Is she his mistress?

Matt Forney said so in his latest stream. Anyone knows anything?

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Call his wife and ask?

Yeah right.

Who knows, but I'd def munch her 24 yr old butt

nah she literally fucks black guys

rumor has it she fucks white guys
Americans even

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I would believe it. The few pictures I saw of his wife make me think she is not very attractive.
Also while we are talking about him what is up with his call in shows lately? It's all shitskins who can barely speak english or full on retarded cucks.

Redeemed. Do you think she fucked Sargon?

pick one

Imagine the smell

Are you a woman, your post is fucking hilariously old.

It looks like you're trying to create an eceleb thread. Would you like help going back to plebbit?

Jow Forums or /gossip/ ?
That's the real question.

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The gay got mad at white pussy, nothing to see here, btw milo is Israel cock sucker

Imagine donating money to some Canadian roastie and her faggot producers thinking you were helping some American trad movement.

>Matt Forney

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I'm so sick of seeing this fuckin' bitch.

what is she up to lately?

Why listen to Matt Forney? That guy is a massive bitch.

I thought you had trouble seeing anything

You could try wrapping dental floss around your eyes?

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She's my mistress! I send her $200 each month and eagerly wait for her to Skype me for 15 minutes. We're several months behind but I still love her.

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Matt Forney is just jealous cause she ignored his DM and he has to resort to fucking Asian ladyboys in the Philippines

Cheating is degenerate but molymeme would be based as fuck if he was plowing those wheat fields

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Matt Forney is a cuddly bear

Thread redeemed

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Lauren simonsen

relax, he said white, and even americans
there is a clear diference between the two