I mean it's true, they WERE racists

I mean it's true, they WERE racists

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Other urls found in this thread:


>people are fallible

Kill 'em all

or repent. Grace is undeserved.

Repent to whom? All the dead slaves? Too late now

why would you turn toward the dead?

turn to Christ, for He has risen.


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False flag. If it was real it would have said “DEY WUZ RACEESTS”

...so were the Union, and pretty much every other white man on the planet at the time.

Why are lefties such fucking brainlets? It's no different than how they love to bring up that "our grandfathers fought the Nazis, you bigot!" and imagine themselves as brave Allied soldiers, even though those very same grandfathers would be "Nazis" by their definition, and almost certainly had no fucking idea that their victory would result in the western world becoming the fucking nightmare realm it has become.

I hate this country now.

As I said in the other thread about this earlier this is a fucking disgrace this monument does not celebrate the Confederacy it is to remember our fallen brothers who died in a pointless civil war and is also a reminder of why it should not happen again those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it

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Just because you were born in it and live in it doesn't make it YOUR country

Killing everyone who isnt your skin color in said nation officially makes it your nation.

With the death of christianity NOTHING will stop whites from 100% genociding every other race.

Zero self awareness coupled with historical revisionist propaganda.

and that's a bad thing here's why

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why would they be afraid of a statue?

>OP pic is using Hebrew filename
Kill all Jews

That's irrelevant

They need to calm down

Gee I bet people from the North just loved blacks

They paint splashes are very aesthetically done but then the text is just lazy spray-paint. They should have put in the extra effort to write out an interesting font on cardboard and then cut that into the cardboard and then spray through the cut-outs to have a visually impressive and memorable text on the statue. That's what real graffiti artists do.

5/10 (had potential)

At least they weren't yanks

Thanks, I'll remember that for next time

A white person did this obviously. A nigger would have written:
Fuck you raciss!
They wuz raciss n sheeit
Or just "raciss"
They were racist is white speak, which is something that niggers abhor even if they understand it.

>a cultural norm that is so common it doesn't have a name in our time, like going to the toilet indoors, is considered the highest evil in the year 2500.
>you and everyone you have ever known are now irredeemably evil

they lived in the past, they cannot ever change who they were or what they did. Racist posting Is collective punishment without trial. Can you see how unfair that is? So, ask youself why they are tearing down your white forebears specifically, when the entire world at that time was racist, and slavery continues to this day in Africa?

Exactly what a Nazi/Serb/Turk apologist would say. Slavery is slavery, genocide is genocide. If you think people back then didn't think morality was intertwined with slavery you're deluding you're self

racism's not a crime but vandalism is

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I was going to agree until I realised it was probably some college-level white liberal that did it.

Wtf I love Confederates now!

Jethro, get the pressure washer..

Racists don't deserve statues or monuments. Yes people should be educated about what scum they are, and why rednecks are not worthy of a statue in a sane modern day society

It wasn't a universal cultural norm, because only the south was racist. The north fought and died for the freedom of their African brothers

And here’s why that’s a GOOD thing.

>unafraid women
What? Was the Confederate statue gonna rape them? Get AIDS CNN.


Every time.

is there any journo that is not kike?

Slavery had nothing to do with racism. It was about cheap labour and what was on offer. The Irish were highly prized slaves.

Racism came about because when slavery was abolished black people responded in the way they did. Everyone stupidly thought blacks would say 'Wow, thank you for releasing us and giving us the opportunity to build lives in this wonderful country instead of strugglign to survive in a primitive, savage barren wasteland back home. We will make the most of this.'

It's true. Democrats were not only the largest holders of slaves but also created, endorsed and funded the KKK. Tell every black person looking for reparations to go talk to the nearest Democrat. Republicans literally fought a war to free blacks. It was called the Civil War... more white people died to free blacks then there were slaves to begin with.

Never go full retard. What was Lincoln's plan for the slaves?

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Of what are they supposed to be afraid?

Day WAZ Racis! < Written by Blacks

They WERE Racist < Written by Whites

Don't talk about my wife like that

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MLK cheated on his wife which is worse than being racist

>looking at history through a modern lens
ignorant and bluepilled

To give them each 40 acres and a mule, but the racist southerners didn't keep their end of the bargain

whats with the hebrew file name?
hello, rabbi

Leftists are so fucking retarded, constabtly vandalizing historical sites with inane phrases. Dotr when?

They're supposed to fear being white

That's irrelevant to the thread. Stop trying to derail it

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>no one does this thing
>except my great granpa, who did exactly this thing

Yes, and they've been completely vindicated in these views.

Black males are the scourge of our cities, nation.

>being this retarded
How are lefties this dumb? Didn’t you have history class?

Correc me if im wrong, but didn't Lincoln turn the war from "Uniting the Nation" to "Ending Slavery" to simply garner votes to be reelected? I remember reading somewhere that Lincoln could only win the war if he freed the slaves, and that if he could've won without it he would have. All union "victories" policy wise up til the civil war had no intention at all of ending slavery either, merely ending the slave trade across the ocean. This could all be wrong of course, humans are not infallible, but i hope i brought up something at least worth considering.

>...so were the Union, and pretty much every other white man on the planet at the time.


Sherman actually agreed with slavery, still burned the South down though

How come the north had segregation too? What was the civil rights for if the racists were beaten?

>pic name
Hello JIDF



Stay on your side of the border leaf. We will deal with our history however we see fit.

its astonishing how dishonest the right is sometimes. the reason you want to keep your monuments is precisely because they show racist people and you know racism is basically just common sense, just stop lying about what you know is true.

Yes they were. So was Lincoln. So when do you think someone will daub "He was racist" on the Lincoln memorial? Or the Washington memorial, come to that.

Your sequence of digits make this true.
May God forgive us for the carnage and bloodshed we are forced to carry out.

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I'm an american you dumb

>I mean they were racist
So if it's ok to spray paint "He was a nigger" on a statue of MLK?

What disgusts me more than anything is that the government allows it, and the law enforcement agencies just point their fingers and shift the blame around. They're happy to collect our taxes each year but nowhere to be found when our monuments are being desecrated.

The jew state actively sterilizes africans and confines them to camps in Israel.

Never see that in the kike media of course.

Learn English and forget the vpn, numbnuts

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But racism is not a crime... putting someone in chains is.

The racist southerners were so butthurt about being told to stop being assholes and to free their slaves that they attacked Fort Sumter. The Union was just defending itself from racist psychopaths

>I afraid women walk past a dispicable monument
This is journalism in the year 2019


Not, " okay " to vandalize things, but you can express whatever you want in the United States.

cute how you used ellipses to cut out the bit of the quote that specifically pertained to owning slaves being a sacred right

(((free press)))

Racism is a OK

I see those double digit iq points are kicking in


The third worldism revenge fantasy against whites is getting really tiresome

And captured it.

Prove it

>I have no argument or even any knowledge on this topic
thanks for letting us know

I got a bingo in this thread, yay!

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In name only, David.

Your imagemacro is completely wrong. I think something like 80% of southern soldiers didnt own slaves. People just dont like being shoved around.

You're probably one of those dumb niggers that think the civil war was actually about slavery

>Confederates were racist

Union didn't give a fuck about niggers

Widely documented you homosexual mongrel.

Whatever you say, Achmed

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You made the claim, so the burden of proof is on you


Blacks, known as freemen, owned slaves often. Indians would enslave runaways. Hard times. Of course absent slave trade there would be no blacks in the United States. Thank your ass you aren't in central west africa.

Suck my dick.

>i got caught shilling because of a retarded mistake and now i am mad
>i will call him ahmed, seems like a good argument
You are so bad at this.

Nice try. Haaretz is the Daily Sun of Israeli news. Zero credibility, not a source, try again

wheres the nigger monuments?

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It's despicable

He'd rather chomp on it if the rabbi didn't beat him to it, snipdick

Man. I'm sure glad we freed all the niggers! I love taking my family to Detroit... oh wait.
I love taking my family to Baltimore... oh wait
I love taking my family to St. Louis... oh wait at least the arch was cool
I love taking my family to Memphis....
Sometimes we even go to Kansas City!

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I bet you don't use the n word in public




I can do this all day David. You are one of the worst shills i saw in a long time.

It's okay to have a racist history and it's okay to leave up statues, because it's okay to realize that a single trait doesnt have to define an entire historical period. Theres more to confederates than racism. I have no connection to the confederacy yet I have zero desire to tear down hundreds year old statues. Historical preservation is more important than social unhappiness.