Women think this

Are women retarded?

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tf is bc?

birth control

Whores kill their babies and resort to mendacious arguments to justify it... In other news, water is wet.

That is true. You have billions of years of evolution designed to make someone pregnant

>one dumb bitch making a dumb tweet
>all women
Are you retarded OP?

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>After ovulation
It can take up to 72 hours for a spermcell to fertilize the egg cell. Ovulation = releasing the egg cell from the ovaries.
So yes, it's possible to get pregnant after ovulation.
> During her period
Chances are lower but it can happen. I guess it depends on the time of ovulation (it's not always the same for every woman) - if it's right before the period, and the egg cell is not out immediately, I guess that's how it can happen
> On birth control
No birth control is 100% reliable. Sure, it's more reliable than not using it, but still...
Conclusion: everything she said is true. If you think she is retarded (or that all women are retarded) because she said the facts, you're the retard here.

Yeah OP is pretty retarded

To elaborate on this poster's period remark, some women ovulate before they stop bleeding too, as in, the uterus is finished shedding it's lining but not everything is out yet. If that makes sense.

Also, not all women think that. Birth education is severely lacking, as demonstrated by OP's own ignorance.

Are OPs retarded?

Ovulation only lasts 24-48 hours. Sperm can live inside the womens body for 5 days. Period is when the body sheds the uterine lining and gets rid of the egg.
>After ovulation
No it isn't.
Ithe primary reason for getting pregnant on birth control is because the dumb bitch got her shot late or forgot to take birth control

Ovulation is before the period. Are you retarded?

Krassenkike is back?

Can a woman get pregnant if she hasn't had sex?

After ovulation the body gets rid of the egg via the period

You know the rules

(((They ))) havent been able to tell....kinda like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop.

So you only have 24-48 hours to fertilize the egg. Theres a reason people say "we are trying to get pregnant" because getting pregnant is difficult dispute what whamen will tell you

It's a menstrual CYCLE. Ovulation is both before and after menses, and menses is both before and after Ovulation. It's not something that only happens once. It's more difficult to get pregnant while a woman is bleeding and very unlikely, but it's not entirely impossible. It would most surely be the case that the egg is still in the fallopian tube and is fertilized there. Every woman is different and has different cycles.

Ovulation is the ideal time in which a woman can get pregnant, but is not the ONLY time a woman can get pregnant. It is just much harder to not get pregnant when not ovulating, and on a few days impossible due to how thick the uterine mucous is. This is the system that cycle tracking individuals use as their own birth control.

Birth control is not just the pills you take or the shots you get. It is a term used to describe any method one uses to control getting pregnant. Abstinence is the only 100% effective means of birth control, for example. Using a condom, pulling out, or cycle tracking as I mentioned earlier are all methods of birth control, with varying degrees of effectiveness compared to the more lab-derived methods.

So long as a woman has released an egg from her ovary, and it is not being shed by her menses, she is technically able to get pregnant.

Yes. Artificial insemination for one, or if a woman were to have really hardy semen be exposed to her vagina area (on a toilet seat or more likely on the hands of themselves or a partner) it is possible. Just very unlikely, and any girl using that excuse is probably lying.

what about swimming pool kek

there is time between ovulation and the period. the cycle is approximately a month. Ovulation lasts a few days, and a period lasts a few days to a week. It is less likely to become pregnant when not ovulating, but it is not impossible. This is how women get pregnant when they don't expect it.

There is approximately a 25% chance to get pregnant in times when a woman is available to, if I remember correctly. Some men have very potent sperm, and some women are particularly good at getting pregnant. Anecdotally, I know of two people that got pregnant despite the female being on birth control pills and the male using a condom. While there are things that render BC pills inert that aren't widely known (like a lot of information about reproduction, for some reason), I choose to believe that that child was just meant to be born, haha.

extremely unlikely given the chemicals used in pools. if you're referring to a specific incident I am unfamiliar. If it were a natural swimming pool I could see it being possible, one of those newfangled biopools or whatever they're called, but still extremely unlikely.

maybe if the man were to ejaculate right up against the woman's vagina without penetration it might be possible. I admit that I don't know how sperm behaves when exposed to chlorine, but it can't be very well.