Legality of Incest

Should incest be legal or illegal? Do individual rights to engage in sex with another consenting individual trump the negative societal consequences?

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Have sex

Should be illegal in all cases. Opposite sex incest produces mutant babies. Same sex incest will always have an unhealthy power dynamic.

Should be legal. Any child conceived forcefully aborted by the state

It should be legal. The chances of incest producing handicapped offspring is neglible unless incest happens over several generations. As for the negative societal consequences, if those were considered a valid argument, homosexuality, relationships with an age gap, unmarried couples and interracial couples would have to be outlawed as well.

BTW, your map is wrong. german law only prohibits vaginal penetration (only with vaginal insemination according to some - the law refers to "completing intercourse", which isn't defined) with siblings or direct descendants among adults. any other sexual act or sex with relatives that aren't in direct line (half-siblings, cousins etc) are legal.

>Opposite sex incest produces mutant babies.
in like 0.5% of cases. On the other hand, sex between americans produces mutants in 56% of cases. Are you going to outlaw your own people?

>unhealthy power dynamic.
Incest risks your family dynamic and destroys your emotional support by ruining one of the few relationships you've got.

>Government interfering with family affairs - good.
Strange hearing that from an American.

Illegal. Fucking obviously. And this "for same sex siblings" shit should be double illegal.


Nice try,

>homosexuality, relationships with an age gap, unmarried couples and interracial couples would have to be outlawed as well.
Pic related, but unironically.

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Fucking Irish faggots

I don't understand making it legal for minors. If anything you'd think it would be a case of incest not mattering as long as both parties are consenting adults

Incest creates deformed and disabled children.
1st cousin marriage in the middle east and north Africa is common and birth defects are at very high rates.
Try to find someone entirely unrelated, from at least 500km away to have kids with.

It's the purest form of love.

because in several countries in europe sex is legal sooner than a person becomes a "full adult", for example the age of consent is often 15.

>legal for minors


Italy, Ireland and Greece...
C'mon just make it illegal.

To be honest it makes sense in Irelands case as it's not like you can make retarded incest babies from homosexuality.

fair enough but still weird law

look at the Rothschild family business charter, which demands incest or you're out of the business


>Legal for minors

Why are Germans so perverted?

>C'mon just make it illegal.
Compelling argument.

>Legal If it doesn't prompt a public scandal.
That is the most Italian thing I've heard all week.

Is it though? Americans are statist cucks for the most part. Please cleanse us with fire.

since incest is illegal in most countries because of the potential deformed child that could come out of it, should heavily disabled people not be allowed to have children? dont get me wrong im not talking about forced sterilization, but it would be constitutionally forbidden

Degenerates. And Berlin is a shithole.

Red Blue and Yellow are officially meme countries.


I second that notion....based.

Mfw nigger families dont even know day dayday.

Mfw aids was a godsend.

But they let them .....

I think incest people should be jailed and their children incinerated. But that’s just me.

What the flying fuck Germany?


same sex incest? ohly racp