Brit Jailed For Memeing

On a "right wing social networking site":

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So this kid is going to prison for 4 years for literally nothing?


No he said illegal things.

anglo subhumans disgust me

Quintessential m8.

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>meming on a "right wing social networking site

Immigrants - doing the jobs Brits just won't do.

>Michal Szewczuk

He should have got longer

>She condemned an "additional feature" of the ideology by referencing a blog run by Szewczuk that encouraged the rape of female adults and babies.

Michal Szewczuk, 19, was sentenced at the Old Bailey for the "abhorrent" post, which featured an image of the Duke of Sussex with a gun to his head.

The image showed Harry against a blood-spattered background and included a swastika symbol.

It was captioned: "See Ya Later Race Traitor".

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