You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our people

You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our people.

How can two mortal enemies live under the same roof? We can't. We must separate. A Black Nation for us, a White Nation for you.

My only demand is that each year you will send us $1.5 billion to be used as reparations for the Black Nation. This is our reparations. If you do this, we will respect your right to existence. But only if you pay us by the tax

The tax must be paid or else death and destruction will be coming your way. Choice is yours, White Boy.

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God your shit is boring.

You can have louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama south of Montgomery.
We’ll just detract the annual jew tax to pay you to stay within your ethnostate.

Why do we bake cookies and cook bacon?

the past 70 years has been jews forcing blacks and whites to live together
let us hope the next 70 rids us of both problems

That is also apart of the contract. You will hand over all southern states + $1.5 billion reparations. We will respect your rights to existence only if you pay the tax.

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>My only demand is that each year you will send us $1.5 billion to be used as reparations for the Black Nation.
Some estimates put reparations cost at 14 trillion.

Now you've changed my mind. The reparations is now changed to $14 trillion + the hand over of the south. Thanks for your willingness white boy.

>the average american black is significantly better off than any actual african
afaic that is your reparations.
now stop larping

>My only demand is that each year you will send us $1.5 billion to be used as reparations for the Black Nation.
nigger we will send a bomber with 1.5 billion USD worth of bombs so all your problems with resolve themselves very quickly.

Niggers don't even have boxing champs anymore hehe

>mortal enemies

Don't equate yourself to me, you and those like you are on equal footing with vermin.
To consider a rat to be my mortal enemy is laughable.

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The arrogance of the white race never seems to astonish me. What a pathetic race.

I hadn't realized rabbits were the mortal enemies of wolves

Stfu wigger

>1.5 billion USD worth of bombs
that's like 4 bombs

Your black nation is in Africa and if you take one step outside you'll be met with military power you can't even grasp

How about we nuke Africa then start gunning you apes down in the street?

Come to eastern europe, come here nigger. we gonna "slav" you, monkey. You are amusement to us, we slap you around.


The sight of a black man in Europe especially Italy is like a seeing a living god. The BBC is the ultimate rival against the white race.

Is it lonely doing this all the time, Rabbi? You only make us wish the nukes would fall on you faster.

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Africa go back to it.

Nah. Fuck that ship em to Africa.

imagine believing this
I'm saging

Anyone got that article about niggers crying they are single in Europe...was from a uk newspaper

>We gonna take yo land, cracka!

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>The arrogance
The irony.

With an estimated cost of $1.4 million each, Raytheon's Tomahawk missile has an intermediate range of 800 to 1,553 miles and can be deployed from more than 140 U.S. Navy ships and submarines.

Niggers are so butthurt when you tell em they suck at boxing.

You have a whole continent to choose your nation from, with people just like you, minus our infrastructure, advancements and moral code of western civilizations, have at it. Ask the Jew for the travel costs, as he brought you here. Enjoy! You can be the first to claim you invented the wheel, over there. Have your friends compliment your Kangsbugburgers and the Mudhut architecture your child could improve. Watch the village elders rape your daughters as is tradition!

Ignorance coming straight from the white boys butt.

>gimme dat
Come and take it nigger

Told ya you will get butthurt.
Eastern Euros,British,Eurasian,Mexican and Caucasian boxers tower over you blackie

We've had white heavyweight champions for almost twenty years. Nice job knowing things, Jamal.

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You owe us big time white boy. We will take it by force.

You are the reason we want to enslave you and your people again. Stop being dependent on our money and go get educated and a wellpaid job nigger.

You look like monkeys, you are not human, you are monkeys, its why everyone in the course of history took advantage of you and eslaved you, whites, arabs, even your ornw black people.

Everyone enslaved blacks and shitted in your mouth.

Also the very few black men here dont dare to look me in the eyes. Id slav him in the streets fucking ape, got me bras knuckle i fuck apes up.

Get this, you apes are tough only in packs, like animals, mano a mano 1v1, you are scared shitless and i enjoying seeing fear in monkeys eyes.

It's over for you in boxing,you might as well go back to picking cotton
Better than Ali ever was.

You can't even survive month to month without welfare. The only thing you'll "take" is another handout.

I know what kind of thread this is and i don't care
Well before the day of the rake comes, Isreal will be turned to glass and the Nogs will either be sent back to africa to live out their existence.
I have a better idea, Blacks aren't leaving earth on their own,they're stuck here unless whites get them off the planet.
So, when we leave,you can keep earth.

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he looks like he sucks off niggers in his free time

Nobody cares about you, feel sorry maybe

Also i been to the restaurant of Herestrau, romanian bros should know it. They hired a black shit of 1.6 meters tall who smells like sweat al lthe time, fuckign animals.

Next time i see him ill beat him the slave.


You won't do shit white boy.

>You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our people.

>How can two mortal enemies live under the same roof? We can't. We must separate. A Black Nation for us, a White Nation for you.

i can get behind this

>My only demand is that each year you will send us $1.5 billion to be used as reparations for the Black Nation. This is our reparations. If you do this, we will respect your right to existence. But only if you pay us by the tax

>The tax must be paid or else death and destruction will be coming your way. Choice is yours, White Boy.

no, we are just going to nuke you.

Ill fucking beat him you nigger. The ape is 1.6 meters tall and his biceps is like my wrist, i could decapitate him via gylotine choke.

why you animals never wash yourself bitch boy. you smell worse than my shit.

How will you do that, Jamal? You're too busy abandoning your children and victimizing your own people.

Face it, your people have never built anything that lasts. You cannot create a stable society because most of you are violent sub-80 IQ apes.

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>create a black and white nation
>bomb the black one off the face of the fucking earth
>take the land again

His BBC must've stole your wife. The arrogant and violent white shall be put to death.

I support this, my Nigger, because $1.5 billion is considerably less than we are giving your lazy asses now, and you wont even be in our lands stealing or shit, destroying our cmsociety and raping our women? Wheres the fucking petition....lets do this thing

Hey guise the nigga-poster is back!

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Dude seriously stop with the baiting,some nigger is really going to get stabbed or beaten to a pulp in Romania.
No jokes larper.


> Pretends to be alpha
> Begs for money

Africa was a shithole before the colonies, Africa continued to be a shithole after the colonies. Basically all of Africa consisted out of small tribes in perpetual war with each other, while they made a living of hunting and gathering. Nothing is keeping you from living like this except your own intellectual deficiency. Carve a spear and move to the jungle, that's the traditional African lifestyle you blame the colonists for taking away from you.

Ethnic romanian men are cucks so its a non issue.

(You) meant "ceases" you stupid fucking ape. Who gave you permission to speak?


Yea, you can have the grave yard


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kys tranny, you'll never pass

>Black Nation
Choose a place by yourself

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great larp, will you back that threat up? i dont consider niggers as part of human, and you know fairly well what serbians are capable of when we are pissed off enough. now fuck off nigger