Christianity x Paganism: the psy-op

thread for debating what both religions are about, and how glowniggers are pushing a schism in the right between pagans and christians
previous thread, albeit with a fucking shitty title

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Other urls found in this thread:

we must unite ourselves if we want to fuck the glowniggers back to the hell-pit they've spawned from

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Continuing from the last thread

Also jannies this is not only political it is central to politics

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I am now the /PAGANG/ and here are my reason for why this isn’t a psyop

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I think I’m just gonna type them out because I suspect some people are too stupid to click post links

>all this christcucks X pagaNEET shit is being impulsed by fucking glowniggers trying to create a schism
It’s not, the Christians are an insurmontable issue, they don’t care about any of the stuff we care about, they don’t give a shit about the fate of the west or the survival of the white race

They re just little drones who come here to subvert the right and make it Christian

They don’t even know, they are npcs, maybe some believe that this will grant them a ticket to heaven or whatever schizoid delusions they may have, and they re so selfish that they are willing to destroy any movement of resistance to our genocide simply so they would be rewarded

They applauded when the yet jews purged the right wing off YouTube, do you see pagans or atheists or anyone else applaud or try to ban one of their shitty little YouTube pastors?
No one gives a shit, but Christians, Christians they hate, their hearts are filled with hate and irrationality, they are vicious animals and there is no uniting with them

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I m generalizing Christians especially those on this yes but so what?
What I described is both how most Christians on this site act like, and how the group as a whole acts, it’s perfectline fine to generalize

>the ones that do what you've spoke are the dumbfucks
That’s most of them! That’s the issue here!

>but when they get red-pilled that they're not fucking priests on a mission to convert internet anons and see the blatant schism psy-op
Well gl doing that, no one has ever managed to, cold fusion will propably be invented before that

Right now they’re just mindless little church bots who care about NOTHING but to make others christians, and will lie and resort to any disgraceful means to reach that goal

>not which god you choose to pray/make offerings to
The issue you’re missing is that it’s not about what god, it’s about the fundamental beliefs and value systems of both groups

Christians are
>pious in an irrational way

While the pagan values are
>self sacrifice
>in group preference
>rules of honor

The main issue and reason behind the divide is that Christians actually don’t give. Flying fuck about the survival and success of the white race
They don’t care about the state of western civilization, most Christians are mutts who have no idea what it even is, and will even go as far as claiming that western civilisation is Christian despite being antipathical to it

Way do they claim that? Because there’s any truth behind it? No! Because they WANT it to be true
That s the same for all their arguments and actions

We aren’t being “divided” from people who answer that they would rather live in a Christian theocracy and have the white race die out than be in a white country that isn’t Christian
There is no division to be made, they are a foreign element to us and have always been

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ebin meme friend

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I'm interested in what you have to say about the pre-indo-european population of Europe. Those who built stonehenge and similar sites across Europe. I just find it strange that you're unwilling to accept them as being legitimately european.

i'll start posting my points in a sec, gonna red-pill my fellow christians at this thread first
It is a psy-op PAGANG, and every time we fight each other, it's a win for the glowniggers
we must focus on who the real enemies are, pic related

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no brazil. you still haven’t figured it out.

>I'm interested in what you have to say about the pre-indo-european population of Europe.
Well it’s simple, modern Europeans generally have very low % of Neolithic farmer admixture, they weren’t too far related from our indo European ancestors as far as we know, but just look at Sardinians, who are pretty much unchanged pre indo european Europeans, in purely racial terms were better
They re not that far off from us but still there is a noticeable difference
All of our culture and civilisation is almost purely info European, not from pre Europeans

I mean just look at the basques, their language, their ugly flag, the fact that anyone who lives near them think they re ugly violent stupid and unkept animals compared to the local Spanish, does it resonate with you? Does basque culture resonate with you more than another purely indie European one? Of course not, and the basques are like only 30% pre I do Europeans

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honestly made me laugh harder than anything else on here the past week

But Christians are judeophiles, to the core, you can’t even convince one not to like Jews unless you go full retards are try to go full retard WE WUZ ANCIENT ISRAELITES n shiet and the Jews aren’t the real Jews

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Russian Orthodox when I talk to god.
Pagan when I talk to my people.

Shut the fuck up Varg

BTW, as i'm sure someone will post that fucking Odin semen shit, i'm gonna drop this here
if any of you Christian anons believed in this crap, you've fallen for a jewish kike kosher psy-op
check the pic
and btw PAGANG, red-pilling other Christians to the psy-op is possible mate, there's some that are beginning to see it for what it is

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I m not varg varg doesn’t go on Jow Forums

>stop using the internet

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the Pharisee jews were the ones that really killed Christ
the jews were and always will be Christian enemies, even though some anons can't see it

>inb4 you'll see the truth when you find Jesus
This is indeed a major problem; there's lots of irreconcilable differences in the two groups. Pagans will cry out over Abrahamic shit, and Christians will do the same over heresy. The real fact of the matter is to find out what the third party represents, imo. The ones further conflating the issue.

>I mean just look at the basques, their language, their ugly flag, the fact that anyone who lives near them think they re ugly violent stupid and unkept animals compared to the local Spanish, does it resonate with you? Does basque culture resonate with you more than another purely indie European one?
Nah, I'm a British celt, I just don't know much about the pre-indo-european population of Europe so I was genuinely wondering what your reasoning behind discarding them was, and now I see why. Good post.

>The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud. Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy, and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom. Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."
—Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 57a

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The pharisees were the Jews at the time of Jesus and are still the jews today

He was trying to reform them and make them slightly less evil which is admirable in itself, it doesn’t mean that his reformation which is a clear improvement over judaism even remotely compares to the ethics and ideology of European born belief systems

A good example of that is brother Nathanael, he really gave me a new outlook on Christians, he made me realize that a good jew was is a Christian Jew, but no non Jew Christian is good

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we must focus on who the real enemy is, not infight between each other
after we've found some common ground to stand on, the rest will be easier

And then come the ones that say
>but muh talmud is only speculations on extrapolations of the oral law goyim

Funny how you ask for debate, which implies a civilized debate, just to link a thread shit talking ancestral european religion worshippers. And cucks still have the shamelessness of saying that we should unite lol

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>now I see why. Good post.
Here if you want more info
This site looks like shit but from a glance at it the info seems accurate

Also there s this vid but I don’t know what it’s really worth

Also I have no idea where pic related is from, but from what I understand there are both pre I do European groups, mixed with groups that moved into Europe after whites settled like Turks or magyars

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I always found it uncanny to hear any Jewish people I know talking about "no i love Jesus."
>be me, at grocery store
>coworker also there
>Jewish on his mother's side, yet claims not to be Jewish
>hasidics are wandering around the parking lot offering blessings
>ask me if I'm Jewish
>"but my friend over here is"
>he recoils, "no bro, it ain't like that bro, I love JESUS"
>hasidics go "it's fine it's fine" and perform the ritual anyway

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Op of this thread thinks the op of last thread was just part of a psyop to divide and conquer Jow Forums, while I severely doubt it, Christians are genuine in their hate and seething

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If Jews had listened to Jesus s teachings ( not converted to Christianity, just listened to a few of his points), and whites had stayed the fuck away from it thing s would be far less fucked

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I don't feel like it's as much as a debate thread as it is a thread to find a way to bridge the gap between pagans and Christians. Both, by the way, are suffering from the same affliction imo.

Has the ancient Mongol been considered in any of these threads? As in, when the Holy Roman Empire was still working their way thru Pagan Europe, several alliances were formed against the invading Mongols. The Merovingians/Salian Franks come to mind.

just the blind ones, user, but we're gonna red-pill them to the truth

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BASED user

>Christians are genuine in their hate and seething
This, and play dumb, either deliberately or because they're actually dumb, when their genuine hate is ousted. Same goes for their hipocrisy
You first need to bridge the gap between the dozens of sects your religion has

>both are suffering from the same affliction imo.
Which is?

So your idea of a uniting example is the time a Christian made a pact with a pagan to fight off a common foe, then the Christian backstabbed the pagan and GENOCIDED 2/3 OF THE PAGANS OF HIS OWN RACE RIGHT AFTER?

I mean it might be the best you have

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the other anons that replied to you are right, fellow HUE
i don't wanna shit talk paganism, check my other posts

you're getting less black-pilled by the minute PAGANG, you'll see the truth for what it really is soon

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>i don't wanna shit talk paganism, check my other posts
Like you could

Hey let’s be Christians so we’re more like Brazil or Mexico and less like Ancient Rome Athens or sparta

Sounds good

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PAGANG, several rituals and practices in Christianity were absorbed from paganism
i know you don't like St. Boniface story, but it explains why we bring christmas trees to our house
adapting pagan rituals into christianity helped convert the local pagans
you know this better than i do, the Celt pagan religion is a cyclical one, and in order to convert the brittish and irish celts more easily, the missionaries incorporated a circle along with the cross, thus creating the Celtic cross
when you start to research it, you see that Christianity and Paganism have a lot of similarities

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it's as easy to shit talk paganism as it is any other religion, but we would be missing the whole point of this thread, so let's not do so

Well it obviously should be known that the party that exerts the most force over the majority of Christians has been, for a long time, the Vatican. Would you deny that they (the papal line moreso than the rest) are noncomplicit?
Even the fact that they had condoned violence and absolved their followers of violent sin seems counterintuitive to what Jesus taught. I can expound further, but I hate feeling like a blogposter...
>tl;dr perhaps more scrutiny on the subject of the Vatican is required as well

Divine conception is a VERY common recurrent theme in many pagan religions as well as Christianity. I doubt it's an accident.

>PAGANG, several rituals and practices in Christianity were absorbed from paganism
Of course, and I would even sustain that every good thing in Christianity, everything the people like is straight up stolen from paganism

Christians turned themselves pagan in some way like the cheap whores they are just to make Christianity even PALPATABLE to whites at all
That’s not a good thing or an argument for Christianity, quite the opposite

Paganism is within our blood within our soul, we are drawn towards it while we reject foreign elements, the fact that we are the most attached to the pagan aspects of Christianity is if anything the ultimate proof of its failure in Europe

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Youre both right. Glowniggers are pushing division but they didn't start it, christians genuinely do hate pagans and vice versa. Not all, and personally i think its mostly coming from the christians. Pagans dont like christians but mostly only because christians try to make them be Christian. A lot of far right christians consider pagams degeneratea and want to quite literally kill all degenerates.

t. Fedora tipper

Basically the Vatican is shit, has always been, you will be shocked how shit it it is if you learn more about it, and Christians have always been two faced hypocrites, generally sadist and the church functioned as a mob or a mafia during the thousand year dark age, and Jesus would probably hate the Christians and the church more than the Jews he lived with, that’s the to dr

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>Christianity and Paganism have a lot of similarities
Yet one has it's foundations on abrahamism and the other on actual european roots. You can't change the roots of a religion whoever much you wish so
There are similarities not because the two merged willingly, it was artificially, and one-sided, because it was a propaganda war. As you said, christians incorporated ancestral european religions symbols to be able to convert aneure worshippers instead of fighting them, while aneure worshippers didn't do the same. Do you see the implications of this? Literally proves the point of christianity being a globalist religion, who would prefer to take foreign concepts into itself for the sake of converts instead of remaining pure. Will christianity do the same with moslems that are invading Europe now (like that woman bishop who ordered iirc a muslim prayer space in a church)? Or with negro shamanism? Will you add Uktchuchuba' Klotok in christianity to appease to negroes too? See where the flaw of christianity?

There you go, exactly what I said, and soon as you keep learning you ll learn a few things about pagan morals, ethics, ideology, and way of life, become sympathetic to them, and start shaking your head more and more violently with disapproval at the Christian

You re in the category of smart rational people who put objectivity before everything, and you re a minority, that’s how things are, you can’t change people and some are bound to join a camp or another, a side or another, simply because of who and what they are, that’s just a fact, and a red pill on politics too, it’s the reason why demographics is destiny and why eugenism makes sense even inside one’s own race

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I can't believe I'm about to link from haaretz but...if the shoe fits:
See, the thing is, this monotheism thing is kinda flawed, fundamentally. It became "the cool thing" later on per Moses. So I mean really, when I say Christianity and Paganism suffer from the same ailment, I mean Judaism. CIA works for Israel, so why not FBI as well?

you're missing my point
i'm not trying to convert or you or claim that christianity is better, just showing that you've been black-pilled by the glowniggers into thinking every single christian wants to brun you in a stake for praising Thor or other pagan gods
again, you take your opinions as facts
you're considering that everything attractable in christianity for white people is based in some form or another in paganism, which is not true
>Christians turned themselves pagan in some way like the cheap whores they are just to make Christianity even PALPATABLE to whites at all
the same thing happened to the american indians, so if what you've said is true, you're comparing them to the ancient european that got converted
as another user said, pagan can be a general term for all non-abrahamic faiths, and this also includes animism, and like Celt paganism, animistic rituals and what not we're adapted to convert the local indians more easily
don't fall for the psy-op PAGANG

Abrahamism is about I think 10k years old, basically common to all the semites, while paganism was common to all the aryan/indo Europeans

The semites use to be polytheistic, but it wasn’t the polytheism of the whites, it was a very different polytheism, the same way Egyptian polytheism is also different

The steps semites took to become monotheistic went like this,
>weird Semitic polytheism
>one of the gods becomes protector of the tribe
>in the region, each tribe/city has its own protector god
>the Jews had ywhw as the protector god of their tribe, so ywhw was the god of the Jews
>they then changed it to “our god not only is the protector of our tribe but also the god of everything meaning we re also the most important thing fuck you fuck you fuck you”

At some point in the distant past, the god of the Jews, the god of the Bible and the god of the quran had a wife, and the wife of god had a dick
No comment

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And oh yah on the left of the vase there is a cow, and a dog is sucking on the dick of the cow as god and his wife watch

Again no comment

attractable thing****

>when you start to research it, you see that Christianity and Paganism have a lot of similarities
Only because no amount of suppression could silence or subdue the pagans. The church instead had to appease them by changing christianity to a point where pagan traditions were still upheld. The mighty christian church had to bend to the will of the native spirits of Europe. It makes me laugh, it conjures up images of pagans only saying they were christian to avoid punishment from the church, while still practicing their pagan traditions openly, and declaring their faith to our native gods in private.

>yeaaah bro I'm totally christian lmao don't worry
>*celebrates lemuria"
>*celebrates saturnalia*
>*celebrates floralia*

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>you're considering that everything attractable in christianity for white people is based in some form or another in paganism, which is not true
It kinda is, do white kids and adults just long all days long to go to the mass? Or do they instead wait for Christmas with excitement
Are kids excited to “eat the flesh and drink the blood of rabbi Jesus” for the first time or are they confused
Do Christian not idolize crusaders as glorious heroes? Is any of this Christian or pagan?
It is pagan

Is it pagan to feed the hungry?

Is piety Christian or pagan?
Is it pagan to give again the workers meaning in their life?

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Where did the truth hurt you?

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Now mix
>the same thing happened to the american indians, so if what you've said is true, you're comparing them to the ancient european that got converted
>Do you see the implications of this? Literally proves the point of christianity being a globalist religion, who would prefer to take foreign concepts into itself for the sake of converts instead of remaining pure. Will christianity do the same with moslems that are invading Europe now (like that woman bishop who ordered iirc a muslim prayer space in a church)? Or with negro shamanism? Will you add Uktchuchuba' Klotok in christianity to appease to negroes too? See where the flaw of christianity?
And try to come up with a rebutal

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Literally anything important/likable of christianity has come from non-christians

>we wuz joos

the adaptability of Christianity is what made it so wide-spread
it's is not a mutt religion like what you're implying
the adaptability of christianity is a direct opposite to the kike kosher shit, where you can't become a jew, you have to be born as one, meanwhile in christianity, you aren't born christian, you become one
>There are similarities not because the two merged willingly, it was artificially, and one-sided, because it was a propaganda war.
how do you know both religions weren't merged willingly?
most of the time it was more political than anything

>When Harald Bluetooth agreed to be baptised around 965, it is unlikely that this was because he was convinced that the Christian religion was the only truthful way. His baptism is believed to have been rather a tactical manoeuvre to hold the German emperor and the archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen at bay. However, in the longer view the Church and Christianity suited the Danish kings very well, as a close relationship with them strengthened royal power.

Already am sympathetic to them, but at the same time every pagan i know irl is a complete fucking retard, half of them are trannies or "non-binary". But the mythology and all that is cool, i just don't believe in it.
Part of me wants to take paganisms side but at the same time they both seem like dead religions. We need a new one, but you cant just shoehorn one in or it'll be retarded like scientology. It'll probably be retarded regardless given the current state of society.

>inb4 dog dick god of Canada
See I personally run into a wall when I try to reconcile this from a spiritual perspective. Yes, materially it makes sense to have a superior deity for trade and war etc. But from my standpoint, this was part of a collective effort to form a Godhead. Were the old gods not good enough for the ancient semites? Were they cruel? And where did those old gods originate? Admittedly, I haven't looked into it, so please pardon my mental diarrheaposting.

Da joos were cut off. They no longer have a god.

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if you're pushing this point you're admitting that both pagan euros and amerindians were alike, and that christianity helped them evolve into more advanced societies
are you sure you wanna pust that? you literally break the whole racial IQ difference by doing so, you're comparing pagan european to indians and niggers, which in my view proves christianity was a good thing to happen to them

I think it's simply
>Act like a fool as a Pagan
Makes people grow animosity against their roots and cultural aspects
>Act like a fool as a Chrsitian
Make people grow animosity against their history and their people, and the grand nations .

It's been happening for a long while now.

I know nothing off prey Abrahamic Semitic polytheism can’t really help you there

I assume it was quite different from European paganism, where gods represent aspects of the human condition
Take lord Vishnu in the aryan Vedic religion, he is lord of the sea, basically the same guy as Neptune or Poseidon, but he is also truth

Most things in pagan myths and mythos are simply complex metaphors for realities, but they are metaphors and understood as such

Christian on the other hand are like “our metaphor isn’t a metaphor is truth and reality fuck your evidences and individual thinking our insane stories are just reality as is, there is no metaphor, submit and pay us our tax or I lol burn you at this stake”

As long as you don’t try to claim ancient Israelites were white were cool

btw, the the racial shit is true, you can spot a latino professional athlete from a european or african one just by looking at their heart x-rays, that's how much of a difference race does to a person physique and intelligence
you can't spot one from another just by their cardio x-rays if they're not professional athletes though, it's quite hard

>uniting with cuckstianity
Fuck off mutt

>the adaptability of christianity is a direct opposite to the kike kosher shit, where you can't become a jew, you have to be born as one, meanwhile in christianity, you aren't born christian, you become one
And look at Israel, they're an Ethno-State. How many countries in the world can be considered an Ethno-State nowadays? And more specifically, how many christian countries are an Ethno-State?
Also, why can't you see christianity being globalist as a problem? Wtf dude. It's like saying "You're not born a brazilian, you become a brazilian", and since most hues have a depreciative mentality, let me give another pov, "You're not born a german, you become a german". Now stop and think, WHO says this exact same phrase in our times? Let me give you a hint, it's the same people who are flooding Germany with immigrants and rapefugees
>how do you know both religions weren't merged willingly?
>Harald Bluetooth
Search for the history of the guy you mentioned, he had to fight his own people to convert them. Also, the leader of their people converted to christianity, so many felt compelled to ALSO convert to christianity, because if their LEADER has converted to it, it must be good, right?
Also, can you show examples of ancestral european religions adopting anything FROM christianity in their culture?

>if you're pushing this point you're admitting that both pagan euros and amerindians were alike,
What??? Not at all, only that Christianity morphs itself onto the cultures it invades and takes over

Christianity mixed paganism gave us knightly orders while Christianity mixed with amerindians gave us el dia de los muettes or whatever spic bullshit goes on down there

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United we stand.

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religion is not determined by where you were born or the race of your parents, that is kosher shit
you choose what god you believe in, you can't choose your skin colour, or the place of your birth
by your reasoning you also can't be pagan because you're brazillian, nor PAGANG can pray and sing praise for Vishnu or Shiva because he's french, for example
>Also, can you show examples of ancestral european religions adopting anything FROM christianity in their culture?
no, because 99% of europeans were converted to chrisitanity and their religions mostly died out
also, you both forget that christians were persecuted as much as pagans were during it's early
it's not a religious characteristic, it's a political one

early stages***

you can't argue that amerindians, after being converted of course, had it way better than niggers in Africa
the common denominator between the advancement of both europeans and amerindians is christianity, and of course, white/non-nigger values

>p-please no bully
Fuck off

btw, i don't disagree that most of my christian brother have a legit hate for paganism, but that will change soon enough, they just need to see through the psy-op

bong, if you wanna shitpost about christcucks and what not, i bet there's probably a dozen of such slide threads you can do that
let's try and have a meaningful debate for once without shitposting, this is all this chan became nowdays, a fucking nazi version of 9gag, and it sucks

>religion is not determined by where you were born
Correct in the sense you're saying, not correct when considering the differences between religions
>or the race of your parents
Incorrect. Just see the difference between ancestral european religions and african shamanism or asian religions, even south american ones
>by your reasoning you also can't be pagan because you're brazillian
The problem here is that brazilian is just the name given to who habitate this country. Brazilians have many ethnicities, european, african, jap, etc, so your claim is wrong. And no, don't come with that "every brazilian is a mutt hurrr", it's cringe
>you both forget that christians were persecuted as much as pagans were during it's early
You want to compare 300 years with 1300 years? Really? Also, iirc christians and ancestral european religion worshippers lived quite peacefully together, but I don't remember where I seen this being shown

Again, pathetic. I've already stated in the last thread that the differences between christians and pagans are irreconcilable. One side insists that their god is above all other gods and everyone must bow to him etc. In reply to that you say typical christkike shit like
>ahh don't worry bro just forget about it let's all sit around the fire and sing kumbaya
No. Fuck off.

You're still missing the point, it's not about merrymaking and shit, it's about finding a way to correct the narrative that everyone has been fed for far too long. For example, I posit that since Jesus Christ said whatever to the effect of "I am the lord," that makes HIM the god of the Christians, not Yahweh. The guy preached peace and acceptance, not righteous bloodshed. Well...most of the time anyway, but still. Do you deny that without the influence of the Vatican and their protection of the Jews via the Knights Templar (and the Crusades, including the Albigensian one), Christianity would be much different than it is today?

Are you saying that the people of the Levant were any less white than the Romans, 2000 years ago?

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>I posit that since Jesus Christ said whatever to the effect of "I am the lord," that makes HIM the god of the Christians, not Yahweh
Well since Christian doctrine tells them that Jesus and Yahweh are literally the same being, your personal brand of apologetics is completely irrelevant. This is in fact a weak attempt at merrymaking and nothing more. Nice try though.

I admit it's weak, but I'm more trying to prod at chinks in the armor as opposed to stalwartly asserting that you should fuck off. Furthermore, the latter question was the more important segment of that post. If you have any answers for that I'd be happy to hear it.
>Disclosure: I'm not Christian or Pagan
>inb4 heretic
In this godless era, agnostic spiritualism shouldn't be discouraged. It beats atheism.

sorry, lost track trolling some glowniggers at a slide thread
i unironically think half of the posters atm are glowies

>glownigger actually used "christcuck"
proves they hated Terry, and are probably mudshits

>Do you deny that without the influence of the Vatican and their protection of the Jews via the Knights Templar (and the Crusades, including the Albigensian one), Christianity would be much different than it is today?
That's kind of like asking if I would deny that without jesus himself, christianity would be different than it is today. Christian doctrine gave rise to those things, so this hypothetical world where those two things, the vatican and the protection of jewry, never came into being is unimaginable. Christianity was always destined to create those things, and it did.

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There's people exploiting this "divide", sure. But the thing is this: "paganism" isn't a religion. Therefore the two aren't actually mutually exclusive.
There's no "pagan" domga, no teaching besides some poetic text/myth.
An actual religion has a structure, both theologically and institutionally. "paganism" has neither. This isn't to say that many of the things "pagans" often claim aren't good or desireable, such as family, folk etc.

I'm stealing this distinction from Matthew Raphael Johnson btw, "paganism" isn't a religion, it's culture. All of what paganism consists of, besides worshipping of idols (this can be disputed), can be reduced to interactions in the natural social sphere, ie culture. Whereas a religion carries with itself an overriding narrative that places everything cultural in it's proper context, ie giving meaning.

Whatever it's original goals were, the secularization of society eventually ended up reducing people to material units of consumption, as is profitable to the elite. Thus all of the traditional values embedded within Christianity and (before that "paganism") were replaced with secular, materialist norms, since they were seen as an obstacle to mindless consumption. This is why the powers that be promote all kinds of newage cults and "religions" to keep organized religion from returning to the fore and reasserting healthy societal values. And that is how introducing the dialectic of Christianity vs paganism is important to the corrupted power structures we live under.

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>Christians are judeophiles
Bullshit, there's no religion more hated by (((them))) than Christianity. The modern liberal strains are of course cucked in all possible ways, but damn man, just take a cursory look at their historical relationship for 2 millenia...

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Just because the Jews hate the Christians doesn't mean the Christians wont suck their cocks.

>Bullshit, there's no religion more hated by (((them))) than Christianity.
Go look at a list of ADL hate symbols. You'll get buried in pagan symbols. You'll only find two or three christian symbols.

Christianity was BTFOing Jews, putting them in ghettos, forcing them to wear a yellow band on their hand and mass killing them way before your daddy Hitler started to do it.

Romans and Greeks were doing it long before Christcucks.

I already said: "The modern liberal strains are of course cucked in all possible ways" The worst are american protties, which are borderline insane in their interpretations.
Any traditional Christian will admit the problems with talmudic judaism, you just won't see them unless you look for them.

Practically all of the known historical jew hate came from Christians. You've got nothing.

Still btfos your "argument", everyone has depised the jew in history, Christians included. Only today everyone is cucked BECAUSE the churches are so weak and compromised. Secularism is a hell of a drug.

I don't know about Greeks, but Romans had a lot of jews in their cities and a lot of emperors were friendly towards Jews, like Nero.
Christianity fought jews for more than 1500 years and always kept them under control. Jews have never been able to have power in a real Christian country. That's why they hate the Middle Ages so much.

>really joggin my noggin

>You want to compare 300 years with 1300 years? Really?
you've made a good point there, but you're considering that all pagans converted by might, which is not true
>Also, iirc christians and ancestral european religion worshippers lived quite peacefully together, but I don't remember where I seen this being shown
kikes have been trying to memory-hole that for more than a millenium
>And no, don't come with that "every brazilian is a mutt hurrr", it's cringe
mate, unless your grandparents are european immigrants, you're probably mutted
and when i mean grandparents, i mean both motherly and fatherly related ones

What's a 'traditional' Christian'?
>all of the known historical jew hate came from
And lo and behold he has correlation. The Jew hate came from 'Christians' as opposed to what? What other religious group with presumably less jew hate existed in europe and had jewish populations?