Gloria Vanderbilt - DEAD!

Her soul now belongs to Satan in hell.

Press S to spit on her grave.

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thank you Satan, you do not deserve all the bad press
could you tell your kids to slow down with their wicked ways? thx

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From the picture, hell seems to be where she wanted to go tho'....
Well, okay.... Since everyone's agreed (even her)

Spooky trips.

Also, please know that’s CNN’s Anderson Cooper on her lap.

Also, please note that’s a satanic effigy Jesus above her head, where John the Baptist’s head is left. Muloch in the center. Jesus in the box. The rooster that crowed after Peter denied knowing Jesus.

There is other Stantic imagery throughout the Vogue photo shoot, available via Google in plane site.

Also, these Vanderbilts are huge into the Globohomo NWO Illuminate Eyes Wide Shut shit.

Untouchable. Rich. And blatantly evil.

>muh Satan
>Go Jesus!!!!
this board is a 1980s soccer mom sewing circle now

go listen to Marilyn Manson

is that Anderson in front? looks like

Until death... the great equalizer.

For now.

Trips checked! And rightfully so for Vanderbilt. S

Holy shit checked.

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checked and woke

Whoa! That Moloch is a baaaad dude! GO JESUS!

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One S for her

Another S for her faggot degenerate son

>fashion designer raises faggot

fuck off kike

This picture makes my skin crawl

too spoopy trips 5 me

what are the chances

Just a reminder that her other son, Carter Vanderbilt Cooper, committed suicide by jumping out of the family's high rise apartment.

Literally who?

Wait so what you are saying, is that 80s soccer moms were always right?

You only need anonymity for the counter culture. The culture had shifted under Obama. You newfags never understand anything.


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Why does her gay son Anderson Cooper have a different last name than his mother?

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Put me in the screencap satan!!!!!!!!!!

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They believe that Satan will reward them; they don’t understand that the Father of Lies can even lie to them.

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Her ultra wealthy family name is Vanderbilt and she married a Cooper. Anderson's brother who committed suicide was also a Cooper.

Is there reason for Jow Forums to hate her?
redpill me

>using "soccer mom" as a derogatory on Jow Forums
Is there any doubt anti-christians are leftoid trannies who hate families?