White American insanity

Attached: justiceDiscrepencyAlongRacialLines.png (1600x1035, 734K)

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>Dylan Roof
>Dead white girl
Why is this racist artist whitewashing history?

Attached: 1559577851123.jpg (1296x745, 91K)

Reminder that the cartoonist's skin tone is literally whiter than George Zimmerman's

Attached: rasheed cartoonist.jpg (550x409, 84K)

Who's the ax murderer supposed to be? Did I miss something?

supposedly the cops took Dylann to Burger King after he was captured

Attached: Ben.jpg (1177x1488, 649K)

sounds like a brilliant good cop bad cop thing to get him to confess to everything
get him a burger, get him talking and incriminating himself

what is this shit? this is why we say that the left can't meme

Easiest death sentence the prosecution was ever handed, who cares.

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (1).jpg (791x1024, 152K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (2).jpg (791x1024, 195K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (3).jpg (791x1024, 221K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (4).jpg (791x1024, 207K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (5).jpg (791x1024, 248K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (6).jpg (791x1024, 194K)

Attached: Zimmerman Vs. Martin (7).jpg (791x1024, 287K)

Trayvon was beating the shit out of Zimmerman. Zimzam wasn't standing over DeTrayvoniqua; it was the nignog straddling Zimmy and trying to kill him because he thought the Z man was whitey. So the cartoon depiction is wrong.
But you niggers knew that. You'll do anything to keep the legend of Saint Trayvon alive, just like Saint Michael Watermelon Brown. Tell yourself Black Lives Matter a couple more times. Maybe eventually you'll believe it. I know I won't.

Breddy funny, thanks my negra

talk about projection!

I can thatch a roof with that much straw.

He was a good boi he dindu noffin wrong. Hez waz just buying some skittles to mix with his ice tea and cough syrup.

Blacks kill twice as many whites and an astronomical number on their own. The propaganda doesn't hold water when faced with facts.


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But that's a Mexican

Switch out the guy with the ax with a woman with the ax and the cartoon would actually be true, instead of pure make-believe.


Attached: SearchingForTheNextCandace.jpg (1600x1060, 559K)


>White American


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