>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Yeah! Kill the mutt! Kill the mutt!
Norway isn't a country. It's like those middle eastern countries where jihadists freely move around. The borders are completely made up and no military entity would protect them.
>inb4 NATO
NATO wants European genocide.
One of your roasties crashed a FFG. Please update this meme image accordingly.
America wants European genocide too buddy
We’re all on the same boat
Civil war is all we can hope for
wait what. norway what is it this time
Only jews and their golems want it. We have no control over our own country. The golems are flooding in to hijack our democracy.
Implying its not destined
Must admit that's a very impressive fleet for a country with such a small population size like Norway.
The moment you accepted democracy, you failed
This is my favorite pasta, it confuses the amerisharts.
It was fine when it was European land owning males. Never should have allowed jews to call themselves white.
Is that your entire navy?
Haven't heard about you Nordkekolds. Are you just attention-starved? You realize your economy is tanking, right?
I really wish they updated the picture to remove the Helge Ingstad, I always look for it and am always annoyed when I find it.
Friendly reminder that sweden would win against all the other nordic countries in a 1v1 war. In order of least to most difficult:
denmark, finland, norway.
what happened to it
Nice b8
fixed pasta bro
norwegians are the 2nd most cucked nation in scandinavia
The suicide bombers aren't on your side Sven.
The women would be so filthy ide feel sorry for the fresh clean norwegian men raping them. When the Danes and Norwegians had violent breeding with us we appreciated it. It was like a bloodlust and an orgy at the same time. every part of my body was stinging or tingling.
You'd be dead before you hit the ground, dipshit.
Kek I love this pasta. I remember once when Jow Forums had like 8 threads with this pasta but with different country names!
It was fun!
IIRC only 4/5 of our frigates were operational and the none operational one is being cannibalized. This was before the shitshow that was the sinking of Helge Ingstad.
Why do so many American retards reply to these obvious bait threads? Do you think the OP is serious when he's posting this copypasta every day?
I mean, how fucking stupid and insecure do you have to be to reply to this as if it somehow threatens your masculinity, while at the same time falling for an obvious attempt at getting you to attack Norway?
Waiter this pasta is stale and lacks seasoning
Why do you have a pirate ship with three big holes in the middle?
A Swedish longship with speed holes?
>blocks your path
and to be clear their death ray is better than the original design.
inb4 doesnt exist, again, rip.
Cause the bantz are fun, I’m pretty sure we all know it’s a joke besides this tard
say that to my face, pussy
Will they show the war in its entirety on SLOWtv?
Topest of keks. Norway couldn't invade and occupy a small southern town let alone the whole country. GTFOutta here.
Do you think the people attacking you don't know it's already bait and they are baiting you to respond to them as well? Lol
Why you starting shit snow nigger
Checked but still kinda cruel. Could you please elaborate on how America hirt your nation so? We never really hear anything about you guys.
Unironicly because they are american
>no battleship
Sad x2
I cri everi tim