What do you guys say to those who fail at hiding their power level?

What do you guys say to those who fail at hiding their power level?

Ethan Klein was a guy who has been pretending to be a jew in order to create a complex satire of the Jewish community. Recently he ruined this by revealing his power level, confessing that he was never Jewish, but in fact a nazi who frequents our board. He is also a Trump supporter. Thoughts?

Attached: ethan-klein-3.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Gas the kikes, race war now. Also fuck you, Ethan.

stop worshipping e celebs fuck off

You know what I never got? The whole “I’m ugly and fat, so I’m going to make this stupid double chin pose because it will be super lawl.” Nope you’re just an ugly kike. Who the fuck watches this dude?

I don't think he ever said this.

>revealing his power level (implying that it's high)
>He is also a Trump supporter
pick one

So deep undercover that he married and bred a Jewess

Ethan is totally a Jew. You can't fool me Ethan.

>whaa stop mocking duck face pose
Roastie detected

Social climbing subscriber climbing Jewish Coont
who then thoroughly stabbed his friends in the back like a typical disgusting Jew.
He cant help it, it's in his genetic code.

Attached: AbbieSchnozzola.png (181x173, 41K)

That he met at a holocaust museum in isreal while visiting on birthright.

We always knew he was never Jewish and forced him to come clean about trying to besmirch our community.

It's better to hide it, and slowly redpill your community, it's not that hard, unless you are surrounded by mental illness lefties

he has mexican eyes


kys gypsy kike op

fucking raditz tier power level


Attached: elsagate.png (1089x606, 1.06M)

>HE make funnny face hAhahahahaahnaaha

Actual baby detected

>who then thoroughly stabbed his friends in the back

his podcast was always terrible and his skits were ripping off Sam Hyde, but I'd still see what he was up to from time to time. It wasn't until the Bill Burr interview that I felt too embarrassed and unsubbed from all his channels.

They openly sport pedophile symbols

[citation needed]

I mean, he did DENY pizzagate...

Fuhrer Klein's Vape Nation Reich will last a thousand years.

Hyper culture is now a thing. Not regular culture, not multimedia, we now have hyper culture. We shouldn’t worship these people but having prominent people in the world spread the truth of non-degeneracy, race realism, and libertarianism(or whatever political ideology you have that isn’t brain dead like communism, fascism, or anarchism) is good.