This is actually real

Jow Forums, we must take action. A great injustice is being committed against boys across the world. Circumcision is a procedure which removes an important part of the penis called the foreskin. This "piece of skin" has many functions. It contains over 20,000+ fine touch receptors, lubricates the penis and creates a natural gliding motion. If it was so useless then why are we born with it?
>b-but its cleaner
Retard, take a shower. Smegma buildup could be prevented if you bathed.
>Girls like it better
No, they like the appearance of a retracted foreskin. A circumcised dick mimics the appearance of a retracted erect penis but with an ugly scar line and an ablated frenulum with a dry head. They also have most likely never had an intact penis inside of them. The foreskin has a ridged band which stimulates the vaginal canal. Ribbed condoms simulate this lost ridged band in males.

Since the procedure is done on infants with improper anesthesia, it causes extreme psychological trauma that lasts through your life. Babies have had lungs burst from screaming during their mutilation. It also causes hair to grow on the shaft from tightening. The foreskin is then sold for profit for in beauty products.

FUN FACT: Jews rape kids by sucking their penis for adrenochrome in a ritual called Metzitzah B'Peh (oral suction). Modern Circumcision was introduced after Jesus' time by satanic rabbis.

Gross/unhealthy = judaic culture of "unclean" pervasive in american cultures. Women produce more smegma than men.
HIV = believing a study without checking it.
Aesthetics/anteater = use to looking at your own mutilation or mutilation in porn.
Last longer = acknowledging you'll last longer because it feels worse (ironically, you're more likely to be premature from missing internal regulators & overstimulating glands. Also, overstimulation ≠ more sensation).
Little flap of skin = ignorance to the sensation, function, protection, health, and size of what many men will never know.


Attached: lolscrewthatsheit.jpg (1080x1244, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bible against it Galatians 5:2-11 - Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

Why men don't speak up:
ignorance - to foreskin
socially unacceptable - seen as weak, social conditioning, disrespectful to parents
emotionally protective - difficult to accept this was done, believe it's good for them
fear of backlash - invalidation of pain, social humiliation



>Girls like it better
Aside from american harpies
What girl actually likes damaged goods?

Germany tried a law like this, they didn't get very far with it

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Attached: ppPf8AQ.png (796x546, 738K)

fuggen this :D my benis is intact. It's sensitive and not a dry kiked penor. If you live in a country where rabbi stoles your foreskin you know you are serving :D homo

Attached: 1528957669384.jpg (1280x1869, 611K)

>five circumcision threads posted right when the mutts are waking up
sloppy job mossad what terrorism are you planning today ?

feels good doesn't it

The "girls like it better" argument is so funny to me. Would you gauge your eyes out because Stacy said so? It's such a pussy-whipped way of thinking and honestly pathetic.

holy shit i can actually see your glowing nose from here, kys kike niggerfaggot

His nose permanently blinded my reindeers

pure bliss brother pure bliss

I agree finbro


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No shit sherlock

The uncuts at it again

i would push my tongue into her anus

Attached: 1527549141284.jpg (259x194, 11K)

im mutilated like you, fellow goy
i hate jews so god damn much

>girls acting picky about something they dont really care about in the first place
typical feminine pamperism

I need more of her for scientific reasons

I command you to circumcise all your sons on the eighth day after their birth. It won't be very soon, but one day there will come a day when I check this. I will exterminate everyone who is not in compliance.

Attached: TIMESAND___npyiryksfgv5ui7vve)+(v()+___(+)_____lnerz47z6xtkgyjaffkrxlsivi.png (668x550, 10K)

>Retard, take a shower. Smegma buildup could be prevented if you bathed.
This is missing the point. Smegma build up is ABSOLUTELY MINIMAL for a normal human being. I have gone weeks without washing at various times in my life, and there was no problem whatsoever. It's an utter red herring. If you have sex or masturbate, which is obviously far easier with a foreskin, this cleans you anyway.

Attached: circmap 1539110735560.jpg (1024x525, 70K)

How can I grow my foreskin back bros? I'm ready to become whole spiritually and physically

Attached: dyawcojdhzv21.jpg (640x784, 81K)

Read everything David Icke has ever written while being covered with bacon while listening to alt-right podcasts . Also chant "hail odin sire" Your foreskin will unkike itself soon enough