Why are jews so talented ?

All racist conclusions aside, why is it that most high profile people in todays world are jewish ?

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high IQ

Lobbying in every country + High IQ


The serious answer is, it's because most of the jewish men are closet homsoexuals, while the women hump every non-jewish man they can

high verbal iq, i.e good at bullshitting

making up less than 0.2% of the world's population, 50% of world chess champions because of................nepotism!


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you dont need verbal iq to win chess.

this desu

>when white people do better than blacks
oy vey! it's systemic oppression!

>when jews do better than white people
their IQ is just higher, goy

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Jew privilege. Systemic oppression of goys.

My gf was was mad I kept laughing the whole movie. I couldn’t get over the piano man being cast as Arnold.

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By what metric do you measure success? Dominating industries which they've had a deathgrip on for 100 years+?

There's no talent involved with hiring jewish employees over gentiles, even with zero experience.

Also what is "high profile"? Anyone in the jewish media spotlight? Surely you don't believe the tribalism ends with just hiring other jews. They also promote each other and each other's business interests, eg; jewish funded pop stars.

These are by themselves not indicators of high intellect but rather high cunning, tribalism and sociopathy. The end result of a race of people without morality.

How could it be nepotism if they're actually competent ?

Beacuse they have the perfect gene

>Kev Adams
>Gad Elmaleh

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In group preference. They support each other. And play by their own rules

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Because normies are stupid and jews learn how to exploit this as part of their culture. If you take away their stupid institutions, laws and goons, they immediately become ghetto gypsies again. They suck at anything that requires real effort.

Jews own the banks and are tribalistic

You are put in the best schools and best places. You learn. Meanwhile talented goys are relegated to never express their potential.

Because out of all talented people their owned media pushed only their own.

Give credit where it's due. If you're looking for the best inbred pedophile cult then kikes have been winning for over five thousand years.

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>oy vey look at my perfect genes!

Competent at what exactly? Jews are notoriously bad at pretty much everything, plagiarists, unathletic to the extreme, and only excel when surrounded by other jews, imagine that.

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>high IQ
Jewish scientists discovered that juice have highest IQ ever.
No surprise
Data is manipulated to make you believe their “superiority”

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us goyim are too busy tending the fields to make your gluten free meals to play chess. Check your privilege!

Iceland = 300k pop and the best
Get dunked on

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>why is it that most high profile people in todays world
stop watching tv

>50% of world chess champions
Suck big time in running marathon

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Anyone who's gone to college in any largish city in the US can tell you: Jews cheat. They form study groups and pore over test answers their kike professor or TA gave them. It's all a little club, anyone in here saying 'high iq' is having shekels deposited in their account (and nasty mushroom dick deposited in their throats)

Nepos the Nose

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>chess champions
Just stay in your holy land and play your chess.

>chess champions

Is that what you inbred trisomy 21 victims do when the fresh baby dick is delayed?

Take the baby dick binkie out of your mouth Moshe.

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you're a disgrace to our flag remove yourself from the gene pool

We dont run. its embarrassing.

Oh you'd run for a freshly snipped baby cock. It wouldn't be fast and it would look awkward as fuck as you fell on your nose but you'd get your prize.

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Lets you're right. I'm happy jews help their fellow jews. just like niggers should help their fellow niggers.

>muh but its wrong when white people do it !!!
Thats right.

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It's always interesting to me that nowhere do we ever find jewish females rallying to end jewish hegemony by refusing to produce more jewish males, yet the interwebz are chock full of white women trying to eliminate white males.

There are no good jews. Not the women, certainly not the males.

Yeah, and they justify it amongst themselves as an entitlement; jews apparently have deluded themselves into believing they are so smart they don't need to work hard at anything, and they do not. I have more respect for bug people than I do jews, despite both being cheaters.

Whos the #1 chess player?

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One day, soon, you'll run as we rid your kind from every far flung corner of the world. The goyim wont stay asleep forever, Moishe

Because extinction events weed out the weak. ^ million of the 3.4 million Jews living in Nazi occupied Europe died, but those that survived were the strong ones. Not only were they naturally superior to their brethren who died in the camps, but the dreaded gas, Zyklon B, developed by evil Nazis scientists, had an unintended side effect. The survivors came out of the gas chambers... changed. Different from when they had gone it. All part of Mengele's sinister experiment to create super humans! Of course, they couldn't test such a dangerous procedure on the weak and pitiful Aryans, no he had to perfect his methods first, and what better test subjects than the innocent Jews?
Moshe Noseberg, changed by the gas, seeks revenge for the deaths of his family. Using his mutant superpowers to hunt down Nazi survivors in hiding, he is "Rabbi Revenge!"

Somewhere along the line my shitpost turned into an action movie plot.

talented in lying and scheming in the dark

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The mother fucker got there through nepotism.

>50% of world chess champions

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>waaah I have no tribe and no one to help me succede!
>waah for some reason what some jew writes on a journal or says on t.v I must follow it as if it had authority for some reason

Fuck off jew

>jews aren't white
That we can both agree. Whites built the modern world jews are parasites leeching off whites

Its over for you faggots. by 2040 you'll be a minority in your own country.
>mhu its because the jewish media!
If white people are so dumb that they dont know whats good for them and they need the jewish media to tell them, they deserve what they get.

>what is jewish nepotism

We do have some crypto..

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Fake talent and thievery

>Whos the #1 chess player?
Magnus is Norwegian. Here we see Jewish lies again

Isnt that the kid in the rp chat that meets Drath'nor the anus destroyer?

Oh, look out boys I spooked 'im!

>We dont run.
You probably should. At least your kind is running from France, Germany, Sweden as we speak.


The trends will not continue, parasite.
The right wing is rising all around the Western world.

Can Jews tell me whether they have Jewdar like homos have gaydar?

>i have no one to help me cheat
>for some reason all i see are jewish voices
>surely this does not mean jews own the press and you're an anti semite if you even suggest it!

steady there rabbi

Its fantastic. the more the better. many of them come to isreal. thats what we wanted all along..

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Its yet another thing they're notoriously bad at. I'm light skin latino with curly hair and get harassed on the streets of nyc every yom kippur/passover/baby dick feast by hebes asking if I'm Jewish

thats why its important to fill europe with as many muslims as we can.

World peace could be attained tomorrow if every nation in the world ordered all Israeli nationals back home then nuked the whole place by tonight



>The right wing is rising all around the Western world.
all make sure to suck isreal's dick.

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This might be a difficult concept for you to grasp, subhuman, but I'm going to need you to try real hard for me:

Helping your kinfolk and abusing your station to give them an unfair advantage over the rest are different things

looks Italian

>I'm light skin latino with curly hair and get harassed on the streets of nyc every yom kippur/passover/baby dick feast by hebes asking if I'm Jewish

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You may not have heard this saying where you're from since all of humanity is your enemy, but where I'm from we 'keep our friends close and our enemies closer'

Your time is running out. The gullible clowns who swallowed your lies are beginning to die off and no one else is buying it anymore

I am talking about the general cultural trends in the West.

Exactly. Who really belives that there aren't non-jews, of any race, that are more talented and that we've never heard of?

>controlled opposition ZOG plants cozying up to their masters
Imagine my shock

And they were never intended to rule this planet. That's why it's so shit

Look at how fast the Jew shows its true colors and intentions once challenged.

>They suck at anything that requires real effort


They swindle their way into positions of power and then use their influence to appoint other Jews.

They took over an entire town near me in upstate NY.

Oh look, the kike is talking about his favorite subject again: sucking baby dick.

>>Helping your kinfolk and abusing your station to give them an unfair advantage over the rest are different things

>Different things
Just like my right hand is different than my left hand. They go together very easily though.

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Jews have been a successful race.
They value education and family, and they seem to have a higher IQ than average.
(This is the opposite of niggers.)
I have a good deal of admiration for their abilities.
You can't take that away from them.

I do believe they have too much influence over our national foreign policy, and that needs to change,
I also believe their socially progressive views are undermining American traditional values.
I don't believe it's a conspiracy, though.

you worship who they tell you to worship.

Haha yeah as promoted, advertised and judged and by kikes

Shut the fuck up BOOMER

>I do believe they have too much influence over our national foreign policy, and that needs to change,
>I also believe their socially progressive views are undermining American traditional values.
>I don't believe it's a conspiracy, though.

I am aghast at your massive understatement of these issues. Unbelievable, really.

I think he is from Norway?

He is shameless copyist.


most of time they're goys that claim jewish roots only once they become big
see R.R. Martin for example
This gets them immunity from criticism and and the "jewish club" gets another person to brag about.

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Because they are a tribe. When a Jewish kid shows talent at an early age it's all "Hey little kike sure can play piano, I got an uncle that works for disney, let me introduce you." For all the other races that have had their sense of family structure systematically deconstructed for the past century or so it's all "Shit my kids are more talented than me and that makes me hate them, myself and their whore of a mother even more."

Hey! Jew here. GoldmanSachs and many of my friends of family were completely wiped out by our own banking stupidity. But the goy is always there to take our financial losses for us. When the dust settled, Congress and Presidents from two different parties had given us so much money to keep us afloat that we all massively profited from bankrupting America.

As Jews, we succeed, we profit, we fail, we profit even more as the goy trash goes into personal debt to keep us on top. We just bribe the right politicians, police, religious figures, and own the media. It all works great.

Another great Jewish invention was affirmative action. The white goy are banned from even having good jobs so we keep it all in house for us Jews. Are we competent and the best? Hell, no. We just keep the white goy where they belong. At the bottom serving us.

Family business.

Hello, Dolly!

>I don't believe it's a conspiracy, though.
Not so much a singular conspiracy, but a way of life to make rules and then bend or ignore them for themselves.
I've worked at several companies with "ghost employees", where I would be denied a raise because the company can't afford it, but relatives of management are clocked in and out, but never seen on premises.
Recently, a huge scandal was uncovered and then forgotten, where the children of wealthy people are ushered through the selection process for top universities... But I'm sure donors to those schools don't get any special benefits for their families.
The uncomfortable feeling you get over policy and undermining values is your subconscious trying to warn you of your cognitive dissonance, and that you're willfully ignoring the ice-(((berg))) and trying to convince yourself that it's 'just the tip'.

This. Case-in-point: Amy Schumer and Charles Schumer

goldman sachs was forced to take bailout money. they didn’t need it.

With a mix of Jews in the top un-elected positions in government and the goy knowing their places, money is our domain as Jews. Its cute that you actually believe GoldmanSachs didn't want the money.

Jews have the highest in-group preference among ethnicities when studied, so part of the reason is both conscious and subconscious nepotism.

The other reason is that they are smart, due to selective breeding (Jews only marrying other Jews or above average Gentiles) and have a strong focus on academics from childhood (they are good at literally nothing else).

For some reason the fact that Jews are smart is hard for a lot of Jow Forums to admit, but none the less it is true. One can't claim the Jews, with 0.2% global population, managed to subvert and control the world yet at the same time are stupid. Not only is it ignorant to assume so but it is very dangerous to underestimate your opponent. Just because they are smart does not mean they are virtuous, honourable or righteous people.

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I pity your gf, her "man" can't even appreciate a movie if it stars someone who had more than 1 role in their lives

They're not. They are simply given more opportunities because they are jewish through things like nepotism.