Take the green pill

Take the green pill
You can call yourself a fascist, nationalist, whatever you want all you want, but if you're not also ecofash, you're playing into (((their))) hands

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Just nazbol ok?

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I read can life prevail. It was a fairly boring book in my opinion, just an old dude who really likes birds rambling. Only the last two pages had any kind of policy idea. I was expecting it to be a solid break down of why things are screwed and why we need to change, and then how to change. I got the impression the author was writing to an audience that already agreed with him.

fuck off unvleted your a prison gay tweaker

This is why the Pacific northwest should be the white mans paradise, as it once was.

I do already. I just say I am a eco fascist and it's a free pass. Of course the eco prefix is completely redundant.


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Buy land! Build your own house! Anybody can build a home with the natural materials found on site for a very low price. Nothing is better than walking into a building constructed with your own labor.

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Cant afford to buy land? Then dont...yet! Start a small container garden on your windowsill. You can grow all the herbs and greens you can ever eat with a south facing window.

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Who cares about saving a planet infested with globohomo?

mmm basil i can smell it from here

This. Here's the order
>Dispel all nonwhites
>Do away with separation of church and state
>redomesticate women
>pump up fertility numbers
>secure existence of forests and a future for wildlife

Whats in your garden, user?

>you're playing into their hands
>uses one of their symbols
I will say this one more time, divide and conquer is their tactic. stop dividing.

>Runes are their symbols

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>why dont you take out a (((mortgage))) and buy a nice house in the (((suburbs)))? There is nothing wrong with a plywood box, goy!

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Get outside and plant a fruit tree. It takes you an hour a the most, and will produce food for you and your large white family for decades to come.

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The best time to plant an apple tree is ten years ago. The next best time is today.

Based and greenpilled.

You know the one guy with the pool in that picture was the envy of everyone.

Protip: You can grow citrus in any climate. If its too cold outside, use a passive solar greenhouse. I grow 4 varieties in my relatively small greehnouse

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>"The wife and I are finally springing for a bathroom remodel."
>"Cant wait for my lease to end so I can get the newer model year car."
>"Sure is a cooker out here today. Could it be because we dont have trees?"
>"Time to mow the grass again."

That is a Rune, you dumb cunt.

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I would love my own small orchard but I need my own land first
Some day...

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When did home construction turn to shit? The 60s/70s when all those suburbs got made? I’ve got a Pre-WW2 house and it’s solid as hell, but some of the new stuff I’ve been in is just embarrassing in terms of quality.

Land is often much cheaper than you might think. You can usually find a lot of good deals within an hour or two of wherever your family is/where you want to be.

Yes please return to nature. Where everything is trying to kill you. Your naive self wont last a week.

After the 80s really. Thats when homes began to get exponentially bigger nd use cheaper and cheaper materials. Stud walls used to be 12" O.C. and now they are often 24"+

Thats the point, struggle makes people strong. Living the easy life makes you weak and prone to (((their))) temptations and propaganda.
>Your naive self wont last a week
If I fail, then I am weak. Thats the difference between you and me: I hold my convictions regardless of how I am personally impacted.

I see this one associated with white improvement and such. Isn't it the rune for "Man" though? Can someone explain it's importantance to threads like this and /sig/

Its the Algiz rune, which stands for courage and the divine might of men and the universe

The green pill is the only pill.
City living facilitates slavery by removing community bonding and independence.

Going back to the forest is the only way forward.

Fuck fish, fuck rivers, build more nuclear plants and colonize the Solar system.

Answered my own question. It is the algiz (protection) which came to be understood and used by Nazi Germany as the "life" rune. Its inverted form is "death"

So it's modern usage as the life rune makes way more sense than the original meaning of it. TIL

Fuck off with your meme ideology FUCKING SHILLS

""""""ecofascism"""""""""is literally national socialism's take on nature and enviroment, get cancer you fucking idiots

I do love state parks. Okay OP, enlighten me to this ecofash jazz your on about. What is it, what is the endgame and how can I engage and promote it?

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>Cant afford to buy land? Then dont...
If you really want, you don't have to buy land. A man from Oulu, Finland, got caught a year ago by a dog-owner for living in an earth shelter that was located only 1 mile from the big town. The man managed to leave years in that shelter, even during the cold winters (Oulu is close to the Arctic circle). The shelter was not even camouflaged yet nobody found it in many years. The reason it was reported to the police was because the dog-owner thought it was a drug den for criminals.

So let us consider that. If one truly wanted to build his home in a natural park (that is not used for logging), he could realistically stay there indefinitely for decades without being caught if he's smart. You can even have windows on the earth shelter if you build it on the side of a steep hill. Nobody is going to notice small windows from far away, especially if those windows are partly covered by foliage.

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we should take care of our enviroment. there is no debate there, disputing this simple truth is like trying to dispute that 2+2 = 4, you live on earth, it is in your best intrest to not destroy place where you live

St. Tarrant is "ecofascist".
That's all the convincing I need.
Where do I sign up?


Growing your own food is a great idea to be healthy, closer to nature and to give ZOG less shekels. But you will need to eat meat too. I recommend hunting invasive species.

At fbi.gov. Oh yeah, my records say you've signed up already. No need to do it again!


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ecofascism is fucking based. save trees not refugees


don't plant (((gmo))) seeds. plant organic heirlooms.

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>being afraid of glowniggers and bootlickers
Yikes bud

take the backpacking pill.

Those images give me emotions I wasn’t sure I still had.

we need republican voters.

Just to clarify the guys name is Mike Oehler. Chris was a friend that helped him and did the drawings.

Reading it now, seems pretty good. Always dreamed of an underground home

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sorry but I'm not a faggot. kill yourself

I want a hobbit hole it seems like the height of comfy. You could even grow things on your roof.

>height of comfy
Well it's a hobbit hole. And that means comfort.

Want dozens of books on traditional and natural building methods? Please see my link

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Thanks, very interesting. We always have to keep in mind options that are not system-approved or socially acknowledge alternatives. Who knows what the future decades are going to give us.

Your short post has several signs of GLOW. Either you're the dumbest fucking retard around or you're a FBI nigger on your first day of work.

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friendly reminder ecofascism is jewish propaganda.

>Stay here goyim, the Earth is your home, don't look up to the stars and wonder; that's for us, not you

They're not mutually exclusive. Eco fascism isn't primitivism.

This. Ecofash is about living in harmony with nature, not destroying all technology. You can have space travel, as long as its eco friendly as possible.

like hell it isn't.
if you want the earth to heal, we have to leave.
how do you expect a wound to heal if you don't stop picking at it?

Youre welcome. That author has a lot of interesting books. There is another one about building a year round passive-solar greenhouse that doesnt require artifical heating of any kind. I use his techniques from it, its called "the passive solar greenhouse book". I would definitely recommend it to you, as a fellow high-northern latitude user

Our organically grown nations and the races of earth are part of the environment and just as the flora and fauna of earth we are threatened by the industrial behemoth that cannot stop eating and growing. Therefore any congruent environmentalist has to be nationalist and every true nationalist has to be an environmentalist.


This is also why I usually buy almost anything I can from flea markets/garage sales.
The older something is the longer it will usually be intact even after I aquired it.
And fixing some rusty pieces and resell them even brings some money and enjoyment as a hobby.

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I am able to grow four dwarf citrus trees inside, as well as vegetables and greens years round

Kek approved

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Don't you have r/all to browse?

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Fucking saved. Thanks Germanon, based and greenpilled

Having 7 billion less people on the planet might help.
700 Million would still be waaay more then most animal species on earth

>Ecofags when they realize their suicide would be a solution
>You can't use straws if you are dead
>Literally can't make any bad environmental decisions if you are dead
>Ecofags when they realize they will never do it because that would take actual commitment not just bitching and posting articles

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I am sure you noticed this surge on tool restoration videos on youtube some time back. It was the new shit the algorithms were pushing. But simply because of demand and not some scheme to get people to get self reliant.
No, it only showed us how this simply and in past past very wide spread sentiment still is there in many people, even if they don't act on it. That alone tells us how beneficial something like this is.

>the peace symbol is a rune you dumb cunt
no, no its not. its a cross upside down with bent arms.

>Mike Oehlers stuff

Mah dudes.

I live in the Sandpoint area south of where he lives. His books are great and simple to understand. Nice to find others whove read em

On the contrary. Ecolords are the only solution we have. Attitudes and perceptions are to a large extent genetically inherited which is why ecologically minded people should breed the most.

Nature will take its course.

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>Hurr, don't get children if you want to save the planet
The most retarded thing one can say regarding this topic. Let's think about this, shall we?
Everyone who is both intelligent and long term planning to see the problem to begin with AND at the same time also selfless enough to forfit his imperative of reproduction does so? What happens next? Within one or two generations the virtures and ideas of these people would be gone with them and their places quickly filled by people who don't care or never had the brain capacity to notice. Literally the tragedy of commons only applied on society at large.
The solution is easy but also sobering. People who would have hold back for the good of all/the planet have to get many children and raise them well. Very well, because through them these ideas will live on through the crisis and bottlenecks, which will come probably even during our lifetimes.

The more people with that sentiment are there the greater the chance for something better to be build out of the ruins.

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Because we call exterminate all the muds, who destroy the planet most, as well as return to a more rural life style whole still using things like nuclear power and have fewer, but still existant, cities. They would just be redesigned.

Jew-level critique, ladies and gentlemen.

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Window box - Basil, Rosemary, Sage

Outside small planter - Courgettes


What do you mean? It what way was I wrong. I was eager to read it, it just wasnt what I was expecting, I guess. I wanted to be convinced of eco-fascism, to learn better arguments for it I guess, but like I said it seemed to be a guy writing to an audience that would already agree. I suppose I'm looking for an eco fascism manifesto

Ever read Kaczynski's manifesto?

Image didnt post

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>secure existence of forests and a future for wildlife
Based and dogwhistle irony pilled

I want to take the green pill friends. What's the best books on it?

Can Life Prevail is boring in my opinion too and shouldn't be regarded as an all-encompassing introduction to ecofascism.

Ted's writings are more relevant.

I attempted a while ago, I began reading it again recently though.
His eco fascist writings were realistically only the last few pages where he says "here is how we should organize the world" were prescriptive. The rest was a fine read, but I didnt see the point of him talking about how much he loves birds

I don’t know how to be ecofash.

Read a book, nigga

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>wanting the kike's invention to once again have a say in policy making
You don't defeat kikes by giving them power ypu retarded christcuck. All Abrahamic religions are tools of schlomo's manipulation. They need all to go.

Then you would have to plant atraight up grass, because everything we grow and produce are gmos. Just selectively breeding organisms for some desired purpose is genetic modification that wouldn't occur naturally. It just isn't done in a laboratory.

Come one man, that's just semantics.
Everyone knows that when it is talked about GMOs lab dna altered crops with patents are meant.
Also this isn't even an argument just to say; but people also been breeing plants.

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This is a good list

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where is that from?

based and green pilled

Ecofascism is the single greatest threat we have.

Humanity is a failed species, most of you shouldn't exist. You are far below the bare minimum expected from a complex mammalian:

- Attack parasites and predators
- Protect their offspring
- Defend their allies
- Act coherently and in tune with reality
- Avoid unnecessary stress, pain and frustration
- Never overexploiting resources
- Avoiding overpopulation
- Never destructing things due to mental retardation

You fail at all of this.

If you aren't a fascist, don't tack eco onto it like that's legitimate. You either want a corporatist state to replace the weak liberal democratic one along with deep ecology or you don't. Nigger.

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dude why are you trying to make gardening racist?

Ecofascism now:
For a clean fatherland.

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