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Ugh absolutely disgusting they look german.

All women are whores, more news at 11

Feels like a lost cause, there's nothing worth saving anyway. I guess let people have fun while it still lasts, they don't want to listen to us

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>Implying french have any thing value in them to be ruined.

>Women loving soldiers
Always happened, especially during wars. French women happily bed with German soldiers till 1944, and then jumped immediately the bed when the Muricans came. It's a biological instinct to join the seemingly victorious force for still having a offspring chance

fuck off kike

I though this was gunna be like the peaceful refugees but its literally just soldiers falling in love on deployment, you've disappointed me again France

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French womenfolk is built for Mediumsized Brown Cock.

Hahhahah,I want to die.

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>30+ year prediction
>Spain 6.8
Oh, you

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>burger cucks once again supporting the browning of countries (legally, of course!)

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Mexico has a navy?

It's not like it's any different to french men fucking anything African that moves.

The faggots who elevate huwhite women as if they don't act the exact same as all the other women are fucking delusional. White women's behavior in the past was a result of men being allowed to discipline them, not because of some inate racial superiority.

that is fucking disgusting.
how can you not look at those Mexican faces and visibly see the racial inferiority?


Are you retarded? That wasnt support. that was disgust at the degenerate twist.

Don't worry, that's their only boat.

Betting they're in better shape than you, and more racially pure.

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Because french women are trash.

dude. womwn like uniforms. stupid incels

lmao white women are absolute dogshit

Why do people keep posting pictures of this Britney Spears clone?

Stop hating women you ugly fuck. These young women got brainswashed by kike propaganda since they were kids. Go back to your defeatist website you useless shut-in.

Usually french women go for the ugliest of the bunch, everytime I see this,the lowliest nigger will be chosen.

>racially pure

it's a known fact the french women are whores

Im Gen Z and have a dream to make our western nations 100% pure white, don't lop us based American zoomers in with your brainwashed European zoomers

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It's honestly kind of interesting.
It's not uncommon for white guys to hook up with Mexican girls here, but it's pretty damn rare to see it the other way around.

Disgusting! French women, gross

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Ahh the French. The french cunt is open for any man, spic, nigger, even gooks.

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Whiter than you, to be honest

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French women are world renowned sluts, why is this a shock to anyone?

>fr*nch and mexicans look literally the same

What?Mexicans can afford to have a navy?Wow

What's new? Even over here in the states French people have a reputation for being soft turbo whores. Getting butt-pumped by the Germans and being slutty is the French way.

>wahmens are whores
who would have thought

If you enjoy qatching a poor young French girl get fucked by a rich Chinaman in Vietnam, this is the softcore classic for you

Attached: the-lover.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

U-uncle Andross!

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French men are fags and so are their daughters.

I find good French wife? I'm no prize

ah yes

french women love betraying their men and nation

my mom is french and my dad is mexican

Twitch fights for france everyday

Their favorite hobby it seems

>latefag draped in meme cloth

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I guess French women will take anything but French men.

Wasnt the fact the fact they took nigs in
A proof of that?

Isn't South America filled with niggers as well? You're no one to talk

Whores being Whores as usual.

pic related a French female.

Attached: French.jpg (1600x1113, 121K)

>Whiter than you, to be honest
that guy is Polish

I saw an interesting documentary about the German occupation of the Channel Islands and all the girls were going bonkers over the German men and would go to dances with them.

I'm becoming more and more convinced I need to found a new kind of 23andme company for making sure your partner isn't a subhuman mix

Many women don't have the same goals and ideals that most men aspire to. It's not even seen as a negative point that they are mating with humans that are more primitive and animalistic; it's the thing that turns them on.

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kek. They spread their legs for German alpha cock when Germany was based

Tous ces types sont plus ou moins hideux... C’est dommage, j’ai toujours trouvé les femmes françaises assez bien (avouons que celles qui se rendent jusqu’ici sont un brin libidineuses).

Cope white boi

Women always do this shit the moment you go to fight a war they are fucking the neighbor behind your back. Enemy troops invade they will fuck them as well. They will fuck anyone but their own people it is why birth rates are so low.

Found the problem..

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>3 instances of the word "less" being using incorrectly instead of "fewer" in that infographic
whomever made that should be put to death

Better times in terms of no shitty Foods and no multi billion dollar corporations fucking up your Country and are pushing for open borders i really am jealous of the times my Grandparents lived through even if it old Germany time was short the Food came out of Germany the Streets were 99% German we had a proper Military and a Goverment that gave a shit about the German people funny how when you ask everyone how the pre war time when NSDAP had power and everyone said it was heaven on Earth.

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People make issue with the term "age of consent" by attacking the value established for age when in fact the real battle is being waged through the assumption of their ability to give consent. Almost all women never, at any age before menopausal changes, have the mental facilities required to give informed consent.

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pretty much, western civilization started collapsing the moment they were given a vote. They don't have the mental faculties or physical stamina required to build and maintain civilization so giving them the vote wholesale was going to lead to calamity.
Some men should not be given a vote either they are incapable of defending themselves at an amateur level yet think they can defend the values of a country and nation? lol.

Whomst'ver hath hadeth your mom's plastacine flappers shouldst be knowneth bayou as dad.

by 2050? These are serious underestimates

Portugal for once looking good in one of these painted countries graphs.

>not priscilla getting raped by mexicans, niggers and arabs
boring thread

Frenchies love opening their holes.

women are jews

Based and Stannis-pilled

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You got niggers though

Kind of ironic coming from a Polish, don't you think?

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that's for another graph

Priscilla is not white. Brown nipple.

This girl is a mandingo magnet

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better to be a white nigger than a black nigger sub-human anyday

Who the hell cares white women are garbage anyway, hapa future boys, remember that.

Man all I got in the military was a fucked knees and back and TBI, I should’ve joined the Navy...

wow thats...

...not that bad. But Im from muttmerica and am used to le 60 percent

I mean these girls are clearly in relationships with those men... It's not like they're out there shaking their asses and acting like whores... They're kissing their men goodbye and crying... tf
I swear you people are literally pathetic


that guys pretty alpha though

You know what's worse corona. I'd drink warm bud light over a cold corona any day.


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>drinks budlight
You disappoint me with your existance
Pura cartablanca

I think german woman did this with americans too.
I guess would have to some degree also with russians, when not getting raped.

Nowdays it's with nigger immigrants
Again all woman are whores

colloquially, means 'to mess with', to interfere with. You don't want to be 'fucked with'. For what you're trying to say, just leave out the 'WITH' -
-- or --

Free English lesson, citizen of a future mutt country. Not that I take any pleasure in that fact.