Why do so many right-wingers pretend that society was perfect 70-100 years ago, when we all know that's objectively not true?
Why do so many right-wingers pretend that society was perfect 70-100 years ago...
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It wasn't perfect you dumb beaner. It hasn't been perfect since jews brought niggers here.
Newspapers were the only form of media and information for most at that time.
maybe for you fucking communist
So by your logic europe must have been heaven on earth because there were no niggers there?
It was
>everyone reading the same thing and talking about it after
>everyone in their own online safe space ignoring one another
You should try playing devil's advocate with your conclusions, it stops you being so fucking wrong.
Comparatively it was
>T. Retard who doesn't know European history
>it was
Not to mention that Internet is just used by stupid people to read stupid things, whereas newspapers in the past at least treated about important stuff.
>Implying there was only one news source
>Implying it's a good thing for a handful of companies to control the media
Are you a jew?
good point desu senpai onions
150 years ago we didn't have the FED
much better
>So by your logic europe must have been heaven on earth because there were no niggers there?
why do you think they want to go to mars?
No one spent half the day with their face in the paper you dumb nigger.
When we say the past was better we mean this is preferable than a high-crime nigger-infested welfare slum:
Really? You ever hear of yellow journalism?
>constant war
>ethnic cleansing
>spanih floo
>child labor
>death by 50 years old
>communist revolutions
>facist dictators
>two world wars
But hey no niggers.
we had those
Because it is to tiresome having to have so much competition in absolutely everywhere you go and whatever you do.
Or at least that is the way I deduce it. Also muh Jerrrz and muh Hitler.
Okey name some american cities that were carpet bombed during the world wars. Name civilian casualties by the million
>Communities existed
>The family unit was something to be encouraged instead of broken down
>The world's currencies wasn't controlled by the rothchilds
>The nation's government served the people's interests
>You weren't tracked everywhere you went
>You weren't taxed to oblivion yet
oh y'know
Notice how people back then were clothed better.
>>fascist dictators
Hitler was a plus, not a minus.
It's the same shit. History's just repeating itself. Life is a shitty simulation and nothing has any real meaning. Without your hard coded self preservation instinct you'd kill yourself a long time ago.
How was this a plus?
by 1916? Yeah, no.
Retarded statement. A lot of commies here say that living back in the II Republic was much better than now.
I just wanted to come and call you a fucking retard, sage your shit thread and leave cause there's nothing you can do about it. Stupid mongrel inbred.
the leftists beat them down into the barely clothed pets they are today.
What the fuck is "better"? Their clothes look ugly
>its the lefty's fault
Everything that went bad in Europe was in someway orchestrated by jews.
That's not what is happening and you're retard for thinking that.
Dont post here anymore
Actually it's the exact same as it is now.
Kek, you're showing things that Jews pushed.
Thats rich comming from an anglo
>You weren't taxed into Oblivion
>Didn't know about the New Deal
can you even read
Communism or pornography?
derailment thread. no one said the ECONOMY was perfect, values and traditions were
Of course it's preferable. It's a fucking painted over photograph. It isn't real.
Perfect? No. Better? Absolutely.
The internet produces a behavioral sink that was nonexistent just twenty years ago. Social programming was in it's infancy. Nuclear families were still the ideal. Demographically, whites composed the overwhelming majority of the population. Voter reading level was higher, and presidential speeches reflected it.
The only real downside to that era is technological inferiority. That's it.
>1916: Reading Jewish propaganda
>2016: Reading, Watching, Listening to Jewish propaganda
I'd rather live in the great depression with my white brothers than live in a wealthy time with you faggot shitskins.
also the diseases, spanish flu wiped out how many people?
I consider medicine to be technology.
Both, and everything else you're going to post as proof of fucked up yuros.
And everything you don't post.
Everything that is yet to come.
Christ, you people are real sickos.
This Nazi cunt is absolutely correct.
Go practice some critical thinking, lvl up your low functioning noggin OP
How could be promote both if they contradict one another?
Communism bans porn
Seams kinda counter productive
>oy vey europe is so terrible but my people still chose to go there rather than stay in their homeland
Does the irony go over head or do you choose not to acknowledge it?
>spanish flu wiped out how many people?
>In the U.S., about 28% of the population became infected, and 500,000 to 675,000 died.
The Spanish flu was unironically less deadly than niggers.
The Jew subverts western culture. No contradictions there.
>oh no, they shooped out the horse manure, that means it was always a third-world ghetto!
Britain isn't aussieland, I know your nation has never been anything but a shithole but that didn't apply to your former masters until recently.
Gee I don't know Shlomo.
How could Israelis promote mass migration into yurope but also promote ethno-nationalism for Israel?
>i was born in the wrong generation
>1900 was fucking BASED
Nobody's saying that, dumbass.
That was natural selection in action. The lowest IQ, worthless people in society were getting taken out before they could harm society at large.
Now our IQs have gone to shit and the worst of us run the asylum.
Fixed that for you
You might as well say that living in a fucking Disney movie would be preferable for all of the relevance and semblance of reality that such a thing has. Your vision of history is fucking naive, and I know that it is fucking naive because it has led you to believe that there would be any time better to be alive in that right fucking now.
>printing press isnt technology
ok retard
No it was heaven before jews where there
The Second Reich was the best place and time to be alive.
stfu- it was better, I lived in the 50s 60s 70 s80s 90s 20s and they were all better than the shithole lefties have made it into. But we are gonna fix that, soon, house to house purge of all things demorats as soon as we gather your voting results- DEAD, all of you.
As technology advanced most of those things would be crossed off the list and we could still live without niggers. I thought jews were supposed to be smarter than this
I'd rather have low IQ people than the jewed degenerates who ran anglo civilization
If only we could just go back to hating french people, because they were the worst people we had any experience with.
Is that why we spent hundreds of years fighting brother wars and killing millions? I blame the dumb German niggers for all of this? Poles used to be subhumans now Nordics lick their balls on Jow Forums
No one would read a paper for longer than 30 minutes
You are an Israel worshipping boomer who still uses the word "lefty" to identify your perceived opponent, go back to T_D where you belong. On a side note check out this thread on T_D that was absolutely shoah'd.
>Eternal Anglo