> United States President Donald J Trump announced Monday morning the imminent removal of MILLIONS of Illegals starting NEXT week.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Totaly gonn do it this time guys

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Completely irrelevant garbage until millions are deported. MILLIONS. Effort is not good enough. A few thousand is not good enough. GET THEM THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY

Empty campaign promises. Of course all the Qtard Boomers will eat it up/

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Shills are up early today

Prove my meme wrong, Trump. Fucking do it. I'm begging you. Clean all the Mexcrement out of my country.

Q was a CIA psyop. "Keep waiting and do nothing, boomers. Trust the plan. Sessions is really the good guy!" Fucking embarrassing.

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>Trump: *Stops sucking kike cock for a single second*
>Trump: Oy Vey!!! My own internal poll numbers are terrible!!! Fire the pollsters!!! What am I going to do?!?!?!
>Trump on twitter: Next week ICE will start deporting millions of illegals...
>Trump: The stupid goyim who voted for me in 2016 are stupid enough to believe I will deport illegals
>Trump: *Returns to sucking kike cock*
Trump is such a goddamn fucking moron. ICE will not be deporting any more than usual and Trump will take a victory lap over nothing

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>announcing it early so they have a chance to hide
Unless he figured they'd rather leave voluntarily, what I don't really follow.


There is nothing to follow. Just yet another empty tweet

Big News:
Trump says something.

There's always a next week.

So going by his unbroken history of fucking over his base for israel, what he actually means is that millions of US troops (mostly white) will be invading Iran next week.

Trust Sessions
Stay the Course

>Trump deliberately held back execution of policy so he could show everyone he's reliable and effective during the 2020 election campaign
>the only argument the opposition has been able to cultivate in 3 years is that he does nothing

Attached: photo.Mussolini-Hitler-l-opera-des-assassins.126158.jpg (657x353, 155K)

>Quite literally a worse record on Immigration than Obama
>Had the House AND Senate for 2 years, did nothing
>Elections coming up
>Promise to FINALLY deport Illegal Immigrants
>Not just the "Criminal" ones
>Even though they are ALL Criminals
>Base is getting angry
>Must appease the MAGAPEDES
>"I know, I'll get tough on Illegals"
>In 2019
>Trump wins 2020 by a nose
>Does nothing about Immigration for the next 3 years
>Claims success in 2023
>America is 75% Beaner at that point

>next week
>at a future date
it's all so tiring
if they were going to begin mass deportations, they wouldn't announce it in advance. The announcement is intended to be a surrogate for action in the brains of boomers and retards.

US Army being deported to Iran

>The "Illegal Immigration" President
>Thousands of businesses which employ Illegals across USA
>Could have been raided anytime
>Only ELEVEN in his entire time as President, raided
>No Wall
>"Just wait folks, it's coming"
>Gets fooled by Mexican Beaners who "help" for a week
>Go back to being shifty Beaners after he agrees not to be meanie on tariffs
>2 Million more sneak in
>We're keeping America Great"
>America is now Beaner and Filipino shopping mall
>"Folks, it was the Democrats"
>Tweets about it until 2023
>America turns into Mexico/Filipino hybrid land in the meantime
>"We want them to come in legally"
>Republicans Party disappears
>Trump is last Republican President
>Globohomo agenda spreads
>Everyone in America by 2025 is LGBT Goblin of Latino and Asian origin
>MAGAPEDES cheer as they wipe taco sauce from their beards
>Honduran President now outlaws Whiteness
>Thanks Trump MAGA.
>Tired of winning

It's getting harder and harder to defend Trump. He fucked up massively passing that tax cut instead of immigration. I think that was our last chance.
America will start looking more like California. We will see freedom of speech being lost, and millions of Americans will become felons with new gun control laws. Even with the electoral college and each state getting two Senators, the brown hoard will be able to out vote us. The only options I see are rolling over and dying or massive conflict leading to America being broken up. All for fucking tax cuts.

kek, it's hilarious and true

If there multiple nation wide chase footage events of ICE tracking down illegals, with illegals getting shot on TV I will forgive the wall not being built.

Wow the shills ~are~ out in force today.

>>announcing it early so they have a chance to hide
Its what happened during Operation Wetback.

Why is he giving them a week to hide?

Check out this thread on T_D that was absolutely shoah'd with a casualty rate of 35.8%. Quite odd that the post got 4.8k upvotes given the level of dissent in the comments section. When are MIGAtards going to admit that Trump is an establishment safety valve, and one that has worked quite well and will probably win 2020 because of boomers and muh economy?

Shut up faggot.

We'll believe it if it happens.


Reminder as to what "white" means according to the US census bureau.

Attached: what counts as white in the jewSA.png (1608x301, 99K)

Trump has served his purpose. It's time to take the Yang pill.

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>Why is he giving them a week to hide?

Because the fat orange faggot thinks threat on Twitter are actually DOING SOMETHING. No joke, Trump seriously think if he tweets something, he's taking action.

They’ll hide in sanctuary states. Win.

Oh, so that's why they allow that subreddit. Crazy.

That’s the real reason for YT’s new shoah

>linking r3ddit bot fest
Kys retard

>He seriously has hope that Trump will deport Illegals anywhere near the number he must

user, Trump will deport 5,000 Illegals, claim victory at a campaign speech, and MIGAPEDES will faint and cry in their Yarmulkes in some shithole podunk rally in Alabama, wiping burrito sauce off of their shirts and chanting "Promises made......promises kept"

Dubbs and underrated

All political subs on reddit are controlled by people close to the election campaigns. Note that it is verboten to criticise Israel on T_Dand that most of the comments that do make it through are along the lines of "Muslim Palestinian's BTFO'd", also note the lack of new regarding immigration, instead they mostly REEE about Europe to distract from their own kike-loving boomer prez. It does fill my heart with sadness when one of the dolts posts a picture of themselves about to sign up for the armed forces, they still think they are actually serving america.

Yeah bullshit. How are those tariffs coming

>Unless he figured they'd rather leave voluntarily
if he ends farm subsidies they will

Funny that our greatest ally didn’t commit any troops in the Iraq or Afghanistan Wars

Farm subsidies are part of the China trade war.

I just don't believe a fucking word this cuck says.

If we went off just his words, he's the best ever.
If we go off of his actions, he's worse than Obama.

Q Chad 3rd from left

In order to fool MIGAtards you just have to show them a small section of border fence (around 500m) over and over again from different angles and say the wall is being built, they absolutely fall for it every time. Also just show them a picture of some degenerate tranny and let them REEEE to distract them from the invasion

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>get elected based on strong immigration policy
>have house, senate and presidency for 2 years
>do nothing
>election cycle starts up again
>make empty promise to deport millions

Am I wrong to think that I've been conned by a Jew York swindler?

Just heard the news New York is now giving illegal spics drivers licences. Who do these traitorous kikes think they are.

>Trump campaign rally 2020
>"We deported them Folks"
>Pumps up MAGATARD crowd
>Doesn't tell them it was only 20 guys
>Meanwhile 2 Million snuck over the border during one campaign rally
>Literal invasion while Trump is speaking
>Migapedes are chanting "4 more years" while swimming in burrito verde sauce and bowing to Star of David
>Massive Jew/Mexican/Filipino Gollum tears through the ground from the depths of the American heartland
>Migatards bow to the Gollum while Reggaeton plays over PA system
>Trump asks if they are tired of winning, crowd cheers NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Gollum reveals he was Q user the whole time and Trump is his Minion
>Yarmulkes fall from the sky
>MAGAPEDES explode from excitement

ALL these scared DEMORAT shills in this thread.

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The (((Chosen People)))

>have house, senate and presidency for 2 years
Considering you just tried to con us with that cheap lie? Who is swindling who here? Are you new to politics or are you pretending to be retarded my dude.

You have, he is an establishment safety valve, the same is happening over here in Britainistan, low IQ whites from up norf voted for Brexit thinking there would be less immigration (even though logically speaking the two are not even related) but now we have record levels of immigration from countries outside the EU. Our population has gone up by 1 million in the 3 years since the Brexit vote, and it looks like after Brexit it will only increase

If trump was actually going to do any of this shit, he needed to start 2 years ago because it's a process.
Just like he isn't going to be able to build a wall in his last year, he won't be able to deport enough illegals. This shit needed to start TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO.

fucking Brad Parscale and Kushner have probably been telling Trump this whole time that everyone loves him and he's able to coast to re-election, but THEN when a poll finally confirms what Parscale has been hiding suddenly Trump needs to start doing something.

We are not shilling for the democrats in any way, in fact nowhere i this thread has anyone really advocated for voting for democrats, we are just saying that Trump is a failure. He is and always was a mere rallying flag to gather around in this culture war.

>there's always a next week
Sessions redemption arc when?

>Republicans didn't hold the House and Senate in 2017 and 2018
Are you being retarded on purpose?
If it's a process, then why didn't he start right out of the gate?

no farm subsidies are part of the FDR anti nigger war

we pay too much tax money to create cheap grain that we don't need and it fucks with the food markets in South America which sends those people north looking for better paying work, if they could earn enough to survive at home they would do that

China trade war? so having Americans pay for grain with tax money that we send to Russia and China as aid (they need this food they can't feed their people without it)

is somehow us warring with them? sounds more like them warring with us user

>6 more years goy

Attached: reality.png (989x618, 812K)

>tax cuts
Do you think you would've gotten that 5% raise without trumps help?
And the stock market, have you seen it?

Stop looking at America getting browned, and just look at the stock market

Yeah, kinda obvious on the other ones but didn't make the connection it is to tie 'alt-right' with pro-israel rhetoric.

But they literally had the house, Senate, and White House. Are you fucking retarded?

>doesn't do anything at all related to immigration apart from allow liberals to drum up sympathy with family separation
>no wall
>no DACA leverage
>less deportations than Obama

Hang on, Trump's taking 5 minutes off from talking about Iran and Israel to tweet about something that will never happen!

You don't get it do you goy? It's all about owning the leftists epic style.

>B-but what about trickle down economics and Reagan who totally BTFO'd libtards back in the day, are you trying to tell me tax cuts for Noam and Schlomo and Goldman Sachs will not benefit the average MIGAtards?

Last few days have been pretty bad. It all started when that tranny forum had its pedo leaks

I really hate this neocon cuck at this point. Populism lasted .01 seconds after the election and it's been downhill ever since.

Once Bannon was fired it was over. Kushner pushed Trump towards the left on immigration. My understanding was that Trump was going to outright eliminate the H1B visa, but then Kushner freaked and schemed to get Bannon out. Bannon is not full on ethno-Nationalist but definitely more right wing on immigration than Kushner.

if only

>major announcement to somehow manage to deport millions of illegal garbage people, as though some jackass judge isn't going to block it or something, again.
>oh wow, this comes the day before a big rally in Florida when he will announce he's running for re-election


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It’s either this or voter ID. The Dems cannot be allowed to utilize the brown hordes in 2020.

Trumps last chance

In the trash it goes




Show flag or dont post

You fucking idiots can stfu now

ZERO PERCENT CHANCE of a war with iran or a fucking draft
You fucking tranny scum are broken records
Makes me glad half of you an hero


Its a bunch of disgusting lard ass trannies thinking filling the top spots works the same as their leddit hive

Fucking invalids cant even shill with ANY subtlety or nuance-they dont even know what that means

>maga ad naseum

We know its you, you all talk the same

Anybody still gullible enough to believe this bullshit? The concept of illegals will become a distant memory when the missiles start flying into Iran. I give it about 3 weeks. AmIrite Mossad?

Wrong youre just stupid
More will self deport than any agency can send because they wont wanna gwt rekt by John Law

Im sure youre some dipahit incel from college who thinks too highly of yourself but its an EASY thing to do: read

Read about Operation Wetback and compare the numbers of people who said fuck it and left, and the ugly little pieces of shit ike the kike dropped ofd in the INTERIOR of mejico and tell me the difference

I hope you trannies keep pushing until anons put someone like me in charge
Busses wont be dropping motherfuckers off anymore
Count on it

Every post

Motherfuckers are scared!

>i really dont follow
>meme flag

I appreciate the admission of defeat from this one
>muh hot take
>doesnt even know whats going on
All so tiresome

You have to be absolutely retarded to believe this.

if I both see and believe, and believe in seeing, it will be the most based thing in all of history.
for the record, I like latins and Mexicans...but you must come here properly, in that we screen for the best.

Anyone who says miga also said muh russia
Why are shills panicking so much?

You're never going to be rid of them just doing simple holocaust debunking math
Even if you could deport one a minute, it would take longer than the rest of his presidency to get rid of a million
10 would take a couple of decades, all 30 million estimated would be 57 years.

You better get used to them.




Zion Don won't do anything but suck Isreals cock more

Let me help translate what Zognald meant by that. He meant that he is authorizing Israel to deport any and all non-Jews from their country. Make Israel Great Again.

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Never going to happen ever for real
You need to grow up kids
Bernie wont even be allowed and he is their bitch, yang is an outsider

You dumb fucks think youll be allowed another king nigger and its not going to happen

Can someone please tell me if we’re using Mexican extradition laws to accomplish the day of the bean?


Fucking tryhard shills

Anyone saying miga is a shill

>deport (((millions))) starting next week
>same bat time
>same bat place
any day now

i had a discussion one time with a mexican dude . the gist of the story he told was " fuck your country white man"

a nigger has told me a similar story.

so her I am , a man that cares about his country and the two humans i'm supposed to be compassionate to , be kind to, help in any way , blah , blah ,blah , not only has told me fuck me and my country, but demonstrates it on a daily basis.

yet here we are with all this history, all this evidence , right in front of us all .

some guy in here huge green threead like that makes his post more pure or more important or even yet, more truthful. when in fact he's a shill himself spouting ignorance.

there is a process to government and it's a fucked up one , that is slow and lethargic. it takes forever to get the wheel turning. do you honestly believe that something in power for 40-50 years can be turned around in less than 2 years time?

the one man that can fix it is here. that is why he is being crucified by the democrats and their henchmen media mob and in turn after years of programming ignorant overnight expectants like yourself we have to wade through you thick guys that have some fucking complex and cant get over yourself.

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>worse than obama

Repeating ad naseum the same irrelevent shit
Keep in lockstep, its easier to see you twats