
Why is it that wogs are only discriminated against in Australia?
Why does Europe, the UK and America accept wogs as if they are white people?
They aren't white and their culture is nothing like your culture.....

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*BOOF* ssnniifff...oh yes my Jannie....sssnnniiiffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...a shitpost I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...Blackpilled indeed.....yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite a pungent shitpost yes very much so .....sssnnniiffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....stale memes.....and could that be?..hmmmm....yes...Our greatest ally.....quite dank my Jannie....sniff...but of course...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my Jannie....another if you please....nice a big shitpost now....*BOOOOOFFFF* Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and low effort my Jannie....hmmmmm...is that a new thread on your report que?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little look before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a quite a job you're doing my Jannie....ah yes....let me guess...for free as well?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssnniiffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....flavor blasted goldfish and mountain dew I take it my Jannie? For those long hours?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....*BOOOOOOOF* Oh I was not expecting that…that little ban my Jannie….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssnnniiifffff…and yet…so long…yes…the ban….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my janny…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssnnniiiff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my Jannie…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….fuck mods and niggers my Jannie….ssnniifffffff….yes….?

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Bindegooooo Mortahhhh

Where going ton Binnnnnnnndegooooooo

You cunts dont have the numbers just yet, but you will get there. Your globalist leaders will make sure of it, just you wait.

last time a close friend of mine went to Australia they mistook him for Australian all the time because he was one of the few non-chinks

clearly this wog discrimination you're talking about is a sentiment outdated by decades when filthy terroni were emigrating out of Italy.

We're the last people to receive the same sorts of numbers the rest of the world has of shit skins, we're not as blind to it all yet.

You can expect the occupance of your off shore detention centres to move in right next if you live in a major city.
I guarantee that.

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How do I join them?

What are wogs?

>agents with name
>gather a big fanbase
How you do that on an anonymous board? No one likes tripfags.

Pizza niggers

Are you Northern Italian?
Only Southern Italians are wogs.

All major cities are shitholes there's no point living in any of them

Obviously Italians are white.

Not even close...
Turks are also wogs...

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Not him but im southern italian and im light af. People will often guess im french or german (i actually look italian so i think thats just Burger edumacation for you)

Look like a french or german nigger?is there any difference?

You are also 5ft tall and look like a Jew.

Now they are most definitely not white. They are the furthest thing from white. What kind of retarded fucking system puts Italians and Turks in the same group? Do you socially and racially group blacks and whites together too? Fuck you Aussies.

Southern Italians are brown.
This is why people call Americans idiots, you are fucking retarded you see.
Northern Italians? Not wogs.

Pretty much anyone from southern europe is a wog.

The purity spiraling is getting quite tedious. White = light, brown = brown, black = black

White people don't turn brown, they turn red then their skin peels off it is pretty simple.
Got a tan? You are a filthy fucking wog.

Southern Italians are tanned. What the hell do Turks have to do with Southern Europeans?

Italians are white. Turks are brown/black.

>a tan makes you not white

Ever wonder why tanned people are so short?
Fucking wogs.
Manlets are generally all wogs.

Yes southern Italians are tanned because they are mongrel mutts.
What about wogs do you not understand?
The word literally means "Southern European"

How are they mutts?
>Southern European/WOG
pick one

Why would a mutt even try to defend being white in 2019?
You are at most 1/256th white.

I’m 100% white with maybe some Native American. Try again.

>i'm 100% white
>maybe some native american
I bet you don't know where the last 5 generations of your family came from. Typical Amerimutt in denial, hows that 5ft5 mongrel skinned life going? Enjoying that tan? Bit of melanoma right? All natural and stuff

Hows that dense curly black hair going?
Almost as bad as a niggers isn't it?

>mfw Jow Forums is filled with filthy wogs in denial
We all knew no one here was white.
Why is anyone mad?

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>came from
We’ve been in America since the mid 1700’s. I believe I even have some Mayflower ancestry.


my grandfather always said an italian is no better than an arab.


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The difference is that French don't larp as Northern Europeans, Genghis.

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Deport, keep Australia clean.

>Why is it that wogs are only discriminated against in Australia?
Because they're soooo woggy.
Better learn Mandarin, chinks won't discriminate you that much.