
Is there anyway to be completely anonymous on Jow Forums again?

>just use a vpn bro
99% of all vpn outlet nodes are banned

>Jow Forums pass holders can bypass the ban
then all your posts are linked to the name on your credit card

Is phone posting over cellular data anonymous?

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buy a pass with bitcoin retard

I don’t care I bare witness

Lol op is special

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Why the do you need to be truly anonymous on fucking Jow Forums? You don't get put on a list for saying you hate kikes, you get put on a list when you try to start a militia. Don't be schizo, shitpost away.

Meh the government is coming for everyone anyone (I mean everyone, not just 'us') , so what does it matter

>your credit card
Crypto, my man.

This board is all satire anyway, who cares

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I browse Jow Forums on my home internet connection without a vpn. Stop being a pussy, you live in America. I would defend everything I've ever said on this website. Only Christ can judge me.

>You don't get put on a list for saying you hate kikes
Too bad cunts like you won't get the rope instead.

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Pay for ur VPN with pre paid credit card, or pay VPN threw a fake google account using VPN app and Google pay system

>Is phone posting over cellular data anonymous?
How the fuck is anyone phone posting?
>solve the captcha
>solve the captcha
>solve the captcha
>connection error
>solve the captcha
>solve the captcha
>solve the captcha
No one has ever had anything to say worth putting up with that nigger shits.

>this retard is being retarded
Have a (you) CIA

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I'm right though, retards, nobody has ever been retaliated against for things they posted on Jow Forums. Do you have any idea how frequently people are calling each other kikes and niggers with their full, real fucking names visible in private FB groups?
As I said, quit being schizo.
There are things that will get you put on an NSA/FBI list but virtually nothing on Jow Forums meets that bar. NSA just visits here to try to craft counter-propaganda.

Use a public wi-fi, works for me.

>2019 internet
>being anonymous

get a time machine

create a time machine and travel 15 years back if you want anonymity.

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pic related
and yeah i know
>the UK
but it'll be NZ, Australia and Canada soon, Germany and Sweden as well, America's probably sweet for a while but for the rest of us in our retard countries this is beginning to look pretty bad.


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I hate Kikes and I'm starting a militia

Stop being afraid of the government.

The NSA built a 500 billion dollar infrastructure designed to intercept ALL forms of electronic communication. Including SMS, cell phone towers, internet Providers. Literally everything. There is no such thing as anonymous my friend. Welcome to the 21st century.

brits have, you dumb faggot. it's likely happened in other countries as well. Kill yourself in the most painful way possible on livestream, thx

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