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Attached: Porn_Christian_Culture_Jew.jpg (878x599, 550K)

easier said than done

True, but don't let that discourage you.

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why is there a little fucking spic in my yard?

past the one week mark you really have little desir to return to porn. you start noticing yourself enjoying the little things a lot more. things effect you on a more visceral emotional level. things like movies become amazing and engaging again like when you were a kid rather than something just to do to pass the time

Only commies hate porn
A real patriot jacks it off to defeat the reds

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wtf i love prostate cancer now

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Fap to 2D hentai. It's clean and pure and even the most vile shit the nips have on offer is better than the kike produced 3DPD garbage. I never watch real humans fuck and I don't have any of the problems nofappers are trying to get rid of, and don't have to deal with kike owned websites trying to suggest blacked/cuck porn to me.

that's literally a myth

utter bullshit

just get high. then you have all of those benefits plus porn.

>can't get laid irl because too ugly
>porn is the only thing that keeps me from raping women
>if I quit porn I might rape women
>OP is telling me it's okay to rape women

heart shaped kisses 666 evil bitches want to fuck me.

Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer

This is how u become a tranny

It's not that it's okay to rape women, it's that rape doesn't exist.

Tbh this tip top kek

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So watching women shake their hips is bad for me? The hell are you talking about you idiot.

Make Women Not Fat Again