Why in the fuck did American families not retain their motherland language?
>great grandfather was off the boat, bilingual and raised in old country
>grandfather spoke some Italian but not fluent
>father only knows about 3 words of it (I got the "mange mange" bit at dinnertime)
>I have to teach myself from the ground up
Can you imagine if all american whites passed their language through the family? We'd all be bilingual or even trilingual and have much stronger social and family ties. Why did they throw it away? Most of our social issues would be fixed with stronger family ties, and retaining our ancestral language would have been a good seedbed for that. But nooo.
Why in the fuck did American families not retain their motherland language?
Aren't Arabs, Asians and Hispanics fluent in their languages many generations back?
America's motherland language is English. I don't mind other Euro groups settling here, but you sure as fuck better speak only English and Anglicize yourselves.
Because they assimilated, like they were supposed to.
Asians not so much, but most arabs and hispanics are. I've always been jealous of them for retaining their family history. Most asian americans don't speak more than a few words of their parents' language.
meanwhile of my family all i know is my great grandfather's name and home region, and the year he got off at ellis. and i had to specifically ask for that. it's like they lost all national pride and you have to beg just to learn where your line is from. no stories of the homecountry or anything. just wish i was raised bilingual. a second language is a HUGE benefit, professionally and personally. it's a silver spoon in your mouth. a lot of jobs want bilingual people, so the hispanics and arabs get a huge benefit right off the bat.
fuck off retard.
Because America is an Anglo nation. The real question is why didn’t y’all stay in Italy?
Typically 3rd generation Hispanics don’t speak Spanish
Speak English and not that spic or goomba talk.
Their motherland language is English, unity is lost when you ally yourself against us.
Because you like to assimilate into other people's cultures, instead of retaining your own culture and pass it down to the kids, like the jews.
>Aren't Arabs, Asians and Hispanics fluent in their languages many generations back?
Arabs? All Muslims have to learn at least a little bit of Arabic. That doesn't mean they're fluent,nor that they can even carry a conversation.
Asians? Depends on where in Asia. And the kids aren't always raised bilingual. It depends on their parents.
I've met many Hispanics who speak little to no Spanish. They are second or third generation. I've heard some anchor babies and dreamers don't speak Spanish but I've never met anyone like that.
2nd/3rd gen hispanics speak english and spanglish. however it's enough spanish to count for a jerb.
none of the asian americans i've met are fluent unless they're first gen.
people rarely intermarry between their ethnic groups. except for jews and amish, and guess what they do retain their own language.
I speak decent Pennsylvania German and have been trying to build interest among other young people on the internet off and on for a few years now
What's the point?
America is an English speaking country
Because this is America, and we speak English here. I don't care about other white languages anymore than I care about Spanish. If people want to speak Italian or French, then stay in Italy or France. Anglo's are just superior whites, and if you want to be in America you accept that, or fuck back off to your lesser country, you dirty med.
>meanwhile of my family all i know is my great grandfather's name and home region, and the year he got off at ellis. and i had to specifically ask for that. it's like they lost all national pride and you have to beg just to learn where your line is from. no stories of the homecountry or anything.
Lmao, there's a reason they left that shithole and came here.
Most of the immigrants who came here from Italy didn't even know Italian.
>Because you like to assimilate into other people's cultures, instead of retaining your own culture and pass it down to the kids
Because that's the whole point of immigrating. No one wants your gypsy culture brought here. You don't get to be proud of your culture while abandoning your country. Assimilate or don't come here.
Pick one
Integration was basically mandatory.
this. my grandmother came over from italy and barely speaks english. when my wasp mother asked my grandmother to speak italian to me so I would learn it she said no, he might develop an accent and be ostracized.
>no, he might develop an accent
this is so retarded. being bilingual is a huge benefit.
White immigrants back then where way more concerned with assimilation than today’s immigrants are.
My grandfather was born here but the rest of his family wasn’t and he spoke like 3-4 languages including english. He was so obsessed with my mom and her brother being fully “american” he practically forbade the use of anything other than english in their house and refused to bring them up in his native languages even though they begged him to. Contrast that with immigrants nowadays who refused to learn english at all and instead bitch that we’re not more accommodating to them.
oh yeah. that was a mistake. but it did show how much they wanted to assimilate and not cling to their past.
Get new material nigel.
Or would you need a license for that too?