Is this the last republican president?

>demographic shifts due to immigration
>shrinking middle class

I am not sure he can win the 2020 elections anymore to be honest. I wouldn't vote for him if I were US citizen.

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There is literally no meaningful different between dems or repubs at tis point. people who tell you otherwise are boomers.

All we can hope for is rvolution

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nope, the republicans will just shift left like they always do and we'll get another one eventually who will be a progressive retard. Remember when Democrats weren't even in support of universal gay marriage? I 'member.

Boomer retards will celebrate of course, because they still buy into the system, but the truth is nothing can save us now except revolt.

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great minds think alike

He's an Israeli

What does republican even mean? Dems and Repubs have the same platform

>nope, the republicans will just shift left
for what purpose? to incentives their base to stay at home and get 1-3% of the hispanics/black voter base...

Look how hard Zion Don tried to get the black voter base behind him? How much did he get percentage wise?

Trump is the exactly the self-serving, criminal president that the Fox and the GOP has been grooming Americans for ever since the days of Gingrich.

It needs to go down in flames

Just the last president, period.

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what am I looking at? also, doubt it... maybe in a perfect world.

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Fuck parties I just vote for whoever the glownigger media hates on the most.

republican and democrat are a scam, along with all labels of forms of government "socialism, capitalism, etc"
its all the same thing, prove me wrong.

Your perspective would of course mean more if you and your countrymen hadn't elected Trudeau.


>Fuck parties I just vote for whoever the glownigger media hates on the most.
Yang or Tulsi. I would vote for Yang, being a neet and all...

Also, Tulsi seems goodhearted, but stupid. She's a woman after all.

More Latinos voted for Trump than Romney. They aren’t as much a borg hive-kind politically as some would lead you to believe. This will be even more evident as Democrats continue to push more LGBT nonsense including pedophilia.

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Dynastic politics usually suck, have you met the Ford family?

Canada is waking up and going green party.

The republican party was taken over by liberal democrats in 2016

Trump is a reality television star, Romney was a politician.

One of those tends plays better with sand-niggers

>a bunch of Neocon kikes were taken over

You are delusional. They will vote for the party which will keep the borders open and which hates white males (giving them unfair advantages).

Maybe you'll get a tiny fraction of their base... but it will not be enough.

What lead you to this conclusion?

I voted for Trump and I'm literally never voting again in my life. I got tricked into making Israel Great Again. I see now the real way is that USA needs to collapse.

You wouldn’t vote for him cause you’re a cock sucking faggot commie

Don't stop voting, though. Vote no on every single thing the government ever wants to do, and against incumbents.

As opposed to the faggot commies who don't suck cock?

Pretty much, they aren't going to let us vote out of our genocide.

pretty much this

Pretty much my opinion too. Voting will never fix this.

Big words for a man with an Israeli cock in his mouth

If the republicans want to win elections in the future, they will have to deport at least 10 million migrants and refugees.

If they removed 30 million migrants and refugees, the patriotic Republicans would win every election in the next 20 years.

The quality of live of real Americans would increase by a lot.

t. Juan de la Lopez-Ixtepec

Trump is literally spreading homosexuality across globe and has proudly stated this.

lol, seems like Zion Don is not popular anymore... Maybe those Fox polls were real.

right, except for the fact that democrat counties account for 2/3 of american GDP while republicuck counties are a net drain on yankee tax dollars and hotbeds of infant mortality, divorce and other societal ills. no difference at all!

Jews purposely have been using him as a puppet to make Republicans and right wing ideas as cancerous and ineffective as possible to the average voter while pushing full blown communism on the left. They push down one ideology on purpose and create scenarios and optics that the people demand the opposite ideology, (((their))) preferred ideology.

They used this same strategy to get the Czech republic to vote for communism without firing a single shot.

Basically we are fucked. Trump was the last shot we had but he turned out to be on their side and merely was the pressure relief valve until the demographics situation was on their side.

It's over.

>except for the fact that democrat counties account for 2/3 of american GDP

why don't they cleanup their fucking streets then.

also, it's just because of silicon valley.

forgto pic

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>except for the fact that democrat counties account for 2/3 of american GDP

what does this even mean?

>account for

>the patriotic Republicans
meanwhile in reality they give israel more money and spread homosexuality across the globe. Fuck off you insolent boomer

Libshits like to say that Trump lost the popular vote, which he did by about 3 million. But what they dont take into account is the huge amount of Cal and NY Trump supporters who didnt bother to vote because they knew it was a waste of time.

Trump will win easily. 100K people signed up for his Fla rally, while sleepy Joe Biden had 25 people at his town hall rally. not 25K, litterally 25. They are trying the fake poll shit that they did with Hillery.

absolutely it is. think... 5 10 15 years in the future after democrats are in control and they pass every psychotic law they've ever dreamed of passing.... hold on to your guns.

>>There is literally no meaningful different between dems or repubs at tis point.

The difference in immigration:
—Republicans: "Replacing you with foreign invaders is good for the economy!"
—Democrats: "Replacing you with foreign invaders is good for society!"

The difference in social mores:
—Republicans: "Oh, no! Don't do thing X!! We're not secretly acting like a ratchet, helping destroy society!"
—Democrats: "Let's call ass-pounding gay-/trans-/pedo-sex good, and expand 'marriage' to include it!"

The difference in foreign policy:
—Republicans: "Sending Citizens to war is good for the economy!"
—Democrats: "Sending Citizens to war [so we can get rid of you] is good for society!"


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>democrat counties account for 2/3 of american GDP
And yet all the useful stuff I need is made in China.

It's as if all that GDP shit is BS.

Republicans will still exist. They'll just be arguing that there's only 30 genders as opposed to Democrats who'll be saying there's 500. That whites should only be giving 20% of their paycheck as reparations instead of 50%. That the second amendment states you have the right to own metal butter knifes instead of the idea that no one NEEDS a metal "tactical-knife". I'm glad the things the Republican executive and once a majority legislative branch focused on was getting tax cuts for corporations, failing on healthcare, bumping up Israel's gibs, and cooing how awesome grifter pundits in MAGA hats are.

bitch, he didn't even win the 2016 election