Only a dead Nazi is a good Nazi.
Get Fucked
Only a dead Nazi is a good Nazi.
Get Fucked
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nazi's don't exist you weird faggot.
>good night innocent civilian
get fucked kike sage
Gonna have to provide some context op
Another LARPER dead, I don't care.
I think that is the shooter from yesterday.
We defeated the nazis in 1945
Its how the incel nazi Brian ended up.
i hope this causes immediate reaction and people shoot up some schools
YOU GIVE Jow Forums
>when a r3dditor leaves the nest
He needs to go back...
What's the context? What happened?
Thanks for admitting there is such a thing as a good nazi, requirement being dying for your cause.
That was too easy, antifa idiot.
Nazis are classic liberals (centrist authoritarians), identical to the current American Left's agenda, which is why the left feels safe using them as a proxy for the actually scary "right" in order to brainwash their own people.
Weeb with an AR tries to raid a federal office that confiscated his anime figure collection. Proceeds to kill nobody and get dabbed on.
Were are these shill party's recruiting these Nigger shills who can't form sentences or speak English? They're under the assumption that they're coming to outsmart people here, put they just prove themselves to be burgers
I'd rather be a dead Nazi than be a noodle armed limp wristed middle class millennial Antifa type.
The only good meme flag poster...
>Only a dead Nazi is a good Nazi.
sage goes in the options field
I smell meme flag poster...
And the only good meme flag poster...
How's it feel that you don't even know your dad's first name?
Autist decides he's going to shoot up a federal courthouse.
>Doesn't tie his shoes
>wears a flack jacket that provides no protection from bullets
>Drops his spaghetti outside giving a courthouse photographer enough time to take a picture and run inside to warm the guards
>Finally gets to the entrance and takes some shots but hits no one
>Guard shoots him in the chest
>Never got to use the sword at his hip
That the dallas wannabe shooter that other threads are talking about?
Suck a dick mutha fucka
Bummer he’s a registered Democrat.....
Literally looks like an antifa member.
>confiscated his anime figure collection
they did what now?
He was a lefty anarchist obviously.
Antifa look skinny, feminine and gay. Also most of them look like they have AIDS.
>look like they have aids
true. gonorrhea plus syphilis does that
Do it faggot.
This is the sort of thing that would ordinarily be an obvious false flag. But it's so pathetic it just has to be real, doesn't it?
you know absolutely nothing and we like it that way.
Can you explain why using your big boy words?
Jow Forums
get fucked
>this was a marine
left hard at work to get the feds to take down chans
I wonder what will happen to antifia when farmers decide that their foods not welcome in antifia cities.
>Nazi's are anyone we accuse of being one
>We kill Nazi's because witch burning is all the rave in the 21st century, fuck justice or a fair trial, we want blood.
>"dude" or what the hell she/he is in red bikini-shirt looks creepy as fuck probably a pedo.
Only good Jew is a dead Jew
The shooter didn't have a fucking arm chopped off. I know your cops are bad but not that bad
go eat some crayons
im not a nazi?
he shoulda taken out that crypto bitch
Honestly, he look like a smash the fash type of fagoot
Oh god these are fantastic.
Did this antifa faggot ever die, or is it still a vegetable?
Army you idiot
it does look strange, i'll give you that
Who the fuck is Brian
i appreciate the feels but you really do gotta plan these things out better than that. you will run into obstacles and some things you just can't foresee but the better you are prepared the less you're gonna fuck up when it goes wrong. SAD.
Arm chopped off????????????????????????
He is cuffed you mongloid
The cops shot him once???
Sniped by an antifa SWAT officer. You Nazi FUCKS are going to get your asses handed to you in the civil war.
>hey you!
>kill these people I say you should disagree with!
W-well I mean, you -say- these people are evil but where's the pro--
>Don't talk back you bigot! Kill these evil people!
You're the reason why I own a personal armory.
you're glowing. only nazi fags talk about a future civil war.
>antifa SWAT
>the same swat officers that kill niggers in droves that niggers protest about
He's cuffed idiots, US cops do that to people they shoot