There’s becoming less and less middle ground

Attached: 859E6481-1FB6-47F3-ACFC-D9C4B53E8B30.png (640x410, 60K)

same thing with your're mom

Nice, continue accelerating.

Republican views didn't change on anything. If anything, they moved more left by accepting beaners and fags.

You needed a chart to notice?

In Germany the great Green Party takes over the middle ground and unites our great nation! It will lead to never seen before prosperity and strength. I love my great country! Heil watermelons!

Here in the United States the Green Party is a fringe far left party taken advantage of the the Russians in order to spoil our elections.

How do you come up with such a chart with two mountains diverging.

Empror with no clothes.

What a board of sub-100 iq uneducated idiots

Just you

>What's usa's overton window
Also daily reminder that this is a containment board made for retards, you'd know if you weren't a summertard

It’s media driven. People are being driven into communication silos. The right wing have been chased out of reddit, and sites that still have freedom of speech are harassed and demonised. They want to shut down any normal place where the left and right can actually discuss things together freely. Jow Forums is left up because normies don’t come here and it’s shilled to death anyway

>It's j-just a containment board
>Regularly name dropped on the news and exercises great influence in the social media sphere
Listen man, I'm just a black guy here to shitpost but you are clearly delusional from malnutrition. Not enough yum yum Americum to go around, you euro memeflag fuck?

Attached: 3295503-blade-runner-blackout-2022-prequel-anime.jpg (1800x900, 91K)

Oh, now it makes even more sense

Attached: 1548435213108.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

It's still one of the last places on the Internet with free speech.

Just because it's based on us laws, try violating those and get insta v& if you are
Nice deflection anyway

>be containment board
>be one of the largest and most active boards
>also be full of retards with sub 100 iq
Things that don't make sense. If we imagine the entire population's intellectual ability, there is already a degree of ability required to access the internet, followed by a desire to actually participate in political discussion that isn't just regurgitating media and mainstream political talking points. The people who end up here are by default going to be above average in intellectual ability, practically impossible for them to be majority sub 100 IQ. It is said that only intelligence can recognize intelligence. If you walk into a room full of intelligent people and mistake them for retards...

>The people who end up here are by default going to be above average in intellectual ability
Thanks for the daily laugh

note that it was first the (((democratic party))) that radicalased, then the (((republicans)))

It's not unmoderated because it's based on US laws, the US conception of free speech doesn't give you a right to unmoderated image boards.
