Why does nobody want this piece of land?

Why does nobody want this piece of land?

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its a russian warm water port

take it

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you misunderstand. many want it, but they can't have it because it's Russian clay. Stay salty Burger-Jews.

What do you mean it's part of Russia you moron

thats stupid russia bro, thats a good place to store some active nukes

We should take it

We can build a new kingdom

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burned soil

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stupid what? Who says we don't? I said take it, I didn't say we're gonna give it.

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Kekstan is real!

Kaliningrad is Russian, it could also be Polish Królewiec, or Baltic whatever
but it cannot ever be german cause they will fuck it up

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That's Russian clay and it's probably full to the brim with military bases

Germany wants that land, they may think they don't, but they do

>is real

Yea thats why the only historic tourist attractions are whatever german architecture the bolsheviks didnt manage to destroy. In a sea of senseless slavic shitiness

Russia offerd it to Germany upon its reunification but according to Germany it was no longer German and more Russian.

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Because our traitor chancellor was afraid to take back that land when it was offered by russia because
>"Muh people from this land could participate in elections and slightly ruin muh score"

it was only prussian because they genocided original balts living there
germaniggers being genocided out of there was karmic justice

Königsberg heim ins Reich!

Make Köningsberg great again!

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Never seen one person who would go to Germany for the architecture. Every single western slavic country has better architecture.

That's a lie, Russia didn't offer shit

Propping up Eastern Germany and getting it on our level alone, which was considered to be the Soviet block's most developed state, managed to put us 2 trillion into debt already

Has anyone here actually been to Kaliningrad Oblast? What happens there?

Polish nonsense

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Not only that, Germany is probably entitled to half of Poland.

Name your price. Are 3 bags of cabbages and a big turnip enough?

>it could also be Polish Królewiec, or Baltic whatever
Sure it can. When are you coming by?

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Sauce or it didn't happen

They played soccer European Cup last year there

Well the price is the entire land of the state that wants to take it obviously.

Nothing much honestly. It's pretty much a naval/missile base with added typical russian urban areas.

On a funny note, back around 2000 you couldn't flush water with toilerpaper in Kaliningrad (it woud clog their thin pipes). Ruskies always kept a dustbin near toilet bowl that was used soloely to collect shitpaper. Then once a week a lorry would roll by and collect the trash.

I am always curious about how Polish being critical about Germany being cuck.

If German nationalism ever rises up again, they would want to take East Prussia back from Poland and Russia. Yes, it means Poland would be the first target for another round of land grab.

Fastest economic growth zone in all of the Russian territories.


Russians literally wanted to give it to Germany in the '90s since they were maximally cucked, and the Germs refused

If German nationalism ever comes back, they hopefully wouldn’t be stupid enough to try again. Worked so well last time. And Poland would ally itself with Russia if that ever happened

>Germany is probably entitled
This is what happens when you know shit but keep talking on topic anyway just to piss someone off.

Well, you know that one pesky neighbor that always tries to move his fence to grab your land?

Now imagine if he went full gay with flags on house and shit and gives free drugs to homeless and such degenerates.

I mean, you're gonna be happy because it suits you, but at the same time sad, because it is sad what a man can do to himself

didn't WWII start over that clay?

Well if you’re goning to say that, then all of east Germany is rightfully polish because it was originally inhabited by Slavic peoples

Based Serbia.
Have a kebab to remove bro.

You are far too generous, fren. We give it for free. You just have to come and take, and its all yours.

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>Poland would ally itself with Russia

Russia would ally with Germany.

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Russia still remembers ww2. They’d have to be extremely stupid to think that’s a good idea

No, it started over the Danzig corridor. Danzig was a German city surrounded by poles.


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It was a "free city", not German or Polish to be precise.

Unironically this. The only reason why we aren't buddy buddy is because of the pressure from USA.
Its impossible to deal with Poland because they're like Balts screech for endless reparations, afraid of being invaded and will sell their mother for some gib me dats.

The land was mostly occupied by German when it was still 'Prussia'

If it was "free", then why wasn't it allowed to join Germany?

Nah, we had half of their country, remember? There's no real hatered for the Germans and people would treat a German much better than American for example.

Because it's useless swamp.

It was German in that is was ethnically german

you don't know shit, leaf

Germany also wanted the Danzig corridor, which was polish and was owned by Poland.

>ropping up Eastern Germany and getting it on our level alone, which was considered to be the Soviet block's most developed state, managed to put us 2 trillion into debt already

That's because E Germans are slavs. If you try to help the slav, you slav will take gladly take everything you offer and laugh.

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>It is not 'German'

Of course, it was a German city much as Free City of Frankfurt. No wonder Poland changed the name of the city after the war.

they wanted a referendum

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>Because our traitor chancellor was afraid to take back that land when it was offered by russia because

Interesting, sauce?

Sauce, pliz.

Danzig, as its name indicates, was a German city and the city actually overwhelmingly voted Nazi party in favor of Germany. By contrast, the Polish nationalist party received less than 1% of the vote.


I am not the biggest fan of Hitler, but he was right. Danzig 'was' a German city.

Geography is like kryptonite to a Yank.

We should invest in Flat Earth Society stocks.

>own half of it for several hundred years
>build half the shit

Russian BULLS live there. Europoors know their place

>why does no one want to start a war with russia?

I’ll take it

This is correct. I spend all of my time here planning for defense of poland if ruskies invade using kaliningrad and belarus to secure suwalaki gap. Kaliningrad is packed full of air defense systems.

>Danzig, as its name indicates, was a German city and the city actually overwhelmingly voted Nazi party in favor of Germany. By contrast, the Polish nationalist party received less than 1% of the vote.
>I am not the biggest fan of Hitler, but he was right. Danzig 'was' a German city.

that's irrelevant. The entire region was Polish. In eastern Poland there were many Polish majority cities but the rural population was Ukrainian, Belorussian, or Lithuanian.

and I am pretty sure they would have voted overwhelming in favor of re-joining Germany. The Danzig government had always been controlled by the German nationalist party before the World War 2.

It used to be the cultural capital of Germany but it got stolen by Russians and filled with Russians. So now it's basically a rotten slum filled with mongoloids in track suits.

That's exactly what's located there

>american education

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and build a Disney Theme Park

That’s what I said. Danzig =/= Danzig corridor.

There was no European cup last year, shithead.

If it was just danzig, the poles would have said no anyway. If they said yes, they would be cut off from the english and french

This is relevant because the war started over the Free City of Danzig.

Hitler had a point. It was a German city and Germany had a rightful claim on that city. Hell, even locals were supportive of Nazi Party and voted them into the government by 1933.

World cup I mean. They played there.

Why do you think you should permanently keep Silesia, Pomerania, east Prussia, and Danzig?

He might’ve gotten Danzig if he didn’t invade the rest of Czechoslovakia

Almost no Germans still live there. It’s all poles and Russian rape babies

Did you become a flaggot out of shame?

and now it's Polish, what do you gonna do about it?

What’s the state of the polish military and economy?

>Hitler had a point. It was a German city and Germany had a rightful claim on that city. Hell, even locals were supportive of Nazi Party and voted them into the government by 1933.

Pakistan should invade England in order to protect the paki majority.

When will Pakistan take back their rightful clay?

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It's full of russians.

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They need to go back. My friend is a Silesian German and he wants to go back to his home.

Do exactly what Poland have done to those regions. Only in reserve.

it has all of the evidence of russian warcrimes not yet destroyed

It's zanzibar land

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>give the jews pic related for free
>not an oilless desert, no mudslimes, big tigers
>they don't want it

What did the happy merchants mean by this?

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If you had a choice of living next to the Chinese and not living next to the Chinese, which would you pick?

So you are planning to burn it to the ground, good to know.

Burning China. We should have let the soviets nuke them to hell

Why are Americans inherently anti-knawlodge when it comes to geography?

>Inb4 I bet y-you don't know American geography t. ameriburger
Better than you, burgers.