The majority of women are attention seeking sluts

Can literally anyone prove me wrong?

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So powerful

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You're just realizing that now?

If you want your girlfriend to change her clothing you are insecure.

No. You are 100000% correct. Women are turbo thots who constantly seek attention. They will spend their youth chasing chad, getting cream pies and then settle down with a beta after getting rick rolled too many times. She will then blame and hate the Bata male provider for all of HER poor decisions. She will divorce the Beta, take his house, the kids and most of his assets in divorce rape. Then she will repeat her degenerate behavior by trying to find a “better man that she deserves.” She will fuck more men in the house that her Beta ex husband is still paying for

I'm sure she'll look back and decide dying alone while her cats circle her like vultures was totally worth that extra attention she got for having her tits hanging out of her shirt 20 years ago

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Why do they speak like black people now

I can't
a bored wife will gladly stir some shit in her relationship just to get attention from her friends
they love playing the victim

go be a cuckold somewhere else

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Or you don’t want her showing her tits and ass for every other man to see cuck

Dey lerned it in skoo n sheeeit

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>the majority of
Nice optics faggot. Wouldn't want to offend too many people would we? Congrats on interacting with women enough to notice a pattern. Now all you have to do is learn to tune them out like every older male figure in your life does.

This. Men who want other men looking at his woman's tits and ass are absolute worthless cucks.

Women are social creatures. This is the product of a sick society. I blame the Jews and their money hungry collaborators.

don't listen to women when it comes to that stuff. They absolutely will change there clothes for there BF. Seriously Im really starting to think the majority of Jow Forums has never ever been with a women.

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I'd extend this to include demanding she wear something more appropriate out in public than pajamas and refusing to do public things with her as punishment for cutting her hair short. They always shit test that last one at least once.

But they are addicted to drama and attention whoring, all of them.

>he lets his woman wear sweatpants and leggings with Uggs in front of other people.

here is just more proof.
Women have always been about drama gossiping that will never change. Yeah of course they are attention whoring women like attention if you give it to them they'll want more. Some less then others some more but in todays world a lot of this is amplified because they have a bigger audience. The sort of shit said on twitter prior to them thinking the internet was cool meant nothing because its all signaling to there friends that they can do whatever they want (look at me arent i awesome) but when her bf really does ask her to change she'll just do it. Its all fake just remember that 99% of the tweets made by these women are just fake posturing bullshit.

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I have a feeling that faceberg's currency is going to make it 10 times worse. We can't let it become popular tender accepted at many locations.

Notice that the paint she is using does not change.

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Why is virtue signaling by dumbing your speech to sound like ebonics popular.... our society is truly crumbling when the average citizen speaks like a brute

The problem with most men, especially from your western countries, is that they will stop there. "Oh...o-ok" will be your typical response.

Whereas if the girl you are with fully feels and understands you'll next her ass if she starts being uppity, then the dynamics are completely different.

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It'll be fun to see them at 34 as a single mother asking where all the good men have gone.
>t. 36 year old boomer who sees it all the time on dating apps

>Black baby

So what's wrong in this picture ?

military OP to turn whites into niggers. music is
funded by the pentagon.

datings apps and sites in general are shit because it gives women an upper hand when it comes to picking men. Meeting one IRl or on some other platform that isn't about dating (somehow) is usually the best way. Women always follow the men thats how it has always been. If you are a guy and want to see your gf wearing tight clothes they'll do it. If you dont they wont. I think many guys on here have a warped view of why men let there gfs wear sexy clothes. Its not because they want other dudes to see its because they actually like seeing how there gf looks. Good example I like seeing my wife in short skirts. I want to walk around seeing her thighs and being able to bend her over and fuck her whenever i feel like.


The majority of modern men and women are both degenerates
What is your point
Also since she is not married she is under her father not her boyfriends authority

twitter is cancer user. it's barely acceptable using it to find career related information. barely.

Post wife's butthole

>Imma say no
Hard pass

>Buy stupid painting
>Get whore paint on face
>Bring out prop paint set
>Try desperately to convince ppl that you are more than the vapid talentless creature you are
Sad desu

learn the correct use of 'literally' - you illiterate seppo

>Literally all the time I say literally it is like literally such a literal great word