło: pizda twojej starej c’nie?

DT: And dont even tell me. I left outside once , and there was -25 celcius/-13 Fahrenheit
. Thanks for the "warming", Obama. (the sound of moving the chair) Sorry, I only have one in the office, you can lean on the desk ... You see, Alan, (the sound of unscrewing the bottle), that's why we did not agree on
these hopeless and harmful Paris agreements.

AD: I know how it is. I am ecologists. But I see it this way: if a country has 90 percent. of European coal resources, if the energy sector of a country is based in a large part on coal, speaking in this country about decarbonisation is heresy and is anti-state.

Its done mate. i did upgrade wirelessly
for you. Its waterproof and you can charge it in microwave,pilne-wyciekla-rozmowa-duda-trump-tylko-u-nas-zapis-prywatnej-rozmowy

fake and gay

Change your light-bulbs, dirty goyim.

Attached: zionisttrash.jpg (306x165, 8K)

>decarbonization is anti-state

wow, this guy sucks.

Start reading from "if" to the end and with some time and luck you will get meaning

I understand what he's saying. I disagree.

What does trump mean when he says, "its just like us with visas" . Like we're hooked on immagration and need to get rid of the visas? Or we're addicted to debt?

Ah Kurwa.
I´d rather believe a gipsy whore than some Polack crawling up Burger-ass.


Attached: 4c4a851b3c886cae.png (208x208, 55K)

only the AI has the codes

Nice source
Faggot ass nigger

1. You had this land cose you stole it in first way xD
2. Poland was the owner of that land for 5x more than dumb germs
3. It was given to us
4. Lets talk about reparations first
5. Then we can talk with your muslim trustee

>couple of guys
It's only the leader of the free world, but not my pwesident *screams at sky*

>trump smoking a cigar

Yeah right cunt

It's polish the onion

Oh that's fucking perfect, he doesn't really believe it but geopolitically it's absolutely the truth. Belt and Road is just a scheme to make China the only place anything dirty can be done, empowering it massively, it literally wants a monopoly on the right to pollute and profit from that pollution. Naming it after the Silk Road is pretty fucking obvious, they literally want their white man funded Shangri-La to return to them.

Attached: 1559920692957.gif (584x433, 1.04M)

>trump smoking a cigar


Attached: pobrane.jpg (272x185, 9K)

actually yeah, guy doesn't even drink beer, good catch

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This is what jews told you normie?

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Gay and Fake.

>inhales a cigar

Attached: 1524419740328.gif (480x264, 1.88M)

He meant usa have max200yrs with bringing cheaper work force through visas. I do not know how it was counted

>no source
Where do you think you are?

> source pic related, requires konowledge of Yiddish

Attached: 51okfZZ2I3L._SX350_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (352x499, 37K)

imagine believing nuclear weapons are real and that the entire cold war wasnt a joint global propaganda campaign to garner support for massive military spending and domestic surveillance.

Attached: 1559030076840.jpg (225x225, 17K)

OP is a faggot aszdziennik is site for fake/meme news.

Wypierdalaj Lisie.

have you ever actually tried to smoke a cigar?

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