Ive found a genius way to make that meme ours. The enemy is literally giving us the solution to white genocide which is to have sex and make more white babies! Seriously start a family and have 5+ kids and we can win this war peacefully and not die in a useless race war. In addition, we can make posters like: Have Sex! Make white babies" or "have white families" something like that. This is using the enemies own memes against them and they will feel pretty stupid once they find out. Operation Lebonsborn needs to commence in order to retake this planet so start contributing and posting posters in your area. This will be "its ok to be white" 2.0 and a humiliation for the leftists fools.
Operation Lebensborn
Poles are Vandals and therefore German master race
You are subhumans
"Have sex"
"That's the spirit."
OP might be on to something. Aside from the incel garbage, encouraging white families to have many children has great triggering potential. Good opportunity to redpill normies
can we make it like this?
Don't have recreational sex and don't get AIDs like degenerate faggots
>Seriously start a family and have 5+ kids and we can win this war peacefully and not die in a useless race war.
What do we do with the 10+ million non-whites already living in Europe? Have a breeding race with them to see who wins? Dumbass
>leftists fools
Another attempt at a Shill operation...
brilliant plan mein komandant i can't believe we haven't thought of it before!
>children has great triggering potential. Good opportunity to redpill normies
faggot LARPer: no one would ever say anything this cringe
Sure. I'll gladly start when feminism dies and women lose the right to vote and feminists pay for turning psychology in 'why women are always right' ism.
The phrase have dec is just people admitting what women are for. They are merely expressing the desire for men to step up to the patriarchal role that they have abandoned.
Man, those eyes are staring into another world, same with pic related.
Have sex really is a stupid insult....especially from trannys and gays
>Doesn't have sex in 8 hours
>Turns into a nazi
Working on it, getting a job, started going back to church, started weight lifting again, rejected sluts recently too
Why not have as many kids as possible and drain the welfare state? They wouldn't let your kids starve or take them from you, right? Teach your kids martial arts as early as possible and encourage them to stay in groups for obvious reasons too.
I have a thing for polish chicks. It's called my dick.
>The enemy is literally giving us the solution to white genocide
Based and checked. I don't understand how everyone is getting assmad over these threads.