>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative, counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
You've got to consult the Geneticist for this one.
Ayden Cook
Meddl Loide ... *atmet ein* *atmet aus* Ich weiß, dass ein Paar Arschlöcher da draußen meinen, ich sei das letze Arschloch und der letzte Kaschper und Dreggsagg und was weiß ich alles... ich hab heud einen Aufruf an euch, kleine miesen Dreggsschweine: Irrgendeiner, ich weiß es net wer, und es is mir auch scheißegal; ich weiß nicht wer es war, irgendwer hat meine Schwester mit ner PC-Computer-Stimme angrufen und gemeint: Pass auf, ich weiß, wo du wohnst. Wer auch immer des war, TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR, ALTSCHAUERBERG 8 in 91448 EMSKIRCHEN, TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR UND LEGT MIT MIR AN, ICH PRÜGEL DIE SCHEIßE AUS EUCH RAUS; wenn jemand meint, er kann meine Familie beleidigen oder irrgendwie meint, jemanden fertich zu machen, DER NIX DAMIT ZU TUN, MIT DIESER SCHEIßE, ja; dann soll er herkommen, ich schlag iHM SO .. ö ähm ... SCHMEIß IHM SO DIE PRÜGEL NAUS, DAS DER NIE WIEDER AUFSTEHT; IHR HAB KEINE ANGST VOR EUCH KLEINEN PISSERN, und wenn jemand meint, ERNSTHAFT MEINT, DASS ICH NICHTS KANN, NUR WEIL ICH DICK BIN und weil ich weil ich A KASCHPERLA BIN.. für euch. Ich sach euch was, METTLER SIND ESENTLICH STÄRGGER ALS BILLIGE GLEINE KAGGNADSIS! TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR und mach mich fertich, wenn ihr meint, aber lasst andre Leude da raus; ES IST GENAU DIE SCHEIßE AUF DIE ICH GEINEN BOCK HAB und wenn einer meint, *schmeck* meine Schwester anzugreifen ODER MEINE FAMILIE ODER FREUNDE ODER GENERELL IRGENDJEMAND, wenn ich bin in der Nähe, ich prügel die Scheiße so aus ihm raus, dass ER NIE WIEDER AUFSTEHT UND ICH SCHWÖR EUCH: IHR HABT GEINE SCHONZ! TRAUT EUCH, KOMMT ZU MIR!
aaaahahahaha good, another loser kicked himself out of the human genpool images you are the father/mother of such a failure haha i can understand why muslims murder their degenerated offspring
Jonathan Moore
Und weiter rein mit dem Müll der Welt - sponsored by (((Soros))) the total arabisation and africanisation of europe
Greetings, my fellow nationalists. I am beautiful rich niece of very influential russian oligarch. I will convince uncle to help you win elections if you promise to give contracts to his shell companies, da? There is nothing wrong with accepting foreigner aid as a nationalist who believes in national independence free from foreign influence, da?
>I would be curious why he doesnt sue the Staatsanwalt
Because he would get in even more trouble then retard! He didn't do anything and is even now in trouble. That's what happens in fascist countries like ours.
Matthew Russell
>There is nothing wrong with accepting foreigner aid as a nationalist who believes in national independence free from foreign influence, da? Foreign investors aren't incompatible with nationalistic policies.
Owen King
Hitler's ghost attacking her
Thomas Martinez
>b-b-but its the hymne of the klassenfeind >i rather want to sing "auferstanden aus ruinen" fucking commie swine
Even more? No, he should definitely sue. As of now he isnt making them any issues, so they will for a HD every time they have a bad day. But if he were to produce backlash for an organisation, disturbing the Amtsstube so to speak, by sue them, everyone would have to be a bit more cautious there.
Gavin Rivera
lol why isnt he fucking with them? >download terrabytes of black gay porn >create millions of text files which have "lol you suck" written in them >millions of pictures with smug anime girls >call random (cheap/free) hotlines from foreign nations
Kayden Barnes
She feels, that she's going to be hanged under that hymn, soon.
>can't into economics Rich coming from an Albanian satellite state.
Owen Morales
Then they would probably get him for copyright violations... I would have a lot of articles / images of migrant violence on my computer so that the people that have to review his files see what kind of crimes they are not persecuting while they allow a Staatsanwalt to go on his personal vendetta again. They might just be readicalized.
Jordan Brown
copyright is only a problem if he shares it, pirating free porn is impossible >seduce wife of staatsanwalt >fuck her good and film it >make a million copies with different file name and size
You know, I've seen a lot of things. From beheadings to people getting stoned or burned alive. This one fucked me up. How does a man do this to himself?
Mentall illness and attention seeking turn people into monsters
Ian Sullivan
Sorry, You're right! XD. This is what true empowerment of women is! Now all we need is for her to join the military and lead all these ungrateful men, since mommy knows best!!
>when you are trying to betray your nation on an undiscovered WWII burial site
Ströer Gruppe (guys behind Rezo) are already making excuses for her through their portal t-online.de (bought from telekom): archive.fo/RZXLZ
>It's only a lack of water, goy >Happens to her all the time >Nothing to see here
William Brooks
Mißtrauensvotum sofort! >inb4 MSM shills for her >poor Angie with health problems >so sad to see her go like this :.( >she accomplished so much! >big bad nazis literally made her shake :(
Adrian Anderson
I did it Bois. I might the sued for useing Honk-Honk.
Jayden Moore
Give us the white power signal in court so we know it's you.
Brody Martinez
>Mißtrauensvotum sofort! Do you even know what that mean?
Isaiah Edwards
For sure but the real one with the fingers straight.
William Perry
this he might be a massive asshole or failure or whatever but the people who travel to his house to throw shit at him are truly Untermenschen
Christopher Sanchez
Reminds me of Hillary.
Tyler Cooper
>afd >lose Görlitz mayoral election >spazz out completely
löl afdumm
Nicholas Williams
Oh kek, the euroxican actually won. Let's see how much he'll embarrass himself. Next election goes to AfD.
Lucas Campbell
>Next election goes to AfD. As if anyone wants to form a coalition with them, löl.