America's video rental industry is collapsing under Trump

>Trump will fix the econom-


>Family Video closes Worthington store, leaving few others in central Ohio

>One of central Ohio’s largest remaining video stores has closed, leaving a dwindling number of video rental businesses in the Columbus area. Family Video, at 5540 N. High St. just south of Worthington, closed this past weekend...

>The Illinois-based chain bills itself as the nation’s largest video rental chain. It operates about 500 stores nationally, down from about 700 a year ago.

>Family Video emerged as the largest video store operator in central Ohio and elsewhere after Blockbuster announced in late 2013 that it was closing 300 stores, including its three central Ohio stores... According to some estimates, about 2,000 video stores remain in the U.S., less than 10 percent of the peak.

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It isn’t Trump. It’s digital media and streaming. It’s happening here to and it makes me very sad :(

As if many people use rental stores anyway. Look at blockbuster as the perfect example.

Your brain is collapsing under Trump

I'm surprised it's taking this long desu.
Over here all the video stores have already closed down over the last few years.
Everyone just finds their movies and shows online.

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No, it's clearly Trump fault.

I don´t really think you can blame Trump for this.

Damn, you are dumb. Nobody rents videos because you can do the same thing without ever leaving your house.
The world is changing, boomer, long before you knew who trump was.

It’s a joke/slide thread. Videos stores all closed years ago here as well. I think there is one final Blockbuster in Bend, OR. Truly the Last of the Mohicans.


>donald trump will bring back jobs
>WhErE a re the PaPeRboys

Ffs he cant bring back dinosaurs either. Right now the video screen is

1. Free

2. Free with ads

3. Free with weird resolution (YouTube bootlegs)

4. Small fee (youtube)

5. Monthly fee ( netflix)

5. Small fee with delivery (ebay)

6. Fucking driving to a physical store and buying it (costing more then any other in both time and cost) - video rental

This is perhaps the most retarded shill post I have ever seen and I am voting for Zion don again because of it

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It's a shame that most of these stores don't adopt the gamefly business motto. Except they would be close by. The concept of wanting to rent a vidya game for a day or 2 is too long. Red boxes usually offers. But we need faster methods! Someone out there create a store that takes away from Netflix, Hulu, Gamefly and many others. It will be a revival of the rental game stores/movies. Just need them to be innovated.

4d chess
Kike landlords are losing profits. Maga!

Fuckin’ A right dude. It’s also Trump’s fault that I can’t get:
>betamax tapes
>analog cell phones
>regular gas
>a car with a carburetor to put it in
>an 8-track player
>a big mac in a styrofoam box
>a new set of jarts
>and a new fucking buggy whip

Fucking DRUMPF! This is the last straw. IMPEACH

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>video rental
Fuckin what. Your media is really scrapping the barrel looking for anything to blame Trump for huh. I don't even like the neocon zionist but come on.

>Video rental stores
>In the year of our Lord 2019
Stop being a retard and start pirating your movies

Messicans are unironically keeping the video rental business afloat around me. There are vid stores next to the messican mart. one is even call 'American Video Rental'

Most people agree that it is more comfy to browse through a physical video rental store than to "rent online," for a lot of reasons. Many films at physical rental locations are rented "by accident," after you encounter them while looking for something else. Sometimes they have nothing to do with what you were looking for, but seem interesting.

That kind of comfy video browsing experience is being lost in the age of Trump.

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>have a dream of working at a video rental store
>there are no more video rental stores
>stuck working at walmart until my casket closes

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I agree with you here. I miss going to the video store with the girlfriend and just walking around reading the backs of the covers and whatnot.
I also got excited to see some of the movies which is something that hardly ever happens anymore.
I think it's because a little effort goes a long way in getting your hype up.

Jesus christ we stopped having video stores in the mid noughties

>Own video rental store
>Make GED a minimum requirement
>Never have to worry about retarded walmartfag ever working at my comfy video rental store

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Goddammit you got me...

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These idiots better start a streaming site or diversified before it's too late it's only a matter of time before they will be dead.

Who the fuck still rents actual hard copies of movies in 2019. Jesus fucking Christ

Didn't know they were still around

People who don't want to use jewish streaming services that curate the content available to you. People who remember movies that you aren't going to find on netflix, because they are problematic. People who remember movies that you aren't going to find on Amazon, because they are problematic.

And there's still 20 serious replies. Trump cult is so desperate to get a win that they are taking the most obvious bait. I hope these idiots are boomers but I suspect it's just t_d being retarded.

I miss this. basing my reason to rent and my whole view of a movie off the awesome cover only to get home and watch to be massively dissapointed

Movies are all fucking garbage. The handful of movies that aren't garbage I already own on bluray. Hollywood can suck a gnarled aids infested big black cock and fucking die for all I care. Don't even give 2 shits. Not even 1 shit. Stop being consumerist faggots mindlessly renting movies.

Movie studios created an entire market of near names for this reason. They would produce micro-budget movies with titles similar to a popular movie, with a similarly designed cover, just for people like you.

>own on bluray.
what a cuck

>searching for content jews censored is mindless consumerism
quality post, kike.

Still absolutely required

>>Movies are all fucking garbage. The handful of movies that aren't garbage I already own on bluray
Fucking this. That or straight up piracy. Pirate and download all music too because a lot of it's so old it's not even sold anywhere or I don't want to (((stream))) like a cuck. Books are about the only thing I'll probably never go digital for.

From YEARS ago. Go have sex at blockbuster, incel

are you retarded? yes - yes I think you are....

Occasionally you would get one of these low budgets that was actually good

Family Video was the exception for a long while when it came to video rental stores shutting down.
I liked their business, pretty cheap rentals. But really, it's their own fault for not figuring a new model before the cash ran out.
After Blockbuster closed down they had a near monopoly in my area, they could've easily used that opportunity to invest in new options. But they didn't.

>implying jews aren't directly responsible for 99.9% of the content

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For the horror movies there was usually no discernible difference. Sometimes the rip-offs were better!


They are now. There was competition into the 90's.

Is this a Joshi reference?


>Most people agree that it is more comfy to browse through a physical video rental store than to "rent online,"

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People still rent videos? Do people in Ohio still have mullets, and listen to hair metal?

Beat me to it.

Nahson, that rendition never been performed here. Morale would have to be higher than it does now

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TL;DR- mouthbreathers too dumb to pirate movies

I remember comfort rental store experiences

>Do people in Ohio still have mullets, and listen to hair metal?
In Philly they do.

VPN too slow for 4k rips.

Damn right.

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This has to be obvious to everyone, right?

>America's video rental industry is collapsing under Trump
SJW tactics again of
and claim its failure is due to Trump.

So watch in 1080 or 1440

Why doesnt Trump kill amazon video for being a monopoly?

Cause it isnt a monopoly

>>stuck working at walmart until my casket closes
Don't worry, the Civil War will shake things up.

How though?
Other businessez die to it

Have not been to one of those in 10 years.

>Numerous piratong/streaming services
It still has competitors


>implying the kikes want to lose thier tax cattle
>implying the average citizen gives two shits because muh Mahvel and Stah Wharz movies are still being churned out
Nothing is going to happen.

>he doesn't have at least 6 streaming services

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Thanks to Trump we no longer have Blockbuster and pizza Friday nights.

You change this.

Quit smoking ready rock you stupid nigger.

If those were real people wouldnt conplain about leaving youtube

>Order a pizza to be delivered to you
>Pirate a movie
You have it back now

As soon as we got DStv box office running, it was game over for my local store, on the plus side it's now a pizza perfect.

People have stopped watching Jewish-Hollywood produced shit

>People have stopped watching Jewish-Hollywood produced shit
>He actually believes this

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>he forgot about endgame

Also down...
-Hoop and stick manufacturing
-Fax Machine production
-Leech procurement for Medical procedures