Trump says that we are in for the worst stock market crash in history

What did he mean by this?

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He means by this that he's the only one that can keep the megabubble from collapsing.

he means that the fed and the jewish bullshit state in the U.s have been trying to crash the economy as hard as possible while he's been president.

which non ironically just made him work harder and harder to undo that bullshit because the economy is going up anyway. So they try harder.

so trump has started unraveling them even faster and they are fucking terrified.

This country will be another brown person banana republic without another GOP victory in 2020.

It means time to buy deep out of the money puts.

Why is our economy so strong

He means most "economists" don't know shit about the economy. They just make fiscal propaganda and everyone in the know will rather have him than the plethora of commies that run against him.

he's blackmailing the american public. there'll be a crash which I predict would take place in November 2020

Very Fake News!
We have the best economy ever seen
Unemployment is near 0%
The stock market is the best in history

There was always going to be a crash, it’s been planned for decades.
Trump tried his best to strengthen the economy before it hit, but it’s still going to hit.

cool, i still be poor, but I'll have more company. bring it on bitches.

>white people complaining about china's dictatorship
>willingly elect a moron who further brain washes the country to support his dictatorship


>>willingly elect a moron who further brain washes the country to support his dictatorship


That's okay we hate hapless retards like you too.

no more fiat money

Sounds like he's threatening Americans and trying to hold the economy for ransom in exchange for another term.

What a fucking clown.

and why do you type like an old lady from (((Vox))) or (((NPR))) ?

This country will be another brown person banana republic without another GOP victory in 2020.

he is right

Because of all the burgers we eat.

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Candidate Trump on the campaign trail in 2016 states that the equity markets are a bubble. He also criticized the Fed's zero interest rate policy. He vowed to drain the Wall Street swamp if elected.

Once elected, what dos he do? He brings in more Goldman Sachs kikes, Cohn and Mnuchin (who aren't even registered Republicans) and it's (((business)) as usual. He takes ownership of the completely rigged equity market performance since his election and is now calling for the Fed to reduce short term interest rates again.

Throughout 2017 and again in early February 2019 (((mysterious))) injections of cash would occur driving up stock prices ever higher. This would happen in the middle of the trading session, and often on Fridays. This and stock buybacks are the only things that are keeping the markets buoyant.

>It's climbing the Wall of Worry, goy.

Trump realized after the media never ended their full court press to slander him that there was very little recourse for enacting policies he actually wanted to so he had to resort to cheap tactics to get reelected.

Either that or he realized how completely fucked the US stock market is and just wants to prop it up so it doesn't collapse on his watch.

oh noes its an Australoid welfare lord. I don't think it understands...

This except he can’t

I see posts like this shit all the time

If you guys are dumb enough to think the market can only ever go up no matter who's in charge then you're living on a different planet. The fact of the matter is that recessions and crashes are part of the economy. The difference is that either of those two are not the norm compared to markets doing well. If you're smart, you'll profit far more off a recession/crash then you ever could from a positive market. It's literally normal. Go look at market history, tardos

He means if someone gets elected on a raise taxes platform investors will flee the stock market to safer investments.

> vote for me boomers or else!

Type it a third time, we might believe you