Reminder the nazis were so stupid they actually believed they were fighting witches during ww2

Reminder the nazis were so stupid they actually believed they were fighting witches during ww2

Attached: A German prisoner of war escorted by a Soviet soldier, Stalingrad, 1943.jpg (1400x910, 75K)

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magick is used in war since the dawn of time, you stupid commie.

Retarded commie it was a nickname given to the women bombers.

The ultimate proof that communists are fucking cringy dumb

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Americans fought in ww2?

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Alex Jones, is that you?

I love how you retards are proud of being the most under equipped army with the highest casualty count

Attached: 405AB18B-18F3-4170-A485-40D5256CB2C8.jpg (650x429, 82K)

Invasion of manchuria tard. Stalin got revenge for russia

Attached: Screenshot_20190618-131924__01.jpg (1080x1608, 234K)

They invented the Wild Weasel maneuver but your to young to learn what that is

Revenge means nothing you commie dipshit. Revenge is the ultimate cope. You would have never needed revenge if you hadn't fucked up in the first place.

Does he actually believe russians werent tricked into communism and war?

Nobody cares about civilian casualties. It's a german cope. If the red army was as savage as the nazi retards would just pick a different metric to excuse losing. Point is you lost. And there's nothing left of the german and japanese empires outside of a few wehraboo and weeaboo spergs to mourn them and whine on the internet.

Yes, he's stupid. It goes with being a communist.

never heard that statistic before but sounds legit - the vast majority of patriotic decent men from that era were very conservative and red-pilled on race reality.

Ironically, there's also nothing left of the soviet shitshow you worship. Communism was another jewish spook that the Russians fell for and that you continue to fall for. Absolutely pathetic.

>An attack technique of the night bombers was to idle the engine near the target and glide to the bomb release point, with only wind noise left to reveal their location. German soldiers likened the sound to broomsticks and named the pilots "Night Witches."[1][8]
Based af

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99% of the german army was conscripts. Only the foreign "volunteers" weren't

Hitlet stand fast aka "hold or die" policy at moscow

Reminder the left are so stupid they actually think they're fighting nazis durign current year

Meant to say 90%

Shouldn't a commie slave away in his Kolchos?

Attached: Lookathim.gif (500x391, 535K)

Are you really bragging about smashing an army that was using the same equipment it was given in 1936 with 1945 jet fighters and super heavy tanks?

Like fucking for real? Their tanks couldn’t even fight Shermans 3:1 because they could barely pen the rear armor.

Yeah capturing close to a million men with 10k losses is not impressive at all. Remind me when merisharts did anything as impressive?

god bless america

Ahahaha, even fighting a collapsed army with US lend lease they still only managed to cause 25k casualties.

>Soviet statistics

In reality, the whole thing was just soviet propaganda for conscripted peasant women flying modified crop dusters.

Maximum overcope

Attached: 1557694123372.jpg (420x420, 111K)

(No seriously, they were flying crop dusters, look it up. The soviet air force was a total joke)

Finally Strike Witches has merged with reality.

Attached: 806055-download-strike-witches-wallpaper-1920x1363-hd.jpg (1920x1363, 402K)

Coping with what exactly? That the shitty USSR was kept on life support by USA and collapsed in peacetime due to following such a ridiculously shitty political religion? I'm laughing at them. Literally the most short lived and hillariously crappy empire in human history.

Can't oppose desegregation when you dead XDXD

That lend lease played no effect. And it's blatantly obvious that america didn't do jack shit in ww2 and their nukes were a meme, soviet declaration of war is what caused the japs to fold.

>Collapsed in peacetime

Historically illiterate mong

Attached: ProductionTable.png (1296x433, 25K)

Still not good enough to clear the Courland pocket.

Is this chart counting StuG III's and IV's as medium tanks or something?

Your're a fucking idiot

aahn yes, more commie propaganda daddy

The historically illiterate tranny commie... better luck next time fag-O

Attached: B8C8026E-3C9F-4494-80F2-DA5B6AB85938.jpg (961x1024, 238K)

>Point is you lost

Tattoo it on your forehead Commie scum. YOU LOST.

Gee wiz, sure glad I'm not speaking German right now...

Low quality bait

>believing NKVD lies
Fighting on two fronts while giving you retards actual monoplanes instead of shitty LaGGs and Ishaks, trains, supply trucks, support vehicles that don’t get stuck in your own fucking mud. The iconic Katyusha is mounted on our fucking Studebaker for example.

Giving working radios in T34s so one Pz4 can’t kill 3 T34s before being spotted even though T34s were superior brawlers, working parachutes etc etc etc

nazis are shit
communism is also shit

ussr have won ww2 not because of communist, but because majority of soldiers were russians.
communist only prevented them from fighting better and from enslaving and looting defeated enemies

nobody in central europe or germany paid full price for damage that they have done to civilian population and infrastructure of ussr

capitalistic russia would have won ww2 faster

Nichthexen were given that name because they were a propaganda unit practically of all female pilots and the USSR just dumped crop dusters and small bombs on them and told them to make do.

Globalists are the ones who won this war. They also are the ones who started it.

>nobody in central europe or germany paid full price for damage that they have done to civilian population and infrastructure of ussr
I mean.. this is just wrong

yes, the war was allowed to start by globalists from UK and USA
ww2 would not start if germany was partitioned after ww1

Nazi were the real witches.

communists are morons, thats why ussr collapsed miserably in 1991 and you will be cursed by everybody

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" - main rule, european have not paid debt lol

axis countries have not paid full price

a lot of countries full of subhumans like hungary, romanian, bulgaria etc which participate in war on german side and their population were allowed to exist and receive GIBS and market from ussr lol

communism = russophobia