Climate change is not real

Sure thing... sure it’s real.

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Other urls found in this thread:;-37.6;3&l=temperature-2m

Don't be deceived by Jow Forumsyp retardation.

In the real world climate deniers have been so marginalised and their numbers so depleted that they basically don't exist anymore. Governments are just getting on with the business of solving the problem, and communities like Jow Forums are nonentities.

Trump is the major exception to this norm, but Trump's an aberration that won't survive his own failures.

Greenland doesn’t have ice to begin with stupid that’s why it’s called Greenland

>dogs can now walk on water
Jesus Christ

Greenland seems like a fake country like North Korea probably doesn't exist.

>Photoshop lays bare reality of melting Greenland sea ice

Literally nobody denies climate change. Smart people simply deny that humans are the major cause of it, and also understand NOTHING can be done to stop climate change.

Who the fuck cares what's real.

Ill keep that theory in mind when I think about how the USA quit the Paris accords, but was also the only country to hit their carbon reduction targets while not engaging end sending gibs to the third world like the eurotards did.

Literally not how partially thawed ice looks at all. Nice shoop

t. Floridian living in Minnesota

h-how are they walking on water?

Okay, but how are you going to feel when ten years from now your predictions don't come true?

The climate has changed since it existed.
It was relatively stable throughout the 20th century.
GJ ending your nuclear power btw. I thought Krauts were supposed to be smart

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What are we supposed to do about it? Any attempt at reforming shit will be immediately shut down by kikes so all you can do is complain and peacefully protest.

the science is settled

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The Jew will conveniently forget, obfuscate and lie. Then claim he was right all along.

Instead of investing money into GMO crops that can withstand major climate swings and devising plans for moving people off the coasts, they want to tax emissions and spend it on pet projects because that will do something.

>Smart people simply deny that humans are the major cause of it
>some YouTube e celeb told me so

A fucking leaf

>Greenland doesn’t have ice to begin with stupid that’s why it’s called Greenland
no thats iceland, greenland and iceland arranged to make their names that way.

It's a photoshop job. They're mocking Jesus Christ. They're satanists.

>The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is f-

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jesus dogs

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It’s all true

>don't be deceived
a fucking cult

standard demonic bolshevik behavior to instruct its followers or intimidate the outliers. "just accept it", "deal with it", "it's over". Your commitment to evil is so incomprehensible that you should simply be dead, it would be better if you had never been born.

Ages of global warming and cooling have been pushing evolution for millions of years gaylord.

Hallo Alter

did you know that greenland has a so called summer, in which temperatures regulary rise above 20 degrees celsius? did you also know that greenland currently doesnt have nighttime and that therefore the sun is permanently heating up the valleys there?
many things have something to do with climate change, greenland ice melting in summer has nothing to do with it

Member when the world was icey? That sucked, member when the world got a little cooler during the medieval times? That sucked. Global warming is going to suck for niggers who live on the equator, but at least Antartica will melt and all the flat Earthers will have egg on their face.


The most annoying thing about global action on climate change is that you people will never be forced to see how wrong you were. Emissions will be reduced, most of the negative effects of climate change will be avoided, none of you will suffer, and you will continue to sit there and believe it was all a hoax.

Even if climate change is not prevented, there's an innate human bias which causes us not to realise when our beliefs change. People tend to believe that they always believed what they believe right now. If you're ever convinced that climate change is real, which is fairly likely as the effects become harder and harder to ignore, you will forget that you ever thought it wasn't.

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It’s more than that

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wow this picture of water changes everything.
go fuck yourself queer I don't care about your gay shit and I laugh at your anxiety.

People are very much dumb herd animals. Even remembering what happened a few years will make you feel isolated when you notice no one else seems to be able to

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this map is pure bullshit, check it for yourself. you are saying that those glaciers in the south and middle melted, they are still there and going strong. coastal ice is melting every year, the picture you posted is about coastal ice too.;-37.6;3&l=temperature-2m

Okay and that's cool. But don't you see that the same things would work the other way? What if you're wrong?

blame china and india

>The most annoying thing about global action on climate change is that you people will never be forced to see how wrong you were.
Again, your entire ideology is predicated on your anger towards non-believers. The fact that you even become dismayed at the idea that heretics won't be "punished" for their transgressions is astonishing.

You think its only e-celebs that say climate change isn't exclusively caused by humans? Retard.

Global warming, er, climate change is definitely real and only the West needs to appear to do something about it.
>No, not the 3rd world, China, India, etc. Just Western countries.
>Destroy all your diesel/petrol vehicles. Mine more hazardous materials and make all new battery electric vehicles.
>Scrap vehicles every 10 years and produce more. This is green thinking.
>Carbon tax for all western countries. Use money to import more 3rd world into 1st world so they can consume at ridiculous rates.
>Feel superior.

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The image says “melt” it doesn’t say “melted”. There are areas in Greenland without much summer melting but they decrease.

Fuck me I need to sort out my science file

Okay, how about this: if you're wrong in 5 years, you and everyone who agrees is executed for wasting humanity's time with this nonsense. Deal?

I like you

I dont care about it, now what?

Daily reminder climate change is inevitable and it's been scientifically proven the earth goes through phases of hot and cold every few hundred years. Implying humans are solely responsible is retarded and ignorant. Not denying pollution is real and an issue even so the worst polluted places on the planet are not reformed western countries that recycle

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>There are areas in Greenland without much summer melting but they decrease.
thats true. now please refrain from posting alarmist pictures like your OP if you know yourself, that greenland coastal ice melts regularly during summer.
if you really want to make people think, tell them about the lack of tropical cyclones this year, about the heatwaves in siberia, canada and india and about the lack of precipitation in brazil. threads like these are hurting your cause, not helping it.

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>But don't you see that the same things would work the other way?
Of course.

>What if you're wrong?
I'm not.

Obviously, we are in the same position - each totally convinced of our own arguments and totally convinced that the other is wrong. There's nothing I can say about your convictions that doesn't equally apply to me and my own. I'm not calling you an idiot because I expect to change your opinions or even because it's necessarily correct - it's perfectly possible to be intelligent and wrong, because decision-making (especially about what to believe) is only partially based on intelligence and even then in a very roundabout way. Smart people believe stupid shit all the time. I'm only calling you an idiot because it makes me feel better. I invite you to do the same, if you like. It would only be fair.

I could give you factual arguments but you wouldn't believe them. I don't have the technical expertise required to deliver those arguments with sufficient depth to defeat your conspiratorial thinking. I don't have you physically present in front of me to demonstrate before your own eyes how the theories work and why they should be believed, I don't have the authority required to force you to participate in such a demonstration, and, again, I don't have the technical expertise required. I don't have a personality profile of you in front of me which sets out what type of person you are and how best you can be convinced of things, and I don't feel like spending the time to get to know you now. I'm not really here to engage in debate, as you might have surmised.

What's more, I don't need to. Like I said, climate deniers are an irrelevant, marginalised community. The world has moved on and it doesn't need your help to fight climate change and you're free and welcome not to offer it. Events will proceed without you, as I'm sure they often have in your life and will continue to do so.


Wrong about what, specifically? What specific, measurable criteria are you going to establish for me to agree to and what is the basis of those criteria?

Your entire understanding of climate change comes from the media. You don't even know what I would be wrong about because you don't know what the actual predictions are.

> Greenland
> Green land

Okay. One of us will be right, and the other wrong. There's no real reason to argue about it. Never change, australia. I nearly went into as much effort as you did.

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>your entire ideology is predicated on your anger towards non-believers
This. It's really about power, as with all leftist shite.

>climate change
Didn't you hear? The new term is "climate chaos". Get with the programme!

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>What if you're wrong?
When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you medication, do you argue about why he should prescribe different meds?

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Irrelevant I live in the first world total pop 1 billion it's the other 7 billion in the developing world that don't gaf about recycling
Oh cool proofs I'm white

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Sometimes I'll get a second opinion. Why, are you saying that an australian shitposter is a doctor prescribing me something?

>what are tides

Glaciers are spectacularly spoopy

>global warming is a hoax
>it's real but humans aren't the cause
>it's real, humans are the cause but we can't do anything about it
>it's real, humans are the cause, we can do something about it, but we shouldn't, it will be good for us

what would you do if some leftist said that 2+2=4? You would have said

>yes, BUT

you so dumb kangaroo man. climate change is a buzzword to bring down discussions about real problems. it is also a word to derive from the kalergi plan so that normies won't realise that they get replaced by a mischrasse while they argue about thats their fault that they get replaced because they use energy. it is so fucked up and every climate alarmist should hang next to the pedos and transsexuals. they destroy societies

If meteorologists got their weather models as off center as climate scientists do every 5 years, the field would be retarded no higher than astrology. Yes, climate change is no doubt a thing when you look at historical data, but it is nearly impossible to understand the root cause of the dangers when climate science is very clearly compromised by people using it for power and profit.

>Sometimes I'll get a second opinion
No, you dont. Youll get a second opinion when its serious and about surgery/cancer.

When you go to the doctor and he prescribes you antibiotics, you take them without questioning the science behind the scenes. If you accept the scientific method as the principle upon which our technology/medicine/science is built, then you accept that PEER REVEIWED ACADEMIC CONSESUS on anthropogenic climate change is in 100% agreement.

Just because you personally dont understand climate, cycles, astronomic phenomena, geology, organic chemistry, physics or even volumetric dimensions, doesnt mean that suddenly science is wrong.

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Fuck off.
you're being misled and lied to by your media.
It's the same almost every year. it melts it comes back, it melts it comes back.
Some times the summer is not warm enough too melt it all, some summers start early and melt more
It always comes back.
sun starts cooling, we get cooler along with every other planet in our solar system.
Sun gets warmer and we get warmer along with every other planet in our solar system.
We humans contribute less than 0.0002% of "greenhouse gasses" on earth.
Eat shit you Russian jew rape child.

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It is real, and beneficial.

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all failed doomsday predictions are simply ignored.
why and how the doomsday prophets themselves do not notice their failure is a mystery to me.
people like Paul Ehrlich, James Hansen and John Holdren continue to be worshipped by the media and politics even though they have been wrong about everything they said for many decades.
sadly the attention span and awareness of most people is too small to notice.
there are some collections of such failed predictions:

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They really want those carbon shekels

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Cope faggot lmao

the sea level rise is very slow and not accelerating

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>now watch me take every single media report, but especially the most alarmist ones, at complete and utter face value without any critical thinking whatsoever

The media is wrong about climate change all the time just like the media is wrong about everything all the time. It means nothing about the science.

Don't bother replying to me.

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I love you

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>Nothing can be done to stop climate change


game over pigs

>The warmer the planet, the more life.
>The amount of human greenhouse gasses emitted are negligible to natural pollutants from volcanic activity.
Globohomo, GDP, corporate profits, consumerism, sub 85 IQ people are the real problem. And the Jews.
The biggest issue is there are too few resources and too many people. Specifically brown and black people. And again, definitely Jews.

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Why are you speaking in English? The country that causes Climate Change doesn't speak English.

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Good now they can grow yucca and plantains so they can stop serving just colonial food

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What real world do you live in?
No one believes in this crap anymore.
There's a reason why the only ones left to shill this nonsense are Bill Nye, that teenager from Scandinavia, the Greens, etc.

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One observation is worth thousands of expert opinions.

Also, this deserves a specific response.

>graph cuts off in 2013 so it omits the massive spike you see here (but conveniently leaves out the X axis so that you can't tell that it cuts off in 2013 - I found out by reverse image search
>includes literally every model no matter how fringe or shit to muddy the waters, even though only a handful of models are actually used to set policy

This is the kind of manipulation and propaganda that climate deniers deploy. They are misleading you. They pass off news reports by idiot journalists as "facts" and lie and obfuscate scientific data knowing that you won't bother to check.

The one where Abbott just lost his own seat.

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holy fuck lol i know that dude. took some classes from him. fucking jcu faggots said wed be apocalypse already back in 2004. fucking institution was complete bullshit. fuck jcu fuckung useless nigger college.

Prof Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the solar background magnetic field observed from the Earth, revealed four pairs of dynamo waves, the pair with the highest eigen values are called principal components (PCs). The PC waves produced by a magnetic dipole and their summary curve were described analytically and shown to be closely related to the average sunspot number index used for description of solar activity. Based on this correlation, the summary curve was used for the prediction of long-term solar activity on a millennial timescale. This prediction revealed the presence of a grand cycle of 350-400 years, with a remarkable resemblance to the sunspot and terrestrial activity features reported in the past millennia: Maunder (grand) Minimum (1645-1715), Wolf (grand) minimum (1200), Oort (grand) minimum (1010-1050), Homer (grand) minimum (800-900 BC); the medieval (900-1200) warm period, Roman (400-10BC) and other warm periods. This approach also predicts the modern grand minimum upcoming in 2020-2055. By utilising the two principal components of solar magnetic field oscillations and their summary curve, we extrapolate the solar activity backwards one hundred millennia and derive weaker oscillations with a period of 2000-2100years (a super-grand cycle) reflecting variations of magnetic field magnitude. The last super-grand minimum occurred during Maunder Minimum with magnetic field growing for 500 years (until ~2150) and decreasing for another 500 years. The most likely nature of this interaction will be discussed and used to explain long-term variations of solar magnetic field and irradiance observed from the Earth.

>shops in ridiculous shit
>look, now it's fake
uuuh yeah, what's your point?

if you deny the existence or existential threat of man made climate change, please just know that you are extremely stupid and possibly mentally ill.

Holy shit. So because individuals with sensationalist claims are wrong, science can be discarded as a whole?

Goddamn I wish I had your IQ