Jow Forums BTFO

Jow Forums BTFO

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This isn't true. A bigmac in Denmark is around 10 dollars, maybe a little less.

In Norway they are probably even more expensive.

It costs 3$ here. Workers get 1k$ per month.

Is it too bad?

Memeflaggot cia niggers glow in the dark

Who the fuck cares?
literally trash food

That's what the (((CIA))) would say.
Knowing my country is the starting point to know where to apply search warrant.

Nice try, Jew.

>glowing intensifies

Your nose is getting more and more hookey.


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When me and the lads went to Prague we only ate at McDonalds and Subway because we couldn't stand the borsh and other slavshit food

Go to school and get a real job. Flipping burgers is a summer job.

And buy go to school I mean 'Pure & Applied' not interpretive transgender marxist dance theory.

Fuck you and the asshole you crawled out of and while you're at it learn how economics work.

is that a political compass?

It's around 8 dollars here, this is shit

>what is a meal

Kys (((Anglo)), go eat your jellied eels and paki munchie boxes

Ladies and gentlemen - the high class brit.

Then move to one of those countries.

For some people McDonald’s is a real job, only one you can find. Your privilege is showing, because Canada has a livable minimum wage

>bumping a slide thread
>claiming things about countries w/out their flag
The statist boomer is immune to all insults. Call him a faggot, a jew, newfag, or retarded boomer and it runs off his back like water off a raincoat. But call him a CIA nigger and he will recoil and say "N-no u."

Norway has one of the highest costs of living. It doesn't even matter if you get $20 an hour your better off in buying power here in a red state at $10 an hour.

Also Nordic countries aren't filled with sugar thirsty fatasses, so the low demand therefore leads to low prices.

America has very livable minimum wage just stay out of Jew Holes like California and jew York.

who cares about McDonald's workers?

Fuck burger flippers. I can't wait for them to be replaced with robots.


$7.25 hr isn’t livable in any state, raising it to $15 won’t change prices much

>National fast food day
Do you have national diabetes day too?

Yeah, except in nordic countries you pay 30% tax on those $18/hr wages.

McDonald’s is a global company, so they take in all their income and expenses at a global level. They do not care what the wages are in an individual country, they just aggregate their expenses from the entire world. Regional prices for food are based purely on supply and demand, and labor cost does not matter because that is accounted for globally.

What the fuck am I reading? McDonalds is a franchise business model you inbred retard.

Had Norwegian McDs a couple years ago, (large quarter pounder meal) and it was 95 krone ($10.86). Compare the exact same meal to the Philippines, 202 pesos (~$4). Fuck Nordic countries and their expensive ass McDonalds.

You mean paying someone who makes 1.000 burgers each day $100 extra doesn't maker those 1.000 burgers cost $5.000 extra?

it costs here 10USD.
the minimum wage here is about 8 or 9 USD

Really? Never had borscht but beats are tasty. You should eat more real food