Tell me Jow Forums, why is this subchan so full of hate?

Tell me Jow Forums, why is this subchan so full of hate?

I'm not looking to provoke, I want to understand. Plz respond

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Lazy bait

Sage goes in every field

Truth is not hate.

It's an undersection/subsection of Jow Forums, so it's a subchan user. I'm not intending to bait, I want to understand.

/POL is a subchan of love

Understand my dick you useless cunt.

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stop labeling things you don't like as hate

where did you came from?
lit are fucking better than thou basedboys
his are tards that willfuly ignore history
fit are chads but no cause so might as well neck themselves
ks are fucking lunatics
the rest is irrelevant degeneracy

we hate for were the only honest ones here



we all love each other

I’m full of hate Because redditors like you won’t stop shitting up this board kys

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Because Free Speech leads to Hate, user. That's why you have to ban it and every other right so the Holy Jewish Masters can rule the world with their power unchecked.

this has to be bait.
anyway, Jow Forums is a board of peace.

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says the phoneposter

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>fit are chads

they are coping manlets and most of them aren't fit

>literally op

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Jow Forums is a board of peace

Your a fucking kraut mongloid fuckboi wanker, fuck off with the slide threads you absolute dickhead

Lot of under accomplished self loathing people here desu belittling others is all they have

Tell us why Germany is full of muslims.

How many Jews did your ancestors kill

Says the kike


>belittles in order to explain belittling

Go away gay wonk.

All my post ...AND I MEAN ALL MY POSTS ...are satire pure satire.

The fuck are you on about?
This is one of the nicest places on the internet if you ask me.
And I mean genuinely nice.
People don't do it for the fucking karma or likes or some of the other faggotry you see on sites like reddit and kikebook.

No, you dumb cunt lurk more. It's tits or gtfo. Sage

hate becomes a paradoxical impossibility when one loves to hate; hate becomes the same thing as love.
to love something so much you that will allow it to suffer and decline for your own benefit is in itself hateful.
to hate something evil is good, to love something hateful is evil.
everything in its place. ab aeterno, in aeternum.

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Jow Forums is a subchan of parody

Says the kike

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because the invaders must die

at least i'm not a mutt

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fair enough fit are neckbeards

see phonefag

My grandfather put your grandfather in an oven.

>greasy /mu/ waifu

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What you call hate is reality you live in a reddit bubble, get out.

his grandfather actually got gassed 12 times, fortunately the nazis ran out of gas

>calling anyone else a mutt
Oh I am laffin

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Based Terryposter.

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>can't even get this one right
if anything, we are inbred.

Try harder glownigger. Slide thread disregarded

Ok you khazar cry baby

Stick around, spend a week or two on here and you will hate everyone and everything as well.

>not his grandmother
6/10, could have been better

Post rare Terry's.

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my grandfather was comfy far behind the front lines, in Siberia.

>cry baby

very typical of your parasitic / backstabbing race

That’s where you’re getting newfagged

Cursed thumbnail

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do you really expect something else from a child?

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this is fucking ridiculous the sephradic and the ashkenazi ars makimg out you guys take a pic

Excellent bait sir, I salute you

you are natural born liars and decievers, i'm sure even a child could see that yes

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A wild Terry Davis appears (censored)

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It's very simple, an anonymous forum naturally attracts racist smoothbrains who want to safely try to influence people who don't already hang out on fashy echo chambers.

hello there plebitor what is your favorite supercuck?
i like wakandaman

you are the most disgusting race on the planet and you know it better than everyone else
remember, you will always be a kike

Fuck off glownickgurr (Go Home FBI)

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excellent bait. I hate it and you.

I just wish I was healthy and normal looking.

I self Identify as a piece of bread with no crust (The Circumsision of bread)
What do you self-identify as?

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>defending your own people is hate

you'd think a millenia of separation would temper the heuristic of a selectively bred people, but you find the exact same patterns of subversion and amorality, the same patterns of societal organization and tributary expenditure

Jow Forums is Jow Forums. The rest of you do not exist.

Your grandfather was probably a guard in one of the gulags in Siberia. 90% of gulag commandants were Jews.

Fuck off kraut faggot.

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he was a child back then. you do realize barbarossa started 78 years ago?

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Animals do not hate.
This is the most human place on the internet

Is there a Jow Forums subreddit?

top kek

There is. It is as gay as you'd expect.

Lots of dope memes I presume. I'm going to have a look.

We appreciate power.

>calls anyone else a mutt
>larger kek

There's a thread called 'Good shitposts: what are they? (part 2)'

if anything, we are inbred

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you are just like, a literal retard
what do you do for a living big guy?

Because hate and love are in truth the same medal.

notice the precise reddit formatting and cutting edge scholar memery

And mine put yours in an unmarked grave.

Yours was fighting for his Jewish masters.

i sold my soul to the army and in exchange they pay for a degree.
so currently, I'm a student.

>imagine being this proud of clown world degeneracy
t-thank you internationalist jew ?

based kike

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Jow Forums is for the children

Purely plebian