Praying for dead zog slave faggots in Iran

Must be comfy as hell rotting in that nice casket draped with zog flag, incredible paytriotism.

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what if i told you those caskets are empty and their bodies are being harvested by jews for parts?

So...same like jews harvest your dicks and butcher your bodies when you get your mandatory ZOG Jewmericano cancer?


Do you think death is the end?

i have my foreskin. my parents were hippies.


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What happens after we die in your opinion?

What's funny about that?

>mfw about to join cause I cant do anything else

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Probably just respawn with none of your inventory. The best you can hope for is spawning in a leveled womb to a rich clan.

why don't they stack the coffins? you could fit more in per trip

I doubt reincarnation is real, sounds too good to be true. I don't believe there's any hope, life is unfair we suffer and then we die and nobody will probably ever find out why. I wish i could believe in reincarnation, but it feels like a cope.

I believe we are just biological machines, at the most soul-stuff inhabiting biological machines. We don't matter.

It's not a cope. You don't have your memories. It's literally an inescapable never ending hell. There are probably trillions of "Earths", each full of trapped life forms stuck in the cycle of existence.

I hate Israel and Saudi Arabia being our allies and I hate always going to the Middle East over stupid shit that Israel wants us to do. It’s time we made better friends and forced congress to hold those accountable.

I think it's a cope, you believe you will one day reincarnate to be the best looking Chad with the biggest dick and the most money. I don't believe you will, or me, or anyone. Sounds like a cope some dumb moneky came up with to rationalize his fear of death away.

You have no idea, once the AI/Singularity gets developed (they are developing it right now as we speak) none of this shit will matter. None of the things we do matter, we are nothing more than biological machines.

There is no Ultimate Meaning as far as i can tell, life is an unfair meaningless competition and the game is rigged, the sexually attractive high IQ White people from the best families will simply genocide the rest of us using WMDs or something like that. Then they will go conquer Mars or whatever, maybe they will even stop the heat death of The Universe.

Of course this is assuming a lot like that the Earth isn't flat and that it's all just random, but come on.

Reincarnation would make sense, but it actually doesn't. Because why would i matter? to anyone or anything? it really comes down to that "why?".

Why the fuck would anyone ever give a fuck about me? let alone God? it just makes no sense. And reincarnation provides no hope either, because at some point humanity becomes obsolete since we're nothing more than biological machines/animals anyway, then what? and you're assuming the "soul" is this solid thing, i prefer the term "soul-stuff" since i don't see how the lower races like Abos and Rednecks or Lindsey Lohan could have anything that you could truly call a Divine Soul.

It's all meaningless. I was a chad in High School. Now I'm a 27 year old diesel mechanic with thinning hair and no one likes me on Tinder. I was working on this rich fag's engines on his million dollar boat a couple weeks ago. He lived on this boat, and I don't think I ever saw him make a phone call or interact with anyone but me the entire time I was there. We're all in our own hell, and it never ends.

We don't all get to live forever and live happily ever after, therefore it's all just unfair and ugly. That's my opinion.

And the utopia the elites will create won't be any sort of utopia either, it will suck. Because existence itself sucks.

I mean, WHAT.IN.THE.FUCK. is even going on?

Why focus on the lowest level pawns? Shit gets us nowhere.

Yeah dude, and i'm not even 100% Iberian "White" and i look like a Syrian or some other MENA, i probably have something else mixed in there, imagine that if you can.

I would still hate existence even if i was a Chad, i'm so done. It's all about ego/vanity and what happens after i die? hell, what happens after.. you know.. i mean does it all just die in the end?

Where are you even trying to get?

"We" (whoever that is) are not trying to accomplish anything here other than to satisfy our own egos as much as possible before death takes us all. I mean fuck. FUCK.

Reincarnation? give. me. a. break.


I'll say it again.


I don't want "hope" that may or may not be real, i want HOPE. 100%. No bullshit.

Because there is no "me", i don't exist. All psychopaths know this, people aren't a "real thing, you can program them this or that way like computers and feelings mean nothing.

It doesn't mean anything, just a meaningless competition and then death.

Get in the box

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>le dying is bad

It's like all men should do. Dying for an idea. You have to understand that males are deplorable in the society and there is too much of them. Historically it was always tempered by war, so the victorious men could enjoy more than 1 fresh pussy, now many countries have surplus of men, many of them will never get laid in their life - why even live there.

I'd rather jump to the box with fancy flag on it in the sake idea of having less men in the society.

It's not a secret men were always first to die and the only gender drafted into militaries, just because male's life is the least important.

It's all about power and unfair birthrights like being born 100% White or even worse, being born 100% TOP TIER White. With a big cock and lots of money.

I mean give me a break, this shit means nothing. It's about a couple of privileged retards egos and then who the fuck knows, the AI/Singularity is coming either that or that fucking race war that's been brewing for a while. Think about it, what the fuck is the thing you're doing right now mean in the grand scheme of things? you just die eventually. It all does, you won't even leave behind a genetic legacy because the high IQ and financially privileged and many times sexually attractive elites own all the WMDs and my guess is they will just genocide the rest of us while they hide in their bunkers, they probably ALREADY have robots that can do all the things we can.

Assuming the heat death of the universe, do you really think anyone is ever going to stop it? i meanit's hopeless. Then again i guess it all comes down to blind faith in the end.

Christianity makes no fucking sense, Reincarnation makes little sense, cause "why?".

This what i'm talking aobut, read this mindless shit. Just read it. It's ALL based on sex and violence and it's ALL low IQ as fuck.

This fucking retard probably thinks this WHOLE THING is going ANYWHERE. No, dude, it isn't, the Elites already won. You and me? we're irrelevant, once we die that's it.

And getting drunk and fucking whores won't make the thought of "i'm a born loser and there's nothing i can ever do about it" go away.

What if I told you your country will cease to exist yet again within this century

It just feels like child abuse almost, we're helpless. It's all just about power sugar coat it all you want.


The AI/Singularity is the next thing, countries are obsolete. Do you understand the concept of obsolescence? there is literally ZERO reason for why the either the elites or the AI/Singularity wouldn't just DELETE us from existence. And death is PROBABLY the end.

We are all combatants, there is no "innocence". I would love to be proven wrong but all people can do is virtue signal and try to convince me they and their families matter because they say they do.

Who knows what the fuck goes on. Everything a secret. Israel probably harvests organs and smuggles drugs in for the Sacklers. Stupid Zogbots.

Holy BASED AmeriMUTTS irrevocably BTFO

From now on i'm only going to care about power because power is the ONLY THING THAT'S REAL, i mean the other shit is also real but IT DOESN'T MATTER.

For example, i'm not 100% White. That means you will try to keep me out of your fabled it's-never-actually-going-to-happen White ethnostate, so what? i'll find a way in. I'll lie, i don't care. I'll do SOMETHING.

Because why the fuck not.

I mean, Jesus Christ do you guys not see how MOST people regardless of their race are FUCKED? this whole ethnostate thing is for the low IQ.


nigga you go to sleep every night and it’s complete darkness. idk how you can believe death will be any different

so supposedly , accoring to Al jizzera, yankee kikes found 1000 goyim suckers to deply near Iran,and I doubt the real number is even close, unless its all fake news to begin with....really, just 1000?

thats sad. lol

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dead mutts make me rock hard, I long for the day EU and russia wage proxy wars against amerimutts

Do those soldiers need to stand at attention facing those caskets the entire flight? Or do they use the caskets for benches after taking the pic??

This, mutts BTFO

Dude, but that's ALL THINGS eventually, ALL THINGS. Think about it, how the fuck will ANYONE stop the heat death of The Universe assuming that's ever gonna happen?

It really is just "hurr durr i must keep living and fucking and breeding and killing and eating and shitting because i'm low IQ and i don't think about shit"

Most People Are Idiots (MPAI).

That's most of Jow Forums, this place is hoplessly low IQ.

Most of us are fucking doomed, i doubt reincarnation is real. Only those elites that will get life extension will live forever-ish, cause forever is a long time and a lot could happen. Also assuming the Earth isn't flat and space is real, good luck stopping the heat death of The Universe.

I mean reincarnation makes no fucking sense and neither does going to Heaven forever to be with Jesus.


If you stopped doing drugs all the time you would start having vivid dreams again

It's ALL bad. I mean that's the conclusion i've reached.

It really is as bad as we think it is (or worse). I'm not interested in this LIE anymore.

they are not on the flight, this is after they land you idjit

Life is for self absorbed narcissists who they they are going to live forever, why do they think that? because they're dumb. All spirituality is a fucking joke.


t. retard who wouldn't exist without NATO and the "ZOG" USA
Want the Serbs to wreck you again?

It's about being an alpha male, like that fucking matters.

Hell, it's about being FUCKING DELUSIONAL and thinking you're going to live forever, somehow, someway. While in reality we can all tell this whole thing is just dumb and petty and there's NO WAY this shit means ANYTHING.

We are literally just fucking animals.

Look at this super soldier, how smart it must be

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think they are*

Shut the fuck up retard, what are you a genius now? i fucking hate everyone. If it's not low IQ resentful morons like you at the bottom it's high IQ evilfucks at the top.

Life is a fucking joke and death is MOST LIKELY the end.

>well there must be a God


Life is just fucking unfair and what "hope" is there? the blind belief in reincarnation? give me a fucking break.

LMFAO at pure Whites virtue signalling to protect their UNFAIR genetic privilege and keep us away, we don't give a fuck. Even you believe it's all just a lie and death is the end.

Man, this is the end of the world.

And nobody gives a shit, i get no (you)'s. Of course, since i don't fucking matter and it's al just about survival and power.

Faith in what? Jesus? why? in the hope that MAYBE he will make me a Chad with a big dick in Heaven?

Fuck off.

That's SUCH a cope, same as reincarnation. And i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKING REALLY want to put my blind faith in reincarnation.

>maybe change your priorities

HORSESHIT. Nothing else even matters, feelings are a fucking meme.

I mean if you don't believe in reincarnation then what the fuck are you even doing? why even do anything? it all ends up in Eternal Death. And i can't bring myself to believe it. I just can't.

>Want the Serbs to wreck you again?

Jebem ti retardiranu majku, kretenu na socijali.