Why not head over to microsoft.com
where you can say hello to Ana and "Embrace womxn".
While you're there, you can even click on a few download links and turn your desk top into a desk bottom.
Micro$oft Embraces Pride
Other urls found in this thread:
>windows is fucking gay
user I have known this since version 3.11
You should have known it since dos.
That's not a woman.
This is a woman
i called a trans dude a dude last weekend in portland and he got so mad and said come on pussy lets fight and he started crying because the dude in him wanted to so bad but the fem in him stopped him . i wanted to hurt him so bad for being a traitor but, walked away.
was too busy fucking around with QEMM386 to notice
What is xir's name?
Wearing the same glasses as the slug monster from Monsters Inc isn't really helping him pass.
Please end this madness
Is anyone else impressed at how many low effort, middle aged, fat, balding trannies are managing to pass as women lately? I am. I keep seeing these people that I legitimately think are just outrageously ugly and undesirable women, only to find out that they're actually men. They totally fool me.
Corporate sponsored faggotry
Linux is also infested with trannies, and MacOS is so fucking gay that it really goes without saying. Even the BSDs are getting cucked these days.
The only true white man's operating systems are OpenBSD, Haiku, and TempleOS.
Dumbshit newfag no link piece of fucking shit moron kys
At the very least, ESR and the autists from /tech/ threatened to nuke the fuck out of the kernel with code revocation, so that's kept the trannies in line as far as the kernel is concerned. That hasn't stopped fucktons of other open source projects from getting infested with and ruined by trannies who don't even program, but just troll for projects to thought control.
TempleOS I like the sound of that.
If the kernel or any of the other open source projects are going to allow that kind of goddamn cancer to infect them then it is time to fork those projects prior to the SJW cancer and move on. Goddamn them straight to Hell
I love watching these horrible companies kill themselves
switch to templeos now nigger
Men va fan, sitter du på Vietnamesisk windows? Får du ikke spilt "Tien Len" med engelsk versjon eller noe?
It's about money, honey.
Bobby Moynihan?
Embrace creepy pedo dragfags goyim
>turn your desk top into a desk bottom
Very witty, Wilde.
>100% of nerds side with justice
>nazis: must be something wrong with the nerds
>"waah stop with this tolerance"
>"waah why can't go hitting fags and niggers with a nightstick"
stupid bitch
I am 100% nerd and you are a faggot, and possibly a jew
I miss times before that bitch wrote Harry Potter
Fantasy was read by losers, for losers, people like me! But noooo, your shit kin had to infect my hobbies, my pen and paper games, my books, my comics, even my vidya now!
mark my words, if you ruin enough vidya gaems I will personally rise up, establish GamerReich and gas the fuck out of entire United Nations, remove women laws and beat any and all minorities into submission
I was even okay with losers like you until you went after my gay friends, hurting my friends is inexcusable.
I'm already fist deep in a tub of popcorn watching MS shit itself to death while nobody notices.
>shitstorm incoming
An apoocalypse!
Exodoodoous? Corporate diarrhea?
Harry Potter is nigger tier writing I will never understand how it became so popular.
I'm so tired of all the faggot shit
If you just gave equal rights, and treatment to everyone, then there would be no reason to humiliate idiots like you.
I like you. But in my case,I've already given up on video games but do still hope for the best for my bros on /v/
You should get into tabletop rpgs, it will expand your mind.
Well maybe you fags should keep your anal fisting in the closet and you'll stop pissing people off with your pedo parades
>choose any name you want when you become a woman
i'll change my name to biggcock mcforeskin
Please, when will you fucks stop playing the victim? How far does society need to go to prove a point to you? Is losing your job enough, do you need to be deplatformed, refused banking services, or maybe you sick animals won't stop before all records of you ever existing are removed. Gays and minorities tried to be nice to you, but you insist on pushing your shit because my friends existing hurts your fragile ego.
Use to play Warhammer 40k
is that way
Poofter here, and I was happy when things were on an even par, but you stupid cunts have pushed the boundaries so fucking far and shoved your fisting and other degenerate fetish filth so far down peoples throats that even oldfag gays find you hard to stomach.
Fuck off you filthy cunts. I'm going back into the closet so I don't have to be associated with you dirty degenerates.
To be fair, Dicks burgers are fucking delicious.
Based Pole is based.
It's just payback, nothing personal.
Modern poofters don't know what inequality is. We were the ones getting bashed by both the public and the police. All we ever wanted was to be treated like everyone else. Now you cunts come along, you've never experienced any of the fight that we put in for you, and you DEMAND, not just equality, but to be treated better than everyone else. If any of us old-fags had seen the future, I guarantee we would never have put in the hard yards to get you where you are today because we are embarrassed by what you have turned our movement into.
In our day we would have looked at pic related and laughed, but you cunts just march straight to the human rights commission and demand justice be done.
I hope someone bakes cyanide in your cake cunt and you choke on it.
It doesn't fucking matter to me, you're in the wrong, you're the one that is attacking the people I care about, so you can just shove your justifications up your ass. You get no sympathy from me.
Computing is associated so much with faggotry that TempleOS is the only one clean of it.
Stallman is a pedophile jew that put out a Jesuit LARP as "saint IGNUtius" in his younger days in YouTube.
At this point, I don't even deny that electricity is probably demonic in some form.
>you're in the wrong
We fought for what you have and that's your response. What a typical little faggot cunt.
you know your history, you shouldn't side with animals
Holy shit you are a super angry old gay arent you? Genuine real deep anger at this new generation of limp wristed faggots that infest and ruin everything they touch. Bravo.
A jew and a tranny. Jackpot.
This be fake
This. I’m tired of fag rainbows all over everything. We get it. Everything is gay. That’s great. Nobody actually cares. The way it should be.
This guy gets it. I have no problem with homos or trannies or any of that other shit. Do your thing. That’s the beauty of the freedom we have in the west. You can do what you like.
But things are getting out of hand now. Gay rainbows all over everything and people waving floppy dildos in public and shit. I just don’t wanna hear about it all the time like how most people don’t wanna celebrate my hobbies all day long either. And that’s fine.
I can't help it, they just disgust me. People take their children to these pride parades and it's just full on filth. Our parades were based on humor. We would rubbish our politicians or mental religious nuts. Now it's just debauchery. They might as well open all the gay saunas up as show and tell museums.
Never forget anons, not all faggots condone this shit.
you just can't take that the straight man has finally become the butt of the joke huh? must be stockholm syndrome
Doesn't it give you a warm glow user?
If it wasn't for straight men, there wouldn't be children for you to molest.
Yeah, totally. In fact, I’m willing to bet the majority don’t. All the poofs I’ve ever known were just normal people, honestly. They didn’t really need a rainbow dildo suit to express themselves in public or anything. I don’t think they’d be into any of this excessive debauchery either.
>“Pride is the freedom one feels by living a fearless, unapologetically fabulous, authentic, fulfilling life.”
I'm Christian. Why do I feel like I can't be my authentic self around these people? I mean: they'll report me to HR if I tell them what I really think about them.
nobody is molesting children, we're just having a bit fun at their expense. Nothing wrong with humiliating a few bigots here and there
I can't wait for you to die.
what's wrong? must feel weird now that the shoe is on the other foot
Ya I am really torn up
>believe women
>check your privilege
They've become completely converged
It's your son that will learn that he should cut his dick off in school, not mine. I can afford a proper education.
Why is it "womxn"? Shouldn't it be womyn for the chromosome they actually have?
I initially thought that they misspelled "women", then I immediately figured it out. It's all so tiresome.
maybe you should go and study it a bit, maybe you will finally learn to treat people respectfully then
The only operating system used to talk to God.
F you glorious bastard. A true Pope would've sainted you by now.
im so glad they stopped support for windows 7, considering ill never """"""""upgrade""""""""" to 10 ill just never have to install updates ever again. pretty tits desu
Not using TempleOS in current year.
Maybe you should by a fucking dictionary and see that all these gender confused pronouns are made up words by mentally ill people who can't string a sentence together without including the word "like" 45 times.
If you want pretty, go and say hello to Petra
mental illness is a social construct
Your death is a social construct.
your death is a public service
>>Tfw decolonization
Shut up faggot
Lol how retarded are you that you keep ignoring that that guy is a faggot and yet you claim he’s a bigot
he's siding with Trumptards and assholes that think hurting my friends is okay, that's all that matters
"I came, I saw, I conquered" tattooed right on gates' nigger cattle's chest.
You mean become more enmeshed with the government?
Literally selling shit to dumb people by acting inclusive.