What is it with addiction that makes it so hard to fend off...

What is it with addiction that makes it so hard to fend off. Most of the time even if you kick one addiction you get addicted to something else.

Video games
Working out

It seems like it's impossible to be 100% clean and balanced these days. Theres always something to get and be addicted to. How do we fight this

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Addicts are addicts because they have conditioned themselves to bond with objects instead of people. Addicts with fulfilling relationships with people simply do not come to be. The only reason you are fighting addictive impulses is because you are not living the way a human being is meant to live.

That's real. It's always when I've had low social contacts that I'm at my lowest in terms of addiction. Never out two and two together

>working out
Holy shit user you need to quit that one, goy!

What are you trying to distract yourself away from? Figure that out first.

This is backed up by an experiment that's been done with rats before.

Rats given the choice between cocaine water and regular water,
usually got addicted to the cocaine water pretty fast and would remain addicted indefinitely.

But, in the original experiments the rats were completely alone.
Rats that had many friends and toys to play with preferred the regular water and would take the cocaine water casually at best.

I've been addicted to working out. Watching everything I ate, taking extra protein, spending hours at the gym, always looking at myself in the mirror.

It's a healthy activity that can be addicting. It definitely takes over peoples lives like veganism

That's only partially correct. Addiction manifests as both psychological and physical dependence. You're talking about psychological addiction. Physical addiction (the way the body reprograms to need the addictive substance) is harder to break.

>How do we fight this

Make families great again.

>Physical addiction (the way the body reprograms to need the addictive substance) is harder to break.
No chance. The psychology behind addiction is what causes people to relapse over and over even after the physical withdrawal is over. Physical addiction is just a minor nuisance in most addictions.

I don't know man, I'm too disciplined to ever be addicted to anything

It’s better than what I used to do. Smoke weed and drink liquor everyday while playing hours of Dota.

>like veganism
yeah except working out is actually healthy and isn't a virtue signal to the left.

people who have no family or friends to support them get addicted to things

Can definitely say this is the case for cigarettes.
Cigarette withdrawal is nearly nothing.
It's a slightly-stressy feeling.
That's literally it.

Yet cigarettes are addictive as hell.

I dont know how I did it but one day I managed to just stop drinking alcohol. Now I've realized I've started down that same path with pornography and masturbation. I don't know how I'm doing it but I am.

I listened to Jordan Peterson a while ago talking about the comradery of sports.
And how playing together as a team, each person doing their job etc for the end goal of victory is so gratifying and meaningful.
And it hit me: This is why Dota is like crack.

Yea sure, most games are a complete mess and a shitshow.
But every now and then you get those teams where everything just flows.
And you will play another 100 games to get that feeling again.

Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you
Cravings are a part of physical withdrawal

The issue is you are using substances as escapism. You find them hard to stop using, because you are unwilling or unable to effectively confront and resolve some difficult life circumstance. That doesnt mean you are a failure necessarily, as all people perform this to some degree, but you should try to be conscious of when you begin doing this - and instead channel your energies against the root problem

I do not feel that using substances for increased performance however is necessarily bad or illegitimate. Phenylpiracetam, for example, is pretty dope.

>How do we fight this
get a wife and kids and responsibilities and you won't have time for all the bullshit anymore

Disagree. I've had psychological addictions that were really tough. OTOH, it was relatively easy to get off a Xanax perscription because I didn't love it.

>Alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you
So? Your claim was that physical addiction is harder to break than psychological. Something being able to kill you doesn't determine the difficulty of it. Drinking too much water can kill you. Is it difficult to stay hydrated?

>Cravings are a part of physical withdrawal

Rat Park experiment. intellihub.com/rat-park-experiment-shows-cultural-roots-drug-addiction/

TL;DR: rats were injected with morphine. Some were put in a place with bad conditions and choose water with morphine over plain water. Others were put on good conditions and chose plain water over water with morphine. Both had morphine injected before the experiment for some time.

addiction is only possible because of a system of jewing in the first place
jews have made society sick so that degenerate things seem like an escape

in the absence of that jewing, these things might be able to be used in moderation without ill effects to the person or society as a whole.

Lol. Without Jews, lazy low-IQ people would still make shitty decisions.

get addicted to things like work and exercise

addiction is measured by consequences

Until you have a streak of shitty teams and your MMR is 1K, now the game is unplayable and I haven't touched it for months

No, the consequences of addictionis measured by consequences. Addiction is measured by submission to impulse.

You have a deeply disordered soul because you have rejected Christ. Accept him as your lord and savior, go to mass and you will slowly stop being a degenerate.

No irony or shitpost, that is so simple yet spot on. Objects won’t abandon you nor will a hobby but a person will fuck you over.

There was a polar bear at the Brookfield Zoo in IL when I was a kid. It would walk forwards 10 steps, then reverse 10 steps without turning around. It was exhibiting symptoms of something it would have never experienced in the wild: boredom.
Our brains are bored OP, addictions are a side effect.


Who seriously gets bored? You have to have a room temp IQ and no willpower to entertain the idea of boredom.

>room temp IQ and no willpower
it was a bear...

I'm addicted to Jow Forums, how fucked am i?

His shitty anecdote was about a bear, then blamed addiction on boredom.

Well in this case, in the context of a caged animal, I’m suggesting that our minds, having seen very little challenge, have grown listless and require more stimulation than our artificial environments can provide.

Addiction is life, some addictions are just better than others.

Ty user, I'll be sure to share the proper story in the future.

Make your own stimulation. Move out of the basement.

how about i stimulate your prostate


Being gay is a symptom of "boredom" (avoiding the responsibilities of manhood)


theres millions of married unhappy couples.

Oh I'm bored baby

I drink a 12 pack of good beer at home every Sunday and get pretty shitfaced. I’m struggling cause I don’t know if this means I’m an addict. Like I feel like I need to get drunk on Sunday. What do you faggots think?

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There are lots of lazy, entitled couples who dont work at their marriage.

wrong. There are people who fulfill their addictions via people. They are known as narcissists and their problems are 100X worse than people addicted to chemicals since they need a constant supply of praise that must be secured via manipulation and deceit.

Addiction to chemicals > addiction to behavior > addiction to people at least morally.

Easy way to find out: be a sunday or two without drinking. If you find it nearly impossible, you are an addict.

Borderlines are another class of addicts "addicted to people" in this case they're addicted to the feeling of love and dependence. They destroy relationships b/c the initial feeling of love wears off and they need to find it in another.

>wrong. There are people who fulfill their addictions via people.
This does not make me wrong. It just means that there are addictive qualities to social behavior. The reason is the same: they dont have fulfilling social relationships, so they end up having to depend on dysfunctional ways of socializing, such as narcissism.

>What do you faggots think?
i think you should kill yourself.
does it cause major disruptions in your life?
does it make you unhappy?
do you think you should stop and/or tried and failed?

alcochol is degenerate and you shouldn't drink it at all, but... you do you as long as it doesn't endanger your life.

most people are addicted to something in one way or another. I don't think I've ever seen someone who wasn't addicted to either a drug, a behaviour, or a social stimuli.

Is this bait?

Baudelaire suggests that boredom is the root of all decadence and decay in Le Fleurs de Mal. It stretches from the most intelligent to the least, though you will see no greater joy than in the faces of the mentally retarded for whom boredom is rare. If you have any intelligence (if you aren't a NPC) finding a healthy way to handle boredom is lifelong.

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I'd personally rather be addicted to a chemical since it's harder to be manipulated for a chemical if you have a reliable supply.

Classic Weimarica.

Stop your navel gazing bullshit and grow some balls. It’s pretty simple really.

user its literally willpower.

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Do you ever start doing something else and forget to drink the beer? Do you ever just get tired and go to bed instead finishing all that beer? Have you ever had money, open stores, and a means to get there and just said “fuck it, I’m too lazy to go get beer”? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, you’re fine.


But finding healthy boundaries and roles within the community is still the manner to defeat addictions. You can get addicted to anything in the least bit pleasurable. But having a place within society, healthy friendships, giving to a greater cause, these are all the ways to defeat or prevent addiction. People with BPD because of a poor initial forming, they are hypersensitive to all the highs and lows that still drive normal people.

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>just be a disgusting heretic catholic goy!


theyre all just painkillers for our shitty lives.
ive been down this road many times, even after identifying the initial problems that set of a chain of events leading people to where they are today, even if they can accept that things have happened in the past that cant be changed and even if those things dont bother them anymore, it doesnt change the fact that today most of us are coping with lives we consider shit.

the only solution is to improve your life to the point you dont need the painkillers anymore, which for most people will take family support and probably a lot of money, both of which are totally out of reach for many.
its all so tiresome

Jesus is your solution

Addiction is not real. Narcissism causes the user to only think about the benefits riotously without thinking of the negative effects. They never criticize themselves, they never analyze their self destructive behaviors.

It's not like life has ever been wonderful.

>It's not like life has ever been wonderful.
its not something thats easily measured objectively, its why i said "coping with lives we consider shit" rather than coping with shit lives, an awful lot of people fall into addictions and destructive behaviour because they have totally unrealistic fantasys about how their life should be.
i know it sounds trite to say addiction is just a painkiller but i dont mean it to sound dismissive, its a serious thing and usually caused by some past unresolved trauma but even if a person can get over something thats happened to them, if their day to day life isnt where they think it should be or at least going in the direction it should be, they can reach for whatever it is that eases the pain (even if they know its making their life even fucking worse).

>They never criticize themselves, they never analyze their self destructive behaviors.
dealing with addicts myself and being one, thats the polar opposite of what really goes on, they are beating the shit out of themselves all the time.

become addicted to the suffering of your enemies.

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I guess I’m what you would call a functioning addict? I work 40 hours a week while going to school full time, maintaining a 4.0 in my classes, but for the life of me I can’t go a day without my alcohol. I’ve even convinced myself that I need it because of the stress of my lifestyle. I’m sure that isn’t the case because there’s undoubtedly a lot of sober people doing what I do.
It’s weird, I never would have thought I’d wind up a drunk when I was a child.

By leaving Jow Forums and never coming back

>No TV on the list or in the picture.

I got through university and grad school solely as a result of my amphetamine addiction at the time.

don't forget televised sports addiction.

I feel the same way but about pot. My wife and I work 40 hours a week, lovely home and everything is great. But I smoke everyday. Not a ton. Maybe a whole bowl in one day, but I convinced myself I need it

My female friend has this.
Fuck it's annoying.
Wanna play a game, watch a movie, listen to a podcast together?
>No I can't. The whatever are playing whatever tonight and that's important to me.
Then she sits there yelling at the tv at the top of her lungs like a crazy person.

Granted, she does look like she's enjoying herself, so there's that.
But it looks insane.

What about
>lazy ass syndrome

I honestly believe this a health issue most of the time.
Of course, you're gonna be lazy if you have no energy.

Do you eat good food, do you get enough sleep.
Is your room mold-free?
All these things can fuck you up.

>Do you eat good food
no :/
> do you get enough sleep.
no :/
>Is your room mold-free?
it is, didn't know this could fuck you up

t. procrastinator since highschool

we live in a hallucination, to keep us distracted from the horrific decline of life on earth.

Addiction fills a void. That void is always there, but people will put things into it. Sometimes it fills the void, sometimes it doesnt. Love and addiction are the 2 things that fill it completely every time, which is why we crave these things.

Yea I've struggled with the same thing on and off throughout my life.
Last time it was actually mold in my air conditioner.
Made me feel like I have the flu all the time.
And yea, I certainly don't feel like doing anything productive in that state.

Good post.

A vegan lifestyle isn't inherently virtue signaling. Having compassion and respect for emtionally active lifeforms and an unwillingness to contribute to the immensely cruel practices utilized by factory farming and animal testing is a moral decision for many, regardless of what other people think about the individual making that choice.

>tfw you don't feel like being productive for years






That's the thing, that it's the other way around.
Physical addiction goes away relatively quick, depending on the drug you take.
Cigarettes are the easiest, yet they are addictive as hell. Nicotine leaves your body within 72 hours.
Caffeine as well. Sugar.
Even alcohol is about a week or two.
The physical aspect is the quickest to pass, no matter how painful. It's the psychological aspect that keeps you going back, making you relapse years after you've been addicted and there's no more trace of the substance in your body.
Besides, think of only psychological addictions (as in, no foreign substances are used to get your fix) like porn and vidya games.

>azy low-IQ people would still make shitty decisions
you're right
but the reason we can't use shame and social pressure to push back on degeneracy is because jews will assault anyone who gets in the way of their jewing
that doesn't necessarily stop idiots from being idiots, but it does let them feel a greater degree of societal pressure to try harder

There's a lot of bullshit puritanism going on these days, and it's not based anywhere morally other than lame middle class kids thinking. Nofap, and "porn addiction" are a good example. There's no proof that fapping nor porn is bad for you, just that it feels good. Everything that feels good is "addictive".

Addiction doesn't mean jack shit. We're all addicted to tons of shit. If you don't think so go to solitary confinement and see how it feels.

Abuse is something different. It's when:
>You keep using despite negative consequences to work/school/relationships
>You keep using despite it clearly being physically harmful
>You try to quit multiple times and fail

Probably addicted, not abusing

>asc procrastinator profesionist
ce fac? ajutor plis

Well when i tried going cold turkey, a week in, I couldn't sleep and had constant nausea with zero appetite. Everybody's different, weed is easier to quit than cigarettes, but for a lot of people is the whole process of smoking that they are addicted to, why some people prefers joints than bongs etc. Best to wean yourself off slowly for certains and other things cold turkey. Each individual battle will be different

You're right user, it was impulsive to jump to the conclusion that it's like that for everyone.
Some folks certainly experience much harsher withdrawal symptoms than others.

How do I stop drinking at night. shit has been stressful in life and I hate my job. I’m 25

I can not possibly convey how bad things will get later, get out while you can.

lmao I got addicted to alcohol and caffeine because of friends, not addicted to alcohol anymore

youre obviously right make the distinction between abuse and addiction, as addiction in of itself isnt necessarily a bad thing, im sure theres people out there 'addicted' to going for an hour long swim every day or are 'addicted' to doing things to make their families happier.

we also need to differentiate between the various abuses, trying to diagnose a common cause for why somebody has become a meth abuser and somebody else has fallen into a cycle of gambling their life away will likely have 2 very different sources. almost all drug abusers experienced some trauma in their early life but its pretty subjective what even constitutes trauma, for one person that might be 10 years of sexual abuse whereas another person it might just be their mother never gave them a hug.
whatever the initial cause though, the extrapolating/compounding effects it can have on somebody throughout their life can put the abuser in the position where true recovery is impossible, by that i mean even if whatever destructive behaviour is stopped the real life consequences of years of abuse will still be a reality for that person.
somebody who has been a meth addict for 10 years will probably have some brain damage, they will probably be financially broke, theyll probably have a criminal record and have no prospects at all for the future, even if they stop the habit all the pieces will be in place today to perpetuate another habit.
ive no idea if there will ever be a solution to the ongoing problems, their probably isnt one.