Looking back at the Brett Kavanaugh situation

looking back at the Brett Kavanaugh situation.
do you think he did it or was ford lying?

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Kavanaugh didnt rape Ford. Kavanaugh is still a piece of shit.

It's part of the "game" that you have to show obedience to your overlords when you get a job on the Supreme Court. Of course Ford was lying. The lie and Kavanaugh's ability to handle the attack is how he proves his obedience to Jews. It would be funny if the American people knew that what they think is real is really just theatre.

Ford is mentally unstable.

reminder that "beach friends" convinced her to come forward

Ford is a lying harpy cunt. If you can't see that for yourself, you might as well call it a day and punch out.

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I don't care. Why should I? There was no proof, so there was no point in giving a hoot.

He didn't rape anybody. But he LIED his ass off about the meaning of most the shit in his yearbook. I would have owned it, and consequently not gotten the position.

Ford is lying but I hope he did do it

>do you think he did it
No way.

A better pick would have been appreciated

what gets lost in this whole "did he or didn't he" narrative is that the actual charges brought against him didn't even rise to the level of being criminal. He allegedly drunkenly put his hand on her tit and then covered her mouth, then fell off her and nothing happened. By thoroughly examining all the holes in the bitch's story, the conservatives unknowingly played right into the democrats/lawyers game, which is to criminalize the most minor improprieties by heterosexual males and use that as blackmail to ruin their careers decades lader.

It was a ploy to distract the right from how liberal he is

He did it and he will do it again

I dont understand why she didnt say my friend in the FBI instead of Beach Friends.

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I'm a Hippopotamus


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Obviously she was lying. Give me a break.

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Ford was raped in her childhood and she was brainwashed by the government to believe that her fabricated memories were true, "indelible in the hippocampus" or whatever nonsense she said. She was mad about blumph and convinced herself that kavanaugh was the one who raped her. The democrats exploited her frail mental state and forced her to take this as far as it went. Ford is ultimately just a stupid sheep, but she was still prty to great injustice towards kavanaugh.

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Ford was definitely lying. No question.

Ford is just Kavanaugh with makeup and a wig. Imo you're braindead if Ford doesn't trip your uncanny valle sense.

I think it was an act to get conservatives to rally around a middle of the road, centrist judge who will not benefit conservatives.

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Kavanaugh is already a failure

I see what you did there