How do you go from this

How do you go from this

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Other urls found in this thread:

To this

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To this?

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Sun in eye. Shaved head. Bad angle.

Made me laugh

wtf? it's true...

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kek fuck you

Hammerhead sharks are based as fuck!

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Glad I stopped watching Gotham.

Is it another Miley Cyrus or another Ellen Paige ?

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to this?

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Niggers create Africa and holeniggers create Holey land

Jewish wall

Holy shit! What the fuck? I never understood why they got rid of her, now I do! How the fuck?!?

Just add a little (((education)))

Socially contagious disease.

With the jews developing their own studies like (((psychology))) to brainwash the goys whites would do best to start studying how the jews employ social contagion to brainwash goys.

Climb to the top of the ugly tree and swan dive off.

She had bad physiognamy to begin with.

Via (((culture))), (((travelling))), (((enjoying life))) and lots of (((education))), you fucking bigot. Scumbag.

Neo Liberalism.

350 in the oven.

10/10 would fuck

Of course you would you degenerate.

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College in the US

It gave up its anorexia bulimia and now lives life as it truly is.

Go back to /tv/

Some hit the wall before they hit their twenties

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Is it some sort of new age anti-rape technique, to look as slobby and unattractive to not get enriched ?

At least she stayed slim. In burgerlandia it's few and far between.

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She's going to get really fat


College in Europe is soooooo much better, right?

This is what women really look like without it. They are all barely fuckable chimps, even the 'attractive' ones.
And the cause is indoctrination.

I can't express how shocked I am at this, fucking wow, i'm absolutely flabbergasted.

Yea the problem with the slut in the OP is she got fat. If she slims down and lose the problematic clothes she would look fine. For another few years that is


Feminism is an ideology that turns you ugly inside out

how did she manage to make her eyes get closer together

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Big dick that didnt want serious relationship

Probably took both anal and second tier hole cheries,and went on to bang hotter chick


After analysing the photos:
>Her nose stayed the same size while her face grew


>does god live on saturn?

She has a short haircut and rosacea, I don't get the big deal?

So this is the power of living your best life.


(((Feminism))) and (((MK Ultra)))

Attached: Catgirl in Gotham.webm (1600x900, 3M)

this is nau a "b4 feminism - after feminism" thread

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Marxism not even once

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Lack of brain cells. Genocide all those born with XX chromosomes.

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Here's a juicy one.

The (((Long March through the Institutions))) is over. It's now the beginning of the second (((Cultural Revolution))) this time in North America and Europe where ethnic European history is being eradicated.

Attached: 2. Before and after Cultural Marxism at Uni.jpg (3000x4500, 2.01M)

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ITT: Bitches who were fucked by their fathers and turned out loving it

The one on the right looks like she aged 20 years

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Niggers would still rape it.

Women can not be left to their own devices

look at how smug the one with the purple sign is! Yeah, this will show Chad not to pump and dump me!

The cancer

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>a satanist tatoo
Amazing how in your face they are about it.


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The irony of it all is that they always have to appeal to male authority to hold 'bad' men responsible.
Running around, shouting how strong and powerful and free they are...what a fucking joke.


>inb4 feminism, hollywood, LGBT

The girl clearly has some issues related to an abusive relationship that she talks about here

mios dio

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look at this brave picture and tell me feminism is bad, you stupid bigots

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Two words

I mean it's obvious these "ladies" want to be "different" because Alt culture and such.
It's like the pronouns and tailored sexual orientations, it's "Look at me" attention seeking.

So the diagnosis is that they didn't recieve enough attention from their daddies as a child and it develops into attention sluts.
Not attention whores, no, they don't get paid. They're attention sluts. Sluts that want attention.

Seems like a straightforward cause and effect to me.

what a beta girl.
Look at these hairy alpha women!

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God damn.
Although I'd still do the one on the left desu; if I knew it was going to remain a secret.

Au contraire, letting yourself go, until you're safe from the white patriarchy's objectifying desire... It's side B of the coin. Side A has told her that she will not know passion and meaning-gifting drama until she's been raped pozzed inpregnated and beaten within an inch of her life by some 60iq nigger.

I know. On a strange level its sad to look at those women...

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>brainlet woman tries to act smart, the movie
I actually listened to that hole, spouts bollocks a toddler would come out with.
Needs to go back to memorising scripts from big brained betters.

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4 sets of 12 months of college brahs but were not all gonna make it

Owen benjamin got a buzzcut?

Get a haircut and gain some weight?

makeup ruined her skin. There is a reason why Hitler outlawed it. I bet if she never used makeup her natural skin would be waaaaaaaay better.

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me too.

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