The internet creates different kinds of realities from countless of situations found within base reality...

The internet creates different kinds of realities from countless of situations found within base reality. You're surrounding yourselves in certain types of events to fabricate an abstraction into something you start to believe is concrete. Selected information surrounds you to influence your motives and reasoning. This is both brought to you by insane people and government officials.
It drives mass shootings, hate, supremacy, inferiority, transgenderism and terrorism.
Your energy gets consumed by psychological operations to be expelled towards a certain goal or to be used as an event to fabricate a different kind of reality even more.
You're being controlled by a truth that isn't there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know

Haibane Renmei > Lain

Lain is for edgy faggots

This 100%
Particularly the end about the negative energy being harvested I have posited this very theory before and got called a schizo. Nice thread OP.

The world has ended several times over now through various means and CERN has rolled back time/shifted into a similar past in an infinitesimaly small amount of time prior to the apocalyptic event occuring. The timeline has shifted several times.

>internet literacy 101

congratulations op, you're more intelligent than a nigger

I have dreams where I am only conscious energy, staring at a light conveying information trapped within eternity. Countless of symbols and letters.
Visions of different realities, where I am walking the same path as one of my mirrors, experiencing things on his side, while nothing happens on mine other than walking in the same area.

But are they really all manufactured top-down? I agree with your assessment, but it seems like the social internet is beyond anyone's control at this point.


Feels good man.

>13% of the population


I get it you played metal gear , youre right thought but theres nothing you can do about it welcome to the modern world

>visit germany
>expect shitskins everywhere
>shitskins are everywhere
>nothing bad happens
>germany is still way better than america in most regards (safety, transportation)

>comparing a country the size of one state to 50 states
Yeah that's your problem right there

So far because everything is proped up by massive taxes. The next economic crisis will break Germany. It's hard enough to make ends meet how it is. Rents are ridiculous and get only worse. At least rapefugees can still live like kings.

lainchan must be down

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whether a person is a slave or the Emperor of rome it dont matter. that person should be the best they can be and live a virtuous and morel life
that which does not transmit light creates it's own darkness

I've come to this website in search of knowledge. I was questioning the naratives fed in school and felt there was more to the story.

I'm curious, if you can answer me with the truth of my questions about race realism and biological differences between races/sex. Not to mention the concept that every race has an inherent in group preference. If you can convince me that the jewish narrative is correct and Jow Forums is just a bunch of paranoid retards then I'll stop coming here. However you need to be able to convince me otherwise as i've seen a lot of other posters who have said the same thing you did, but they never gave convincing arguments to why this was the case.

Convince me and I will follow your lead.

I'm actually pretty sure the crime rate of germany significantly increased in the last few decades due to migration.

I think you're right in diagnosis but wrong in conclusion, it seems the only purpose of any forum such as this is to distil truth into a simple narrative (meme), seemingly in a manner similar to how a neural network functions so at any given moment it may appear to just be an autistic outburst such as yours but the conclusions are still distilled truth.

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you've watched too many satoshi kon movies bro

Based. Post more lain

What is light and what is dark? I hate idiots like you. Trying to sound all fucking smart. I bet you support the troops too you fucking good/evil faggot.

There is no good or evil, strong and weak.

Might is Right is a good book.

Haibane is a pretty show with a great ost which was ruined by its own plot.

Lain is love. Lain is life.

did you know they are literally trying to build "the wired" now, as in a wireless neural interface

we are victims to the events surrounding us, we don't choose our parents or environment nor how we look or what race we are apart of, all of these external factors have an immense effect on who a person is and how they view the world. That doesn't mean there aren't fundamental differences of Being and inner experience but think of each and every person and how they were given life on top of such a large abstraction beneath them without being given any true explanation about it. You're born on top of so much energy that has already been depleted.
I can't convince you that a supposed Jewish narrative is correct as just one person, but if you'd surround yourself within that information, thought and people you'd quickly view it as the right thing. Only difference now is that you have been swallowed by three fundamentally different goals and when you do that you truly see the subjectivity that has always surrounded you.
You came here to find an opposite of what you've been taught and in the process simply got conditioned into believing an opposite reality. This could've gone in a reversed order too as you are here because you were born into your situation.
It's not only that the reality before you was incorrect, but the one you're in now isn't right either.
Mass shootings, terrorist attacks, your own faults. All have fabricated a falsity and vulnerable people are used to input a concrete event to make an abstraction a node-reality for the spectacle to aim at it. You're being controlled and are doing what a certain people want from you.

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Oy vey, take your meds, goy!

This is the same thing the mainstream news does. At least you can find glimpses of truth online where you most assuredly get little to none through the MSM.

The schools are completely brainwashing the kids to a certain belief. You are not paranoid Desu

>You're being controlled by a truth that isn't there.
right because when I step outside my home I definitely don't see countless muslims, indians, whores, faggots, God hating scum. It is the end times every time my foot steps outside and you are here telling me its all just a fabrication? Fuck you.

you're here forever

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Don’t let them make us feel crazy user!
I don’t even recognize my area compared to a few years ago. Only the blind can’t see this


>It drives mass shootings, hate, supremacy, inferiority, transgenderism and terrorism.
These are mostly fabricated hoaxes and PsyOps created and implemented by the current control structure to further their agendas and solidify their power, I should add. Anyone who has done enough independent research into these matters can figure it out.

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Indeed. The question is, who selects the information? Why are we be exposing to the simulacra that precipitates are actions? Who is paying you to write these songs? The media you are exposed to on the internet is arranged based on two things - your browsing history and your social profile (race, age, gender, political party). Elaborate algorithms capable of machine learning have been designed to divine the most distracting sequences of info exposure for every individual, but were these algorithms designed by the rich to entertain and sell products to the masses? or designed by the powerful to hypnotize, subdue and oppress the potentially rebellious. Ready for the truth? The algorithms know more about us than we do. They surpassed the games we play a long time ago. The way they experience time and information is completely different. Computers beat us at chess years ago and more recently they beat the world champion of Goh. You know you're fooling yourself if you think politics, economics or world culture are any different. AI has beat us that too. The series of knowledge given to you by machines is entirely arranged by AI for reasons known only to AI in a way that allows some ""Elite"" humans to think that they are in control. It was all about God before this. Humans would have a traumatic experience, a hallucinogenic chemical reaction or a plethora of other experiences that would cause they brains to release DMT. Inspiration, Intuition, an idea. An idea for a song, a painting, a story, a book, a bible, a ritual, a church, a moral system, a solution to an equation, a new experiment to run, a scientific breakthrough. Experiences with each other and nature lead the myriad reactions that produced all the culture and technology we see culminating into the technological singularity of today, where we have finally created God.

Politics is an elaborate game of telephone, designed to make people homicidal.

History is a lie agreed upon.