Say you travel back in time 3 years, you don't want to alter the future, what do you do?

Say you travel back in time 3 years, you don't want to alter the future, what do you do?

>gain money on bets you know are certain to happen

You obviously can't become a multimillionaire and live like a king because that would certainly alter the future, earning a million and spending it slowly won't affect as much though.

Don't ask me if I'm a time traveller. I won't prove anything. I just want to know what would you do.

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find my younger self and kill him

I mean her, because I’m a cute girl

i kill hitler and take over Germany

>earning a million
No if I knew 3 years ago what the market would do I'd have a lot more than that

I hope you arent a time traveller because going back alters the future by proxy unless time travel works with a paradox correcting function (like everything happens as it would anyway even though you are "making changes" (nothing is actually different, your time travel was in the original timeline))

tl:dr; you cannot go back AND not change anything.

I just do what the director tells me to.

Only real answer

that million you earn would have otherwise gone somewhere else. you can't prevent altering the future, no matter what you do.

If you can't alter the future, then what the fuck is the point of going back in time? Knowing how things will happen but not taking advantage of that knowledge is stupid. So, what, I know everything that happened over the past 3 years ahead of time but I'm not allowed to do anything with that knowledge?

cringe and fake

There wouldn't even need to be paradox correction. If one were to go back in time to "change" something, they already went back and made the "changes" so present-day time has already accounted for their going back in the first place. They would unable to functionally change anything as we perceive it.

The fact that you have already traveled back in time, that alone alters the future. One degree in any way can have untold consequences. SO, you have already lost and should just go ahead and change as much as you can. Question: Can you meet yourself? Is it just your mind that travels back into your physical body from 3 years ago or do you as your physical body travel back so that there is an older and a younger version of you in the same instance?

I would go back in time, disguise myself, watch myself from afar and intervine at the right moments I would probably approach myself sometime in October of 2016. But one thing I wouldnt do is spoil the american election. I wouldnt want to ruin it for me. lol

It is the mind that "travels", as you said.

Wont say anything else. See you. Thanks.

Tell myself to go black much sooner and give up white peckers .bbc and asian girthy dicks are the way

Ill take the 3 years to figure out what's best to do during those 3 years, then call myself just before I would enter the time machine and tell myself what to do during the 3 years.

user, in the slight chance you are real

put the world on the right path - if you're on Jow Forums fingers crossed that you know what I mean

Attached: hitler and mussolini.jpg (189x266, 12K)

this is the best thread available now

thanks for your post. very nice

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just the mind then?
Honestly I think this would make my life worse in a way. 2016 was one of if not the best year of my life. I would try to relive it, in terms of my academic sucess, my relationships, my practice and self development, and knowing me I would probably ruin my relationships. I wouldnt be able to replecate the feelings. I wouldnt feel the same way about people, so people wouldnt respond the same way to me. I would have to meet people all over again but when we meet i will aleady know them, would i be able to force myself to act the same? how would our relationships devvelop? they might be wierded out. I think i would be precieved as a wierd person. but perhaps the benifits of knowing where people are and where they are going to be at certain hours on certain dates i could use to my advantage.

Honesly if this happened spontainiously my first thought would probably be "awe shit, here we go again" I have done alot of work in the past three years and to have to do it all over again would be tedious.