
Where is this country heading? (oldfag opinions greatly appreciated)

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Everyone is just going to keep complaining about how bad it is. But nobody is doing anything about it.

The ones with the balls to something end up losing their shit and going on a shooting spree.

Into the dustbin of history, along with most if not all of the rest of them.

>oldfag opinions greatly appreciated

Not sure if you mean oldfag on Jow Forums or oldfag in general, but I'm a 31 year old boomer and it's my belief that there's one of two options:

1. Our country's pendulum is swinging back to sanity and within 50 years, Zoomers will be fed up with the shit and with the help of older Millenials, replace the garbage in politics and media

2. The pendulum will return, but instead, right wing enclaves will emerge across the country. ((((Federal government)))) will brand them terrorists for not conforming and make attempts to shut them down, sparking civil war, in which the ((((Feds)))) will lose.

>inb4 some retard thinks the US army/USAF will actually roll tanks and A10's on civilians

50 years?! Just great!! I’ll be dead

As days go by I get more fed up myself. I constantly ask myself if I should be trying to better my life, or just prepare for the upcoming shitstorm that seems inevitable.

In the 60s and 70s shit was way worse. Bombings were frequent, literal race riots, an even larger failure of a war, slowing manufacturing, looming nuclear boogaloo, plenty of happenings. if Jow Forums was around then it would be in crisis mode 24/7. Yet somehow, despite all the weird shit that went down, we pulled through.

Thank you for the input and for making sure this wasn't a complete slide thread. As much as I want to believe we will balkanize or split apart into something better, I can't help but believe we will just continue to stagnate and wallow in our own filth like rats.

America will probably enter a "years of lead" type situation, due to increasing racial heterogeneity, class division, and political polarization. Total civil war is not likely, but there will be a "cold civil war". The long term affects of this will either be America becoming 2nd or 3rd world tier, or balkanization on racial and political lines.

Things like this shouldn't be a slide thread. It's disappointing to see a discussion like this get brushed of to the side. No matter your viewpoint on things, left or right or whatever. The US is going downhill, and has been slowly but now it seems to be ramping up the garbage.

Pedophilia, corporate takeover, loss of freedom but nobody caring because they want the government to rule their lives so they don't have to be self sufficient.

But I can't get a job, the gubmint will take my welfare away

Probably white genocide.

Nah, we are becoming more Hispanic, spics like white people, they literally want to be white. Plus, they hate niggers more than most white people. If anything I say America will end up being the last safe place for whites on Earth, because Islam will never get a strong foothold here, most whites are Christian, most Hispanics are Catholic. We will be fine, but will still be forced to balkanize because spics are still a shit tier race, but we will be able to coexist better than living with niggers and arabs

A new age for humans is upon us. The US will lead the way. The time of the pedovores is over.

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This country is fucking dead. It's not free in any sense of the word.

At this rate Id bet a pretty penny on cultural collapse, The degeneracy of many of modern Americans are undermining the values that our founding fathers had set in stone to give us the freest lives in human history, the fact that these people take it for granted disgusts me, personally brother Ive had my lawn chair, cigar and whiskey ready to watch the world burn for a while now and I hope I don't have to pull em out soon but its seems that it might be the case. However Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo is equally likely as leftist terrorism controlling america.

a snowball headed for hell

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It must of been really hard, ya know, working minimum wage and buying a house and a car and supporting your kids.

"oldfag" doesn't mean somebody is old in age you stupid fucks. Get the fuck off this site.

>Everyone is just going to keep complaining about how bad it is. But nobody is doing anything about it.

100% Correct.

What is coming down the pipeline in America:
- 50% of population will be brown
- 60% of population already wants full-blown socialism
- 50% of population will be obese within 10 years

The next 20 years will be the continued destruction of every major institution, the Military is already SJW-controlled, the schools are Lib garbage, our Cities are 3rd world warzones... and the Libs won't be satisfied until they have "diversified" our suburbs and farmlands... and the goofy 300-pound white women will just go right along with it and vote for all of it to happen.

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oldfag here, the south will win.

And, ya know, getting drafted and the oil price surge and beginning of the decline for american manufacturing, and hearing about the near-monthly bombings, and having a president actively impeached for doing illegal things and shattering American public trust.

More cultural decline if that's even possible. More kids being raised by single mothers who hate them and themselves. More calls for government gibs. A strong work ethic will be called racist along with freedom of speech and gun ownership. Basically everything that America was built on is being destroyed. Very soon, so will America.

Ramzpaul just put out a great video:
I wish he was on Bitchute.

>Where is this country heading?
to hell i hope

There will be a healing at some point in time.

Life in America is as good as its ever been if not better. Everyone is just convinced that its not.


When some catalyst comes along that slaps everyone with the reality, America will be what it has always been. Great!

Seriously, old fuck here, our current situation can be summed up easily, everyone is fucking bored. All of these social causes get so much attention and drive because everyone who gets behind them is fucking bored. Weve advanced in technology that people have so much free time, now. Instead of balancing their checkbook, they are reading yet another opinion piece convincing them the world is ending.

I dont know what that catalyst will be but it will be bigger than 9/11. 9/11 was the last time America stood together.

On the other hand... People weren’t depressed and America wasn’t 56%

>Where is this country heading?
War; not external, but internal.

The truth of the matter is that there are now too many foreigners in the US to assemilate and, indeed, a huge portion have no intention of doing so — thanks to decades of non-enforcement and no border security we have people here who are nto us who think they should displace us, thanks to decades of "kick the can down the road" politics, there is no way out asside from bloodshed.

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Leftists will continue to accelerate, hoping to provoke riots like the early 70s
Censorship will skyrocket off the charts. But they can only censor the internet they can't stop the ideas.
California will get worse and may even announce secession or open mutiny to the federal government
People waking up quietly from their generational sleep will vote
Trump will win his second term
Leftist riots will flare up
They will impeach, hoping to stymie President's recovery of America
The impeachment will go nowhere
They will continue to try for destruction of society
The democratic party will be dead by 2024 as zoomers and boomers unite to vote
The next republican president will continue forward progress in keeping America great
Leftism will fizzle out over the next decade as parents run for school board and oust progressives, retake back their libraries from degenderates, demand their voices, and overturn the tranny fiasco
Lawsuits will win back against censorship.
Major tech companies will be declared public square or utilities
Leftists will continue with pockets of rioting and continuing false flags
with every false flag selling more guns than ever
By 2028 things will start to calm down
In 2032 there will be little visible left of leftism
In 2050 or thereabouts we will publicly learn of a large-scale covert military operation that took place that not only protected President Trump but took out child trafficking hubs and communist command centers and jihadi training camps in the US while we fought the war for our society on the surface

its going to get better, but its going to get a lot worse before it starts to get better

>This country is fucking dead. It's not free in any sense of the word.

People were absolutely depressed user. It was the beginning of the mass drug movement, PTSD out the ass, and it was so bad Carter gave an entire speech about the cultural malaise

>Somehow we pulled on through

To this? Lol ok.


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Yeah, we were the last power standing post Cold War. I'd love to hear your proposal to change the 70s.

I do all of the above. I lift for strength and I row/bike for cardio. I am learning a new language and I read for a minimum of one hour a day.

You're welcome. I have seen this question popping up a lot on Jow Forums over the last six months or so. I live in a very large city and meet a lot of new people every day due to my job. The speak of civil war is very common. Folks are fed up with politicians on both ends, liberals, and the media. I've got several Veteran friends that are ready to go when fecal matter hits the oscillating propeller.

Either Trump gets another term and we are all fucked.


Andrew Yang/Bernie Sanders gets elected and I get....I mean we get some handouts.

Toward a phase of trouble. Polarization, pessimism, all that. But from that America will rise. America is like the fictional boxer Rocky, it needs a couple of punches in the face before it really gets moving.

Boomer-sama, have you ever read Days of Rage by Bryan Burrough? If so, how accurate is it?

The cities will continue to get worse and more dystopic but they'll back off their nonsense SJW meme on the rest of the country as the food prices go up for them but most everything else will continue to get better and less violent, globally.

The only surprise I see coming is that Japan is about to BTFO China in a number if ways that crushes that silk road shit for good.

You old fucks are so out of touch. That catalyst is called bye bye petrodollar.

America will be great after that, because it'll be fuckin dead.

desu I'm not sure what holds this country together. We consist of so many different groups and cultures with virtually nothing in common (except a disdain for our government)

Economic collapse. Waves of disease will spread through the country, infecting the cities as millions go homeless or are forced to cohabitate with strangers due to rising rent prices from the deliberate refusal to build low-income housing. Typhus, tuberculosis, and diseases not seen in this country in over 100 years will come back with a raging vengeance. Not even the wealthy in their gated communities will be immune. The borders will become indefensible because the cities will be in such chaos that the manpower to defend the borders will be unavailable. The coming shitstorm will be one for the ages, fueled in large part by our government's own unbelievable negligence.

Straight down the toilet.

It’ll be a spic socialist shithole. America will dip under 20% white and all the spics will vote for socialism. Then we’re gonna see chinese social credit score, we’re gonna see a ban on all semi auto guns, and we’re going to have an eternal leftist government. First this place will turn into Brazil, and then it will turn into South Africa. America is dead. Texas is going socialist because of all the disgusting fucking filth that is spics, and soon will Florida. Damn I’m gonna miss Florida. Such a beautiful state that’s soon gonna be a fun grabber spic hell hole.

You are fuckin schizo bro...

Yea because I want more fatass fucking Spanish speaking fuck goblins from Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Fuck that. Every time I hear Spanish I want to fucking shoot myself with a 500 magnum.

into the shitter

Into the shadow of the better globalist empire which is soon going to be China. Then, when SHTF, we will divide among racial and ideological lines and become no better than Venezuela.

there's not gonna be some civil war, retard. we're just gonna slowly rot away.

My solution to the cold war? I would have joined communism.

You guys better be ready to play STALKER when the debt towers in on itself and all the jews scatter to China.

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It's heading straight into the shitter.

pls be this timeline

Dunno but it doesn’t look pretty. We should all jump the ship while we still can.

I honestly wish the Soviet Union never collapsed. Technology kept advancing at a faster and faster rate so that we could keep up with the soviets and all those fucking leftists would be recognized as traitors and they would be accused of being spies for the Soviet Union. Besides Russians were a way cooler enemy than chinese bugs with no emotion or consciousness.

2016 was the last year when a white man was elected as the president.

>The democratic party will be dead by 2024 as zoomers and boomers unite to vote
imagine being so naive you believe this will happen

The only moved this country makes are the ones Bibi whisper into Trump's ear.

won't we then become the refugees that we shitpost about?

>Incel Japan gonna upset powerhouse China/Russia

Lol mkay.

go be a jew somewhere else

It’s going to the LOUD idiots. The smart overworked Americans are losing their country to the dependent and vocal shitskins. The rug is being pulled out right from under them. The legislators are tired of fielding the complaints so they are passing laws to appease the idiots at the detriment of the populace.

Things are very bad and a total reset is the only way to get things back on track. This will require a massive upset of world historic significance.

We may experience a real cataclysm in the near future... the other option is a slow decline into poverty and dysfunction.

Not upbeat, but it’s not just edgy pol pessimism... things really are very bad, and there doesn’t appear to be anything positive on the horizon.

The patients are running the asylum

You realize our tech companies are extremely active and valuable? Even if they arent giving you jetpacks and a lot of it is unseen.

Lol ok, then theres the root. Feel free to move to DPRK or Cuba user.

Extremely. As i mentioned earlier, if Jow Forums was around in the 60s-70s, every week there'd be panic and freakouts. imagine the threads that would pop up when the Pentagon and Capitol got bombed, when the Capitol got stormed, when a president got shot, and when Watergate was going down. It would be 24/7 doomers thinking the world was about to get nuked over ever trivial thing.

You can sink a boat and no war will happen.
You can bomb an embassy and no war will happen.
You can shoot down a plane or two and nothing will happen.
You can get caught interfering with your own allies elections and nothing will happen.

Jow Forums has the neuroticism of a 60 year old grandma. These are what i have learned in my boomer life. The real world isnt a game, theres way more grey and countries are far more tolerant of being poked than you'd think.

A downward spiral which has already begun.Once minorities get enough political power a Maxine Waters type will be elected President, corruption and incompetence will start to take over govt. Investors will stop buying US debt, gibs from the gov't will become scarce, browns will start fighting over the dwindling bennies. Whites will try to segregate or flee Venezuela 2.0, Asians will follow whites.

>Trump will win his second term

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Aligning China and Russia is pretty funny given that Russia has everything to gain by China's inevitable doom. Facts are that China over-extended beyond their ability to shrink back safely and Japan's just dug up enough REE to shitcan all of China's market leverage. Russia will be happy to take entire chunks off their hands when the 'bankruptcy sale' starts.

I actually read that

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>>You realize our tech companies are extremely active and valuable? Even if they arent giving you jetpacks and a lot of it is unseen.
You realize our big tech companies are subversive and hold no allegiance to the US or its people, right?


My dream is to live the rest of my days as a hermit in Patagonia away from the globohomo clown world.

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>No free speech
>No guns
>Social democracy in a country full of welfare queens of all races and ethnicities. Anyone who genuinely tries in life will have to foot the bill.
>Even more restrictions on fishing and hunting
>Complete ban on industrial farming. Meat will be lab grown. Only the rich can have actual cuts of meat.
>Video games and movies will have to follow strict legal code in order to avoid hate speech.

It’s fucked. I’m moving to some bumble fuck African country because I can at least blend in there.

Its dead
>Mexico has taken back the south
>Mental retardation epidemic soon 1/2 will have some type of mental retardation
>Fatass continueum
>Inflating economy
>Too much foreign espionage
>Mental illness increase and already at an all time high
>Financial capitalism (Inb4 the rich migrate to another country)
In the end its just land that will end up being fought for and occupied by some other countries.

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I want this to be true, but you'd have to be soft in the head to believe even 10% of this actually happening.

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>(oldfag opinions greatly appreciated)
Implying that it isn't the boomers fault.
It's too fucking late and old fags didn't do fucking shit but play with their buttholes and live a boomer life. Conformity and prosecution of it's citizens has been this shit-holes downfall.


Based and naturepilled

towards the light

fuck the kikes

Honestly guys I understand that my flag moght make you skeptical but honestly the best you guys could do to save the united states is to find yourself a white woman and multiply and raise them the best possible, make sure you white descendants are smart strong and resourceful don't let the ember get extinguished

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>t. Smooth brain

Demography is destiny. As soon as Texas flips we get a steady stream of AOC type presidents.






Once Great Britain

Russia Today






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If you're a white looking Jew you should forget that religious holy land shit and just bang babes across Asia. There seems to be some Asian woman, Jewish man special connection.

>Demography is destiny
Fuck I hate this meme quote. It makes more sense when Jow Forums uses it, but it's odd that people in the mainstream use just blatantly racist and undemocratic thought.

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We are going the be the only developed economy capable of growth in the next 20 years and it will lead to another century of US global dominance. Just search demographic pyramid of any other country if you doubt this.

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Planning on leaving this sand nigger shithole in the next few years. I am white looking enough I guess blue eyes and light brown hair. But to the main point ITT if whites had 5 kids per family america could be saved.

Towards a white minority, thankfully.

Might as well masturbate in the corner. Both acts have the same external effect.