I found the embodiment of the Jow Forums userbase. This whole board is packed with Mr...

I found the embodiment of the Jow Forums userbase. This whole board is packed with Mr. Crockers but instead of blaming imaginary fairies they blame jews.

Attached: 1560856314659.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Are there mods here still or is it all the same guys now?

fairies exist in his world, jews exist in ours

Attached: its true.jpg (500x375, 26K)


But he was right and so is Jow Forums

>blaming imaginary fairies

except fairies are real in his world, you moron.

How dare you blame those beautiful creatures we call gays you cunt

Lefties always have to draw paralells with children cartoons to formulate a thought.

and more importantly, this

Oh just fuck off and accept the political will of the people you fucking commie

Christ the slides are real. There's no point in saging this causes the Mods do nothing

But, the fairies were real. So are the Jews.

Faeries are real everywhere user.

Attached: WhitneyWebb.png (1271x612, 582K)

user.. I....

But fairies are real in his world and he has been right all along.

Attached: GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE.gif (636x355, 2.47M)

Do you have Fairy Kike godparents.

they grant loans

Attached: kjudsZJ[1].png (900x900, 995K)

So, everybody thinks he's mad but he's actually right?

Attached: seriously.gif (379x387, 71K)

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Attached: ee2.gif (640x480, 42K)

Fake news

So despite his legitnate concerns and constant attempts to warn society about a world which can be bent to fit the narcassusic desires of a small few he is shunned and labbeled as a lunatic by society while in truth being correct.........

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I think so

Attached: fascistgull.jpg (1600x1214, 233K)

For me, it was Tootie.

Attached: Birthday Wish.avi_snapshot_04.46_[2017.11.03_07.58.26].jpg (720x544, 161K)

Dude, nice. Put me in the screen cap. This'll get so many upvotes

The gull is half black KEK

Attached: untitled.jpg (685x506, 40K)

>argh! you're a commie for not liking jews!
I don't think you got your insults right there.
>The average british persons DNA is 60% european
That's a nice step up over the % survey meme
when 30% of the survey or so identifies as mixed, they count that as non white, and then say the country is 56% white in total, when 56% of the actual control is all white individuals.
Only wish this standard was used for everybody, because it really helps pay attention to how white a country actually is. I'd love to see the results for Argentina and Brazil, and the differences between a survey and an average white DNA% in the two countries. Though it probably also counts Turkish as european, so there'd be some cons to it too.

Really bad example. Crocker was 100% completely right.

The best part is that he is actually right while everyone underestimates him.

>zoomer memes
fuck off you fucking shitcunt, stop being a fucking fanny mate