As Russian, i'm offended and sad that americans think russian interference in the presidental race is a bad thing. Are we inferior race or something, why u hate us so much?
As Russian, i'm offended and sad that americans think russian interference in the presidental race is a bad thing...
Russians are fucking cool. Thanks for the ushanka, the AK47, and kvass.
Russians are our allies, as far as I am concerned.
>(((As Russian)))
nice try
I'd far prefer Russian interference to the current Mexican or Israeli interference.
Don't you worry comrade, we got your back!
Tell me who's been hurting you?
If you're interfering can you make Tulsi win please?
Yeah, whatever post tactial mummys now
Repeat after me goyim
"Russia bad"
>"As Russian"
Kill Jews
Russians “interfering” in our election discourse have changed literally zero votes
i appreciated any help whatsoever Russians gave in cockblocking hillary
Based mutt
Based Russian
Based proxy user
Saged and hidden fuck jannies and fuck gookmoot
because muh russians is just the libcuck version of da joos
it makes it so smoothbrains can feel like they participated in adult discussion
How many Ushankas and AKs do you have user?
Let's just make international communication illegal it's the only way we can stop them.
As a Russian (actual), I'm happy about everything what's happening.
All the millions of things you rightfully should be miserable about, and you choose the opinions of Americans? How many kopecks are they paying you, Pavel? And why are you posting here? Russians don't belong here, they belong on 8ch, your soviet-era low-traffic knock-off.
>be america
>play a game of global chess against ussr after ww2
>chop off dicks, promote pedophilia, and bomb itself for saudi israelia during end game
You are absolutely mad.
Missing the part where you did and supported some of the most heinous shit in the name of "chess"
those are liberal idiots, just ignore them Russia is Great, I unironically hope Putin Invades Europe and becomes Holy Roman Emperor or some shit. hes the one of the few European leaders with balls imo.
We like Russia, The Oligarch's don't
Because being interested in our domestic politics is an extreme and boring sport. Literally 4 types of faggots on Rus who shit each other: Pro-Navalny, Pro-putin, Pro-USSR and "all you are retards lol" fags. Other groups are irrelevant. Libertarians were a thing for a while, but they as irrelevant as others
So, does anyone else here have a shitty job? I mean since Greece has 19% unemployment rate and whatnot I should consider myself lucky. But being stuck in an office for 8 hours a day is really soul-crushing.
How about he conquers Murica , and turns it into a based dictatorial country ?
> posting from work
this is why
Show flag or speak yiddish.
Stalin wrote a paper in 1907 titled "On the difference between a Russian bolshevik and a Jewish bolshevik". It's more relevant now than ever.
americans dont see russia the way that the media portrays our perspective
the globalists and the people who wield the zog are the same people who are pumping up this russia=big bad scary boogyman meme
Yeah.. I'm posting from work too. Working in an office sucks balls. I wish I could be a pirate or something.
First of all, stop larping. But anyway, Americans love Russia, stop believing twitter bots.
It's just the media!
Secretly everyone has gopnik hardbass on their computer.
I don't hate Russians. I'm married to a Pyccкaя cyкa.
Fuck Russia.
Sun Tzu said the lowest form of battle is on the battlefield. America is always at war. What governments do to each other has no representation on the nation it enslaves. Every Russian american i have met have ben model citizens. Russians are always welcome in White America.
The modern world is just a replay of the fall of the Roman empire. Anglos are Romans, and slavs are Germanics. Out with the old and degenerate, in with the new.
>Repeat after me goyim
>"Russia bad"
You Fake-Jew Ruskies in Israel are in the right place at the right time.
Why don't you ever do some nice murder-suicide?
P.S. During Yom Kippur, that would be awesome.