Your WiFi kills houseplants.
5G is totally saf-
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I'm not a houseplant.
I use plants to cover my router and ISP gear. They grow very well. So i guess WiFi kills house plants some of the time.
*Places powerful 5g transmitter within 6 inches of soft tissue in eyes ear and brain*
Daily reminder the Chinese are spamming propaganda that 5G is evil so that Westerners will hobble their own technological advancement
It was a thing back in the old CRT monitor days to put cacti near them because it made them grow faster.
My plant is doing great
wifi 5Ghz is not 5G
Now here's where things get confusing. Many people refer to 5GHz Wi-Fi as "5G Wi-Fi." Wi-Fi is not 5G, however.
The 5G that all of the wireless carriers are installing is the fifth generation of cell phone networks. If you're talking about Wi-Fi, "5G(Hz)" refers to a frequency band: five gigahertz. If you're talking about cellular, the "G" stands for "generation." They're completely different terms.
RF exposure is not safe, in fact the FCC has exposure limits.
How close do you keep your phone to your testicles btw? In your pocket?
The science...
No one claims the frequency is to blame you absolute retard. It's the RF from wattage signal intensity and your proximity.
How close on average is your cell phone to your delicate soft tissue areas?
Youre not human either
if its on that side then dont get close and you should be fine, right?
How does it feel that you've fallen for Russian and Chinese-backed propaganda about the nonexistent health effects of wifi at the same time that Russia and China are investing in huge rollouts of 5G in an attempt to get ahead of America technologically?
You're literally a useful idiot acting as an agent for enemy countries in your own nation.
Yeah that's its guys its totally safe and Jews promoting it are being nice to get us comfy wifi speeds yep...
Must be why my seeds never germinated
5G wifi is not the same as the 5G cell network
>No one claims the frequency is to blame you absolute retard
who said anything about frequency?
the point was that your title talks about 5G and your text and images about wifi, which are completely different technologies that have nothing to do with one another
>5g makes you immortal
This is pro-5g.
This might actually be the best fucking bait I have read all year.
No, you're a vegetable.
>Exposed to 5G for 12 days
>Conveniently not exposed to water or sunlight for 12 days
>This proves 5G is bad
Islamic science
Always do the opposite of what Jews say
legendary nogpost
What about the first plant?
Assuming this danish person isn't retarded (kek) the plants should've been treated the same, except for the wifi signals
This is a weight off my mind.
At least I'll have fast internet until I die...
>No one claims the frequency is to blame you absolute retard.
Your shitty infographic forgets visible light causes cancer too.
You're also a retard as the frequency as well as intensity matters.
>Assuming this dane isn't retarded
You're the retard now
They've been saying that mobile phones will give us cancer for 20 years now but it didn't happen
link to the study?
if you dont think RF is dangerous google russian plasma radio ;)
*youtube, not google
It's the same plate, look at the chaff underneath the paper towel. Spontaneous generation shit
>but it didn't happen
It's worse than I thought:
>Behind the experiment are five girls from 9b in Hjallerup School in North Jutland,
>and it all started because they found it difficult to concentrate during the school day
>difficult to concentrate during school
These thots were just realizing their own mental deficiencies and wanted to blame it on something else. Nothing new here
you may see warming.
the materials you are made of and your bodies size determine how good or bad of a receiver you are.
I can actually feel physical pain when phones are very close to my testicles for prolonged periods.
Most people say I just made it up but I noticed it first when I was distracted with gaming.
Fully agreed fellow 5G-enabled citizen! Those anti-science bigoted quacks don't even know that microwave radiation is 100% safe below thermal levels!
I bet they're anti-vaxxers too, and even racists to boot.
>you may see warming
they never safety tested 5g so you dont know what it will do. you cannot dispute this fact.
I’ve literally had a houseplant on top of a file cabinet next to my router for like a year. It’s doing just fine
You understand this is the old television broadcast spectrum? You've been living under this your whole life already
T-thanks duckduckgoy
>Youre not human either
Funny that a kike is saying this.
5G in China still uses 4G frequencies.
5G is a transport specification
>How close on average is your cell phone to your delicate soft tissue areas?
i do take dickpicks quite often
no it doesnt, I have a shit ton of plants
nice one
sup granddad
Cell phones give you tumors.Just as John McCain. Back before smartphones, people kept their flip phones in their pocket which led to a rise in testicular cancer and low sperm counts.
FUCKING HOPELESS CHIMP 5G allowed in occupied palestine? No?
guess i'll pass
No, you're a housenigger.
lol, i remember that was a thing.
>Cell phones give you tumors.Just as John McCain.
well he's not giving them now
It's exactly the opposite and you don't even know it. why do yo think it's not open-source and it's being advertised everywhere.
It's not a jewish software goy, we value your privacy and adrenochrome.
Even the poos hate you mate. The jig is up.
Actually ching chongs like you are seething that you wont get to microwave the west to make chink dumplings
Dood, what causes all of the cancer is definitely not cellphone towers or semiconductors. Cancer rates are going up because technology is getting better at detecting it. Start eating healthy and working out, as far as we know Cancer isn't caused by anything besides poor health decisions.
Pic is my daughter, she was flat chested until 4 weeks ago when we finally had a Wi-Fi router installed.
Who are you? How much are you being paid for this? What does a Zuckerberg/Kushner cum cocktail taste like?
Did her frog turn gay?
im not saying its dangerous or safe.
im out of my depth on the issue. But i tried reading studies about this stuff a few years ago when looking into Jill Stein's, precautionary principle. To not do X until we can determine its safety, especially around children.
one of the studies i think used rats and materials that simulated a child's head. they put transmitters all over the rats and model at full power for unrealistic periods of time and i think the most they found is molecule oscillation and warming. but it wasnt strong enough to cause damage. Adults due to increased body mass and thicker bones were more resilient than children as resisting whatever effects happen.
i was lurking some forums about this stuff and a random person input was that, this is more of an issue for babies/children depending on the wavelength as their bodies may be the a more effective receiver, as tho we are antenna, while also having softer tissue, making them more susceptible to whatever effects might occur.
my take away was, dont cover a child's body in industrial transmitters at full power for months at a time..... cause you might get warm.
>getting paid to shitpost
I wish, Mr fbi
>1 post
>What matters is being white European and you literally splitting hairs here.
Of course you're not, you're a fruit
based kike
America is the greatest ally of Israel where as Russia and China are more neutral and or support nation's that are enemy's like iran and Palestine as such Israel wants America atlest in the time being to be technologically superior to Russia and China this is why Jews support it.
>two wifi-routers
The burden of proof is on you to show that 5g is dangerous to humans. Any non-ionising radiation is too weak to break chemical bonds. Microwaves being the sole exception as they directly target water molecules. Some shitty screen cap from your aunties Facebook isn't going to convince anyone you fucking goober.
Fuck off smoothskin
>The burden of proof is on you to show that 5g is dangerous to humans.
What is the precautionary principle?
>Any non-ionising radiation is too weak to break chemical bonds
What is the 30 million dollar NTP study that showed phone signals well below thermal levels caused malignant cancer in rats?
What about it, fagtron?
Place your head in a microwave. Let us know the results of the experiment.
Yeah but how are you gonna eat watermelon?
I'm willing to be convinced. Do you have a Source?
>posting a flawed experiment by danish school girls as evidence
How it it possible to be this much of a brainlet?
all these exotic flags with 1 post in favour of 5G.... hmmm.....
here you go Myanmar
goddam I need 5 routers STAT
We can remotely put shawarmas inside mice now? Sign me up.
Thanks, I'll read it. Btw I'm British. I'm only here for business.
hahaha ok
Here's my third post, fagit. Choke on it.
wtf 5G is safe now
why is it always dumbass kids that don't know shit about gardening that come up with this shit?
Did you even read the study??? It's inconclusive because the tumors didn't show up for female rats. Therefore it has nothing to do with the 2 or 3g rfr used and more to do with rats.
if you get too close to infrared radiation you can actually get 3rd degree burns! For this reason we should ban TV remotes
>It's inconclusive because the tumors didn't show up for female rats.
incorrect, that's your interpretation of the study. There is equivocal evidence that female rats were negatively affected, and clear evidence that male rats were negatively affected.
>1 post
wtf I love 5G now it's totally safe now