- HAPPENING - Protesters Crash Pedo Drag Queen Show At Denver Comic Book Warehouse

A bunch of gay pedos showed up to bring their kids to a drag queen show in Denver at this comic book warehouse and a group of based protesters in Anonymous masks showed up and got up in their faces.


In the video the protesters confront a bunch of mostly middle-aged guys and gay-pride freaks who showed up by the carload with young kids to let them dance in a drag-queen show....they also confront the fat-ass Denver cops that were paid to protect the event.

Attached: b8af0b27.jpg (400x600, 119K)

Good! Queers get the rope

Watch and see as the tranny jannies kill this thread.

This needs more attention

I praise Allah that this doesn't happen in my City but is it ever does you better believe I'm there with you bros

Who the fuck actually likes comic books. Capeshit is gay as fuck I hated it as a kid even

Cops actually protecting a child drag show. Cops get the rope first.


freemason faggot cops helping kids get sexualized
imagine my shawk

I'm on the sex offender list and I've thought about attending one of these events and making myself public. It would hurt there movement to be pedos, but, I don't want the news attention.
Martyrdom is hard

>cant talk about anyone or anything if you mention their name if you are investigating if they are pedos/breaking the law/corrupt
>can talk all about them and their names if you let them continue their illegal activities
really makes you think

I have noticed this happening over the last 24 hours and can't understand why. It's not the best thread admittedly but deserves a spot in the catalog more than... oh let's say Taylor Swift as an example.


The resistance is growing strong.

Kill yourself.

Do it

Mohammed, I don't think this is gonna square things between us, but if you and yours commit to fighting the big jew--and help us when we start making glass and abstract art out of the afghans raping little boys (while the glowniggers jerk off to it) then maybe we can leave each other alone afterward.

Comics are modern mythology. A century ago kids used to read pulp novels about cowboys or detectives. Seventy years ago they got into colorful representations of ancient Greek gods. Now it's weird shitty YA series shit.

Superhero comics are still fun. My nephew loves Superman and Batman because of the old JL cartoons and reads the old Cartoon Network run of those comics. The NEW comics are mostly garbage written by alt-life freakazoids who only get jobs because they're a minority some editor found on Tumblr.

Mile High is an old store from the early 90s. They used to sell their overstock. through Wizard before the Internet was big. That a company like theirs would make a business decision like this is a wake-up call for not just society but the industry.

Comics aren't a culture or a club. It's an inherent part of American society and a bunch of fucking weirdos usurped it in the early 2000s. Now we get to live with this shit in this clown world where Thor's a chick, Captain America's a Nazi, and Iron Man is an autistic teenage black girl.

Kim Jong Dong might as well just nuke us.

Freaks x tree + rope =

What in the fuck do drag queens have to do with comic books?

God I can’t wait till we’re dragging these disgusting fucks into the streets
I’ll volunteer to be the executioner I swear