Have we reached peak Degenracy?

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Not yet.

>why not have sex with a woman?
Because the pussy is better

ah yes

white man, rather fucks a doll than make a family

is this the future you dreamed of?

>why not just have sex with a woman?
It's funny how women don't realize how difficult it is for a man to obtain sex compared to a woman.

Has anybody else noticed this trend in the media that whenever they show somebody doing something weird/gross or disgusting its always a white guy? They are trying to make white males seem repulsive.

white women are just THAT bad

It turned out to be an actual white woman

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Learn what is the Kalergi plan. It will explain much of the current climate..

It is easier for a man to get married though

>why not have sex with a woman?
because you want the pussy not the cunt attached to it

>why not just HAVE SEX with a woman?
ewww. get your stD ridden beef flaps out of my faaaaaaaaaaaace

it is all in your mind goy stop thinking about it

and what happens when a dude gets married? no sex
it will always be harder for a man

>show somebody doing something weird/gross or disgusting its always a white guy
their lawyers wouldn't let them have a show with niggers raping women

>Why not have sex with a woman
Because I doll won't murder your kid, accuse you of rape, or take half your things when they cheat on you

>and what happens when a dude gets married? no sex


>Why not just have sex with a woman?
>ehh don't look at me
>me? never!

Check your flag homo

Cause you bitch and moan, and also cost a load of money.

based and sg1 pilled

Roasties BTFO

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wrong. wonen are weak, men are... less weak. we can rape them. we should rape them even. and then kill them

This is true, it's a Chlamydia shitshow out there, women carry all sorts of MSTs it's disgusting

robowaifu+artificial wombs = salvation of the white race

Imagine if Joi robot wife were real

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watch any commercial
>white people are goofballs who can't use the product right
>black people are the smart ones who just looks at the goofy white people because they are smart and use the advertised product

>why not have sex with a woman
because the same women were the ones who deny him in the first place?

Doll > fat roastie

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how much do these go for?
I hate dealing with women honestly.

Shoo shoo, boomer demon.

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if you get this shit, a roomba and a thermomix you're set for a roastiefree life

Take note lads, these are the sounds vaginal jews make when they are scared. One great man once said "The female is immunized against all dangers:
one may call her a whore, parasite, subhuman, baby killer, it all runs of her like water off a raincoat. But call her a roastie and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"
Well lads, there is another thing that wounds roasties ore than anything. The fear of becoming obsolete. Yet they refuse to give up their ways. Is genocide not the answer for these animals ?

I have just about fucking had it with you white nordic cucks

I love the absolute outrage from whores as they face their impending obsolescence. Sex is the only value women bring to this world, and even that is bring taken from them