Explain yourselves, Australians

Explain yourselves, Australians.

Attached: 1526841636653.webm (404x720, 2.94M)

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>chinks niggers and poos
looks like a typical melbourne coles

Blair is looking swole af

Explain yourselves, Australians.
Everyone in the store is a shitskin except based Australian chad.

Wow. Heaps of the refrigeratored shelves were empty and there were avocado trays were empty. Someone really needs to have a word with the store manager.

They colonized Australia and now they're getting colonized, nothing wrong with that

niggers, niggers everywhere. billions of them. all over the planet. and people still call them minorities.

>They colonized Australia and now they're getting colonized, nothing wrong with that
Essentially this.
It's just weird that so many white people want to be colonized. You can only blame (((them))) and their propaganda so far... It's downright bizarre.

>Shitskins not being respectful members of a society.

Gee, colour me surprised.

Yeah, what trap routine is this nigga doing? Definitely his standout part.