Any advice on having kids? My wife and I did the Shettles Method, it worked and she's pregnant with a boy. Thinking of good names, I feel like I need advice on what other shit I should do.
Vaccine, gonna go with the minimum required, 7, I believe..
Circumcision, gonna do it because my wife used to work in a preschool and baby dicks with the foreskin were a pain in the ass.
I know, call me a Jew.


The have sex meme is nigger tier without the white babies.

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Why dont women trust men to represent their interests in government? Do they not trust their dads?

Maybe don't put baby dicks in your arse at all?

No settling down before 25 is what ruined Marilyn and Taylor

Aww, are you cancelling our date?

Duh, she's got kike handlers that rely on her to produce their salary. She's a product they sell. Silly that she let them control her life.

Programming, also the men in their lives aren't strong or competent. They think they know how to lead, which is insane because they lead by emotion instead of logic. It's especially bad when they don't have kids, instead of protecting their kids future they are adopting helpless shitskin kids by saying our government should take care of the entire world's needy. Full retard.

What the fuck are you talking about? Only degenerates send actual BABIES to a daycare.

Dont mutilate your son you fucking loser.

Also dont fall for the vaccines are bad meme, all the chemicals are just preservatives and the just gives your imunne system a trigger. I dont even understand people being scared.

Obviously flu shots are a scam, but tetnis sucks..

You mean child mutilation

Not homeschooling?

I hope you know your child is going to grow up to be everything you hate.

You're just taking every opportunity to yell HAVE WHITE BABIES in the last few months before your wife opens her legs and brown emerges from both of her downstairs holes

So you're going to snip your sons genitals because your wife thinks it's a chore?

Before puberty = leave the foreskin alone, you dolt

>having babies with a western woman
big mistake, now she has something to manipulate you with that is even stronger than her vagina
enjoy your slavery

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HAVE WHITE BABIES GUYS!! But if you have a boy, remember to cut his dick up when the Mrs. tells you to. It's far too much work for her to deal with.

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I hate to break it to you... but if you circumcise your baby. its not going to be white anymore... what a loss.

ya. what a faggot. there is no reason to circumsoze.

I'd fuck the absolute shit out of Taylor Swift

why do people make these shitty threads every everday?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why the fuck would you mutilate a baby’s genitalia?
>it’s harder to clean
if your woman actually believes that shes retarded. Like mentally disabled drooling on herself retarded.

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>baby dicks with the foreskin were a pain in the ass
You fucking idiot. Fuck you and your retard kids.

Look at that long neck and broad shoulders. That is a man.

How poorly endowed do you have to be before your wife starts babbling about all the preschool baby dicks she cleans?

you say you are not a jew: then know, by doing this to your son this is the company you bring him into, he is branded for life a slave of that people. dont sell your child to them
Genesis 17:12
>For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring. 13 Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. 14 Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”

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Yeah, that's why my wife doesn't work at one anymore, so she can take care of our kids. It was actually a very good one, they take care of only state and university workers kids.

As far as vaccine, I'm not against them, just don't think they need anymore than what was given in the 80s. The kikes got greedy and invented 40 more shots to give, I'm not down for that.

I'm not sending the kid to preschool, my wife used to work at one.

Your wife's a dick cleaner bro.

You have to do missionary if you want a boy.

you put the pen0r in the vag00